This project is part of my personal portifolio and was made to learning purposes. I followed the common idea of create a Web Pokedex, but I prefered to not follow any tutorial, but use the official documentation, so all the references used come from the Frameworks and API creators.
[PT/BR] Este projeto é parte do meu portifólio pessoal e foi feito com o propósito de aprendizado. Eu segui a idéia comum de criar uma Pokedex Web, mas preferi não seguir nenhum tutorial, mas usar as documentações oficiais, então todas as referências usadas vieram dos criadores das Frameworks e API
- Next JS
- React
- Tailwind CSS
- PokeAPI
v1.0 - Basics
- List all pokemon species while the API is being updated.
- Filter listed pokemon based on:
- Name: at any place, at beggining, at end, equal
- Type: include or exclude any type
- Eloquent Javascript Book
- PokeAPI Documentation
- Next JS Documentation- React Documentation
- Tailwind CSS Documentation
- Stack Overflow Forum - I found some key solutions