This dataset is part of a paper published at DSJM 2018 and an ongoing master thesis.
Speaker2Credit is based on the publicly available data from and the benchmark data set LIAR (Wang 2017). Given a speaker's name, job title, party affiliation and home state one can look up their corresponding credibility vector.
The dataset consists of 10 tab-separated columns
4 columns to identify the speaker:
- speaker (lowercase, hyphenated full name of the speaker)
- speakers_job (official job title)
- state_info (home state of speaker)
- party_affiliation
6 alphabetically sorted columns that make up the credit vector:
- barely_true_cnt
- false_cnt
- half_true_cnt
- mostly_true_cnt
- pants_on_fire_cnt
- true_cnt
If you use this dataset, please cite the following paper:
author={Kirilin, Angelika and Strube, Micheal},
title={Exploiting a Speaker’s Credibility to Detect Fake News},
booktitle={Proceedings of Data Science, Journalism \& Media workshop at KDD (DSJM’18)},