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Export Telegram messages, using telegram-cli. Patched version recommended.

This version (v3) is compatible with vysheng/tg/master AND vysheng/tg/test branches.

Note: The database format of this version (v3) is not compatible with the old ones. To convert old databases (v1 or v2), run python3 [old.db [new.db]]

$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-d DB] [-f] [-p PEER] [-B] [-t TIMEOUT]
                 [-l] [-L] [-e TGBIN] [-v]

Export Telegram messages.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output path
  -d DB, --db DB        database path
  -f, --force           force download all messages
  -p PEER, --peer PEER  only download messages for this peer (format:
                        channel#id1001234567, or use partial name/title as
                        shown in tgcli)
  -B, --batch-only      fetch messages in batch only, don't try to get more
                        missing messages
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        tg-cli command timeout
  -l, --logging         logging mode (keep running)
  -L, --keep-logging    first export, then keep logging
  -e TGBIN, --tgbin TGBIN
                        telegram-cli binary path
  -v, --verbose         print debug messages

Lots of workaround about the unreliability of tg-cli is included (in this script and, so the script itself may be unreliable as well.

Common problems with tg-cli are:

  • Dies arbitrarily.
  • No response in the socket interface.
  • Slow response in the socket interface.
  • Half response in the socket interface, while the another half appears after the timeout.
  • Returns an empty array when actually there are remaining messages.

Note: When it's trying to get the remaining messages, the telegram-cli will crash like crazy. That's due to non-existent messages. For a quick fix, use this fork of tg-cli.

Which is called NO WARRANTY™.

This script can process database written by or tg-chatdig, and write out a human-readable format (txt, html, etc.) according to a jinja2 template.

usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-d DB] [-b BOTDB] [-D BOTDB_DEST] [-u]
                 [-t TEMPLATE] [-P PEER_PRINT] [-l LIMIT] [-L HARDLIMIT]
                 [-c CACHEDIR] [-r URLPREFIX]

Format exported database file into human-readable format.

positional arguments:
  peer                  export certain peer id or tg-cli-style peer print name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output path
  -d DB, --db DB        tg-export database path
  -b BOTDB, --botdb BOTDB
                        tg-chatdig bot database path
  -D BOTDB_DEST, --botdb-dest BOTDB_DEST
                        tg-chatdig bot logged chat id or tg-cli-style peer
  -u, --botdb-user      use user information in tg-chatdig database first
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        export template, can be 'txt'(default), 'html',
                        'json', or template file name
  -P PEER_PRINT, --peer-print PEER_PRINT
                        set print name for the peer
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        limit the number of fetched messages and set the
                        set a hard limit of the number of messages, must be
                        used with -l
  -c CACHEDIR, --cachedir CACHEDIR
                        the path of media files
  -r URLPREFIX, --urlprefix URLPREFIX
                        the url prefix of media files

Simple wrapper for telegram-cli interface.


tgcli = TelegramCliInterface('../tg/bin/telegram-cli')
dialogs = tgcli.cmd_dialog_list()

TelegramCliInterface(cmd, extra_args=(), run=True)

  • run() starts the subprocess, needed when object created with run=False.
  • send_command(cmd, timeout=180, resync=True) sends a command to tg-cli. use resync for consuming text since last timeout.
  • cmd_*(*args, **kwargs) is the convenience method to send a command and get response. args are for the command, kwargs are arguments for TelegramCliInterface.send_command.
  • on_info(text)(callback) is called when a line of text is printed on stdout.
  • on_json(obj)(callback) is called with the interpreted object when a line of json is printed on stdout.
  • on_text(text)(callback) is called when a line of anything is printed on stdout.
  • on_start()(callback) is called after telegram-cli starts.
  • on_exit()(callback) is called after telegram-cli dies.
  • close() properly ends the subprocess.

do_nothing() function does nothing. (for callbacks)

TelegramCliExited exception is raised if telegram-cli dies when reading an answer.


Now it's LGPLv3+.


Export Telegram messages.







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  • Python 94.1%
  • HTML 4.9%
  • Shell 1.0%