A curated list of awesome Matlab frameworks, libraries and software.
- PRML/PRMLT - Matlab code of machine learning algorithms in book PRML
- rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox - Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to get you started.
- HuangCongQing/Algorithms_MathModels - 【国赛】【美赛】数学建模相关算法 MATLAB实现(2018年初整理)
- matlab2tikz/matlab2tikz - This program converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures for smooth integration into LaTeX.
- altmany/export_fig - A MATLAB toolbox for exporting publication quality figures
- Ayatans/Machine-Learning-homework - Matlab Coding homework for Machine Learning
- scottclowe/matlab-schemer - Apply and save color schemes in MATLAB with ease.
- pdollar/toolbox - Piotr's Image & Video Matlab Toolbox
- petercorke/robotics-toolbox-matlab - Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB
- trekhleb/machine-learning-octave - 🤖 MatLab/Octave examples of popular machine learning algorithms with code examples and mathematics being explained
- andrewssobral/lrslibrary - Low-Rank and Sparse Tools for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videos
- BIMK/PlatEMO - Evolutionary multi-objective optimization platform
- kyamagu/mexopencv - Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library
- piermorel/gramm - Gramm is a complete data visualization toolbox for Matlab. It provides an easy to use and high-level interface to produce publication-quality plots of complex data with varied statistical visualizations. Gramm is inspired by R's ggplot2 library.
- personqianduixue/Math_Model - 数学建模、美赛、美国大学生数学建模竞赛、全国大学生数学建模竞赛、华为杯研究生数学建模、数学建模美赛论文,数学建模国赛论文、LaTeX模板、国赛LaTeX模板、美赛LaTeX模板、mathorcup、电工杯、华中赛、APMCM亚太地区数学建模、深圳杯、中青杯、华东杯、数维杯、东三省数学建模、认证杯、数学建模书籍、数学建模算法、国赛评阅要点、数学建模word模板、软件模型算法汇总、MATLAB算法、常用Matlab代码、智能算法、现代的算法、图论算法、优化算法
- fieldtrip/fieldtrip - The MATLAB toolbox for MEG, EEG and iEEG analysis
- martin-danelljan/ECO - Matlab implementation of the ECO tracker.
- cszn/IRCNN - Learning Deep CNN Denoiser Prior for Image Restoration (CVPR, 2017) (Matlab)
- benfulcher/hctsa - Highly comparative time-series analysis
- alecjacobson/gptoolbox - Matlab toolbox for Geometry Processing.
- XgTu/2DASL - The code (pytorch for testing & matlab for 3D plot and evaluation) for our project: Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Face Alignment from A Single Image with 2D-Assisted Self-Supervised Learning (2DASL)
- AtsushiSakai/MATLABRobotics - MATLAB sample codes for mobile robot navigation
- ZJULearning/MatlabFunc - Matlab codes for feature learning
- bayesnet/bnt - Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab
- rodralez/NaveGo - NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors analysis.
- votchallenge/toolkit-legacy - Visual Object Tracking (VOT) challenge evaluation toolkit
- cszn/SRMD - Learning a Single Convolutional Super-Resolution Network for Multiple Degradations (CVPR, 2018) (Matlab)
- mathworks/MathWorks-Excellence-in-Innovation - Capstone and senior design project ideas for undergraduate and graduate students to gain practical experience and insight into technology trends and industry directions.
- posenhuang/deeplearningsourceseparation - Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Source Separation
- MatthewPeterKelly/OptimTraj - A trajectory optimization library for Matlab
- sccn/eeglab - EEGLAB is an open source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signals running on Matlab and developed at the SCCN/UCSD
- davidvarga/MBeautifier - MBeautifier is a MATLAB source code formatter, beautifier. It can be used directly in the MATLAB Editor and it is configurable.
