You need this package if you use:
- Vue2
- Typescript
- vue-class-component or vue-property-decorator
- vuex-module-decorators
This decorator adds an easy life-hack to maintain strong typing and easy integration for injecting vuex state to vue class-based component. Check this issue
Want to inject your state like this with typesafe?
public readonly user!: user;
Check this vue-webpack-typescript or follow the example bellow.
yarn add vuex-module-decorators-state
- Extract common vuex-module-decorator interfaces into a separate file, let's say types.ts:
// Typescript type of the state you want to inject
export interface Branch {
"name": string;
// Root vuex store.
export interface IRootState {
github: IGithubState;
// Store module you want to inject. If you have only single store module. You won't need interface above
export interface IGithubState {
branch: Branch;
- Create your store:
import Vuex, {Store} from "vuex";
import Vue from "vue";
import {Branch, IGithubState, IRootState} from "@/types";
import {Module, Mutation, VuexModule, getModule} from "vuex-module-decorators";
const store: Store<IRootState> = new Store<IRootState>({});
dynamic: true,
name: "github",
class GithubModule extends VuexModule implements IGithubState {
public branch: Branch = {name: "Master branch"};
export const githubModule: GithubModule = getModule(GithubModule);
- Create decorator with factory method by passing githubModule:
import {stateDecoratorFactory} from 'vuex-module-decorators-state'
export const GithubState = stateDecoratorFactory(githubModule);
You don't need to declare type of the var in order for typescript to give you compilation errors if type missmatches. But if you want to have types, there you go:
export const GithubState: <TCT extends (TCT[TPN] extends GithubModule[TPN] ? unknown : never),
TPN extends (keyof TCT & keyof GithubModule)>(vueComponent: TCT, fileName: TPN) => void =
- Apply decorator anywhere in your components:
<script lang="ts">
import {Component, Vue} from "vue-property-decorator";
import {GithubState} from "@/store";
import {Branch} from "@/types";
export default class RepoBranches extends Vue {
public readonly branch!: Branch;
If you do
import {GithubState} from "@/store";
import {Branch} from "@/types";
class RepoBranches extends Vue {
// Results typescript compilation error because state doesn't exist
public readonly notExistedState!: Branch;
// Results typescript compilation error, because type mismatch
public readonly branch!: string;
This decorators wraps vue component with with
block, that wraps the function and does:
- Triggers loading state to true on start, and false on finish
- Sets error message if it occurs
Check this vue-webpack-typescript or follow the example bellow.:
import {HandleLoading} from 'vuex-module-decorators-state'
class MyComp extends Vue {
public serverError: string = ""; // this would result an error string
public loading: boolean = false; // this would turn to true on start, and to false on finish
@HandleLoading({errPropNameOrCB: "serverError", loadingPropName: "loading"})
private async submitForm(): Promise<void> {
// do some action
yarn build
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npm publish