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Add the recursive blocked Schur algorithm for matrix square root (Jul…
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Co-authored-by: Mathieu Besançon <[email protected]>
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sethaxen and matbesancon authored Jul 1, 2021
1 parent da59cdb commit 1810952
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Showing 2 changed files with 140 additions and 3 deletions.
108 changes: 105 additions & 3 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/triangular.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2323,7 +2323,7 @@ sqrt(A::UnitLowerTriangular) = copy(transpose(sqrt(copy(transpose(A)))))
# Auxiliary functions for matrix square root

# square root of upper triangular or real upper quasitriangular matrix
function sqrt_quasitriu(A0)
function sqrt_quasitriu(A0; blockwidth = eltype(A0) <: Complex ? 512 : 256)
n = checksquare(A0)
T = eltype(A0)
Tr = typeof(sqrt(real(zero(T))))
Expand All @@ -2350,7 +2350,7 @@ function sqrt_quasitriu(A0)
A = A0
R = zeros(Tc, n, n)
_sqrt_quasitriu!(R, A)
_sqrt_quasitriu!(R, A; blockwidth=blockwidth, n=n)
Rc = eltype(A0) <: Real ? R : complex(R)
if A0 isa UpperTriangular
return UpperTriangular(Rc)
Expand All @@ -2361,7 +2361,32 @@ function sqrt_quasitriu(A0)

function _sqrt_quasitriu!(R, A)
# in-place recursive sqrt of upper quasi-triangular matrix A from
# Deadman E., Higham N.J., Ralha R. (2013) Blocked Schur Algorithms for Computing the Matrix
# Square Root. Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing. PARA 2012. Lecture Notes in
# Computer Science, vol 7782.
function _sqrt_quasitriu!(R, A; blockwidth=64, n=checksquare(A))
if n blockwidth || !(eltype(R) <: BlasFloat) # base case, perform "point" algorithm
_sqrt_quasitriu_block!(R, A)
else # compute blockwise recursion
split = div(n, 2)
iszero(A[split+1, split]) || (split += 1) # don't split 2x2 diagonal block
r1 = 1:split
r2 = (split + 1):n
n1, n2 = split, n - split
A11, A12, A22 = @views A[r1,r1], A[r1,r2], A[r2,r2]
R11, R12, R22 = @views R[r1,r1], R[r1,r2], R[r2,r2]
# solve diagonal blocks recursively
_sqrt_quasitriu!(R11, A11; blockwidth=blockwidth, n=n1)
_sqrt_quasitriu!(R22, A22; blockwidth=blockwidth, n=n2)
# solve off-diagonal block
R12 .= .- A12
_sylvester_quasitriu!(R11, R22, R12; blockwidth=blockwidth, nA=n1, nB=n2, raise=false)
return R

function _sqrt_quasitriu_block!(R, A)
_sqrt_quasitriu_diag_block!(R, A)
_sqrt_quasitriu_offdiag_block!(R, A)
return R
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2514,6 +2539,83 @@ Base.@propagate_inbounds function _sqrt_quasitriu_offdiag_block_2x2!(R, A, i, j)
return R

