Data generation framework for Elixir.
In testing, sometimes it's useful to create records in the form of maps. Blacksmith makes it easy.
First, install Blacksmith:
Right now, you'll use mix with a git dependency. In your mix.exs file, add the blacksmith dependency:
def deps do
[{:blacksmith, git: "git://"}]
To use Faker to generate fake data you will also have to add :faker
or :blacksmith
to your application list:
def application do
[applications: applications(Mix.env)]
defp applications(:test), do: applications(:all) ++ [:blacksmith]
defp applications(_all), do: [:logger]
Next, tell Blacksmith how to save one record, or many records:
defmodule do Blacksmith.Config
def save(repo, model) do
repo |> save( model )
def save_all(repo, list_of_models) do
repo |> save_all( list_of_models )
Next, perhaps in test_helper for convenience or somewhere in lib for speed, register each of your new models with Forge. Use Faker
for fake values:
defmodule Forge do
use Blacksmith
register :user,
name: Faker.Name.first_name,
type: :map,
description: Faker.Lorem.sentence,
roles: [],
always_the_same: "string"
# this will create a user with roles set to [:admin]
register :admin,
type: :blacksmith,
prototype: user,
roles: ["admin"]
Now you can create a user, generating all of the default values:
user = Forge.user
or a saved user, with the name attribute overridden, and a new attribute of favorite_language:
user = Forge.saved_user Models.User, name: "Will Override", favorite_language: "Elixir"
or a list of 5 users
user = Forge.user_list 5
or a saved list of 5 admins
admin = Forge.saved_admin_list repo, 5
Create a list using a few common data elements:
Forge.having survey_id:, author: Forge.user do
question = Forge.question # will share the same survey id and user from above
Next release: allow nesting of having blacks.