GigAlert is written on PHP with Laravel as framework and has MySQL database. Frontend is built up on using Bootstrap. On top of Laravel we've used our own Laravel CMS: Laravel CRUD
This portal has a simple aim - To make it easy for fans to be informed about their favourite live (music) gigs.
After signing up, users have option to follow
- Artists
- Venues (Where live gigs happen)
- Genre (A particular type of music)
Users will be shown upcoming gigs
- Of the artist they have followed (any venue)
- Of the venue they have followed (any artist, any genre)
- Of the genre they have followed (any artist, any venue)
The data of the Artist, venue and genre is maintained through the backend.
git clone -b master --single-branch
- Now firstly change git origin url to your app git repo url as later you might end in getting git push errors
cd gig-alert
composer install
- Create '.env' file inside your project, copy
php artisan key:generate
- (Optional) Naming your app -
php artisan app:name {YOUR_APP_NAME}
- Now create MySQL database for your Laravel app and include it's config in '.env' file
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
sudo chown -R :www-data {app-directory-path}
sudo chmod -R ug+rw {app-directory-path}/app/storage
Now, you've completed the configuration step ✌️
Serve it on your local server,
php artisan serve --port=8081
Hit this URL: http://localhost:8081/login
Login ID: admin Password: admin@111
Enjoy...!!! 👍
![Home Page] (
![All Gigs] (
![Discover] (
This project was originally coded at Mumbai Hackathon 2016. Hope it helps opensource developers to explore more into the code or maintain similar portals for some different purposes.