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Easy Chain Hex Menu Builder
Import it to your html file
You can use the function createHex to create the Hexagonal Menu.
First create a div with a class of hexCont, and inside another div that you want the hexagons to be on
<div class="hexCont">
As long as you wrap your element with hexCont, it should work.
ALL hexagons are stored in hexes[], which you can refer to after you add them in by hexes[index].
You can also use childNodes[] array to access the ones inside the sub-menus, which makes it easier. Like hexes[1].childNodes[2].
When referring to childNodes, always start from 2, since 0 is the SVG hex, and 1 is the Text class div.
createHex(element, parentSize, childSize, childCol, parentCol, all, clickColor, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth)
- element = the element id/class, etc where you want the menu to be.
- parentSize = the size of the main Hexagon.
- childSize = size of it's children(max-6).
- childCol = color of children.
- parentCol = color of parent hex.
- all = (true/false) - true will show all hexagons.
- clickColor = the color of the hexagon when clicked.
- first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth = (true/false) - set all to false if you intend on using this. This will specify specific positions of the hexagon child.
Target the hexagon from the createHex. Eg -
var getHex = document.getElementsById('hexagon');
createHex(getHex, 50, 50, '#874d4d', '#874d4d', null, '#a7c692', true, null, true, null, true, null);
Or the short version to get all 6 sub-menus
createHex(getHex, 50, 50, '#874d4d', '#874d4d', true);
In order to add text or any HTML element inside the Hexagons, you can use the text() function.
Create text's only after defining all hexagon sub-menus.
text(element, text, color, size, weight, padding, cc)
- element = the element id/class, etc where you want the menu to be in.
- text = the text, in string form. You can use links, img, etc.
- color = set text color.
- size = text size (eg. '25px') (default 16px).
- weight = text weight (eg. '700').
- padding = padding of the div text element (default 20px)
- cc = custom classname for the text object, this will add on to the text class
Eg -
text(hexes[2], 'About Us', '#fff', '20px', '700');