# solve Sylvester's equation AX + XB = -C using blockwise recursion until the dimension of
# A and B are no greater than blockwidth, based on Algorithm 1 from
# Jonsson I, Kågström B. Recursive blocked algorithms for solving triangular systems—
# Part I: one-sided and coupled Sylvester-type matrix equations. (2002) ACM Trans Math Softw.
# 28(4),
# specify raise=false to avoid breaking the recursion if a LAPACKException is thrown when
# computing one of the blocks.
function _sylvester_quasitriu!(A, B, C; blockwidth=64, nA=checksquare(A), nB=checksquare(B), raise=true)
if 1 nA blockwidth && 1 nB blockwidth
_sylvester_quasitriu_base!(A, B, C; raise=raise)
elseif nA 2nB 2
_sylvester_quasitriu_split1!(A, B, C; blockwidth=blockwidth, nA=nA, nB=nB, raise=raise)
elseif nB 2nA 2
_sylvester_quasitriu_split2!(A, B, C; blockwidth=blockwidth, nA=nA, nB=nB, raise=raise)
_sylvester_quasitriu_splitall!(A, B, C; blockwidth=blockwidth, nA=nA, nB=nB, raise=raise)
return C
function _sylvester_quasitriu_base!(A, B, C; raise=true)
_, scale = LAPACK.trsyl!('N', 'N', A, B, C)
rmul!(C, -inv(scale))
catch e
if !(e isa LAPACKException) || raise
return C
function _sylvester_quasitriu_split1!(A, B, C; nA=checksquare(A), kwargs...)
iA = div(nA, 2)
iszero(A[iA + 1, iA]) || (iA += 1) # don't split 2x2 diagonal block
rA1, rA2 = 1:iA, (iA + 1):nA
nA1, nA2 = iA, nA-iA
A11, A12, A22 = @views A[rA1,rA1], A[rA1,rA2], A[rA2,rA2]
C1, C2 = @views C[rA1,:], C[rA2,:]
_sylvester_quasitriu!(A22, B, C2; nA=nA2, kwargs...)
mul!(C1, A12, C2, true, true)
_sylvester_quasitriu!(A11, B, C1; nA=nA1, kwargs...)
return C
function _sylvester_quasitriu_split2!(A, B, C; nB=checksquare(B), kwargs...)
iB = div(nB, 2)
iszero(B[iB + 1, iB]) || (iB += 1) # don't split 2x2 diagonal block
rB1, rB2 = 1:iB, (iB + 1):nB
nB1, nB2 = iB, nB-iB
B11, B12, B22 = @views B[rB1,rB1], B[rB1,rB2], B[rB2,rB2]
C1, C2 = @views C[:,rB1], C[:,rB2]
_sylvester_quasitriu!(A, B11, C1; nB=nB1, kwargs...)
mul!(C2, C1, B12, true, true)
_sylvester_quasitriu!(A, B22, C2; nB=nB2, kwargs...)
return C
function _sylvester_quasitriu_splitall!(A, B, C; nA=checksquare(A), nB=checksquare(B), kwargs...)
iA = div(nA, 2)
iszero(A[iA + 1, iA]) || (iA += 1) # don't split 2x2 diagonal block
iB = div(nB, 2)
iszero(B[iB + 1, iB]) || (iB += 1) # don't split 2x2 diagonal block
rA1, rA2 = 1:iA, (iA + 1):nA
nA1, nA2 = iA, nA-iA
rB1, rB2 = 1:iB, (iB + 1):nB
nB1, nB2 = iB, nB-iB
A11, A12, A22 = @views A[rA1,rA1], A[rA1,rA2], A[rA2,rA2]
B11, B12, B22 = @views B[rB1,rB1], B[rB1,rB2], B[rB2,rB2]
C11, C21, C12, C22 = @views C[rA1,rB1], C[rA2,rB1], C[rA1,rB2], C[rA2,rB2]
_sylvester_quasitriu!(A22, B11, C21; nA=nA2, nB=nB1, kwargs...)
mul!(C11, A12, C21, true, true)
_sylvester_quasitriu!(A11, B11, C11; nA=nA1, nB=nB1, kwargs...)
mul!(C22, C21, B12, true, true)
_sylvester_quasitriu!(A22, B22, C22; nA=nA2, nB=nB2, kwargs...)
mul!(C12, A12, C22, true, true)
mul!(C12, C11, B12, true, true)
_sylvester_quasitriu!(A11, B22, C12; nA=nA1, nB=nB2, kwargs...)
return C

# End of auxiliary functions for matrix square root

# Generic eigensystems
Expand Down
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/test/triangular.jl
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Expand Up @@ -513,6 +513,41 @@ Atu = UnitUpperTriangular([1 1 2; 0 1 2; 0 0 1])
@test typeof(sqrt(Atu)[1,1]) <: Real
@test typeof(sqrt(complex(Atu))[1,1]) <: Complex

@testset "matrix square root quasi-triangular blockwise" begin
@testset for T in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64)
A = schur(rand(T, 100, 100)^2).T
@test LinearAlgebra.sqrt_quasitriu(A; blockwidth=16)^2 A
n = 256
A = rand(ComplexF64, n, n)
U = schur(A).T
Ubig = Complex{BigFloat}.(U)
@test LinearAlgebra.sqrt_quasitriu(U; blockwidth=64) LinearAlgebra.sqrt_quasitriu(Ubig; blockwidth=64)

@testset "sylvester quasi-triangular blockwise" begin
@testset for T in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64), m in (15, 40), n in (15, 45)
A = schur(rand(T, m, m)).T
B = schur(rand(T, n, n)).T
C = randn(T, m, n)
Ccopy = copy(C)
X = LinearAlgebra._sylvester_quasitriu!(A, B, C; blockwidth=16)
@test X === C
@test A * X + X * B -Ccopy

@testset "test raise=false does not break recursion" begin
Az = zero(A)
Bz = zero(B)
C2 = copy(Ccopy)
@test_throws LAPACKException LinearAlgebra._sylvester_quasitriu!(Az, Bz, C2; blockwidth=16)
m == n || @test any(C2 .== Ccopy) # recursion broken
C3 = copy(Ccopy)
X3 = LinearAlgebra._sylvester_quasitriu!(Az, Bz, C3; blockwidth=16, raise=false)
@test !any(X3 .== Ccopy) # recursion not broken

@testset "check matrix logarithm type-inferrable" for elty in (Float32,Float64,ComplexF32,ComplexF64)
A = UpperTriangular(exp(triu(randn(elty, n, n))))
@inferred Union{typeof(A),typeof(complex(A))} log(A)
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