Code to generate kernels to move between JWST bands and between a JWST band and an arbitrary Gaussian PSF
Python implementation of CO-to-H2 conversion factor prescriptions
Beam match PHANGS-JWST observations
Convolve from one PSF to another a la Aniano
Example Notebooks for processing MIRI Imaging data with the JWST pipeline
CASA+python imaging and product creation scripts for PHANGS-ALMA
My collection of handy Python tools for astronomy research.
Library for reading and analyzing astrophysical spectral data cubes
Astronomy related procedures in the commercial IDL language
The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC
In-progress Screenplay - Very rough, very long. Lots of adverbs.
Nearby galaxies database for use with multiwavelength image analysis.
Signal identification tools (masking and noise) for spectral line data.