- yalmip/YALMIP - MATLAB toolbox for optimization modeling
- DrCoffey/DeepSqueak - DeepSqueak v3: Using Machine Vision to Accelerate Bioacoustics Research
- panditanvita/BTCpredictor - Bitcoin price prediction algorithm using bayesian regression techniques
- plotly/plotly_matlab - Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB®
- LyricYang/MIMO_OFDM - 《MIMO-OFDM无线通信技术及MATLAB实现》随书源码
- CERN/TIGRE - TIGRE: Tomographic Iterative GPU-based Reconstruction Toolbox
- banterle/HDR_Toolbox - HDR Toolbox for processing High Dynamic Range (HDR) images into MATLAB and Octave
- TheAlgorithms/MATLAB-Octave - This repository contains algorithms written in MATLAB/Octave. Developing algorithms in the MATLAB environment empowers you to explore and refine ideas, and enables you test and verify your algorithm.
- yechengxi/LightNet - Efficient, transparent deep learning in hundreds of lines of code.
- gpeyre/matlab-toolboxes - Contains all my Matlab toolboxes.
- peijin94/matlabPlotCheatsheet - A cheatsheet for those who plot with MATLAB
- layumi/Image-Text-Embedding - TOMM2020 Dual-Path Convolutional Image-Text Embedding https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05535
- brainstorm-tools/brainstorm3 - Brainstorm software: MEG, EEG, fNIRS, ECoG, sEEG and electrophysiology
- anilbas/3DMMasSTN - MatConvNet implementation for incorporating a 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) into a Spatial Transformer Network (STN)
- MATPOWER/matpower - MATPOWER – steady state power flow simulation and optimization for MATLAB and Octave
- OpenOCL/OpenOCL - Open Optimal Control Library for Matlab. Trajectory Optimization and non-linear Model Predictive Control (MPC) toolbox.
- fangq/jsonlab - JSONLab: a compact, portable, robust JSON/binary-JSON encoder/decoder for MATLAB/Octave
- USNavalResearchLaboratory/TrackerComponentLibrary - This is a collection of Matlab functions that are useful in the development of target tracking algorithms.
- zhzhanp/TCDCN-face-alignment - Matlab implementation of facial landmark detection by deep multi-task learning
- masumhabib/PlotPub - Publication quality plot in MATLAB.
- goGPS-Project/goGPS_MATLAB - goGPS MATLAB is an advanced GNSS observation processing software.
- flatironinstitute/CaImAn-MATLAB - Complete Matlab pipeline for large scale calcium imaging data analysis
- dch33/Quad-Sim - A package of documentation and software supporting MATLAB/Simulink based dynamic modeling and simulation of quadcopter vehicles for control system design
- markostam/active-noise-cancellation - Active noise cancellation using various algorithms (FxLMS, FuLMS, NLMS) in Matlab, VST and C
- mattools/matGeom - Matlab geometry toolbox for 2D/3D geometric computing
- lucklab/erplab - ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.
- Aiwiscal/ECG-ML-DL-Algorithm-Matlab - Basic Algorithm For Beginners
- ori-mrg/robotcar-dataset-sdk - Software Development Kit for the Oxford Robotcar Dataset
- Shuai-Xie/genetic-algorithm - 遗传算法 - Matlab
- mahmoudnafifi/WB_sRGB - White balance camera-rendered sRGB images (CVPR 2019) [Matlab & Python]
- ChenJoya/Vehicle_Detection_Recognition - This is a Matlab lesson design for vehicle detection and recognition. Using cifar-10Net to training a RCNN, and finetune AlexNet to classify. Thanks to Cars Dataset:http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car_dataset.html
- kyunghyuncho/deepmat - Matlab Code for Restricted/Deep Boltzmann Machines and Autoencoders
- marianux/ecg-kit - A Matlab toolbox for cardiovascular signal processing
- hiroyuki-kasai/NMFLibrary - MATLAB library for non-negative matrix factorization (NMF): Version 1.8.1
- sergeyk/selective_search_ijcv_with_python - Simple Python script to compute Selective Search proposals in Matlab.
- lacerbi/bads - Bayesian Adaptive Direct Search (BADS) optimization algorithm for model fitting in MATLAB
- NicolasBoumal/manopt - Manopt, a Matlab toolbox for optimization on manifolds
- LiYangSir/Smart-Algorithm - 智能算法-遗传算法、蚁群算法、粒子群算法实现。实现版本Java,Python,MatLab多版本实现
- mtompkins/openAlgo - 💹 openAlgo is a public repository for various work product relavant to algorithms and the high frequency low latency electronic trading space with a bias toward market microstructure as well as exchange traded futures and options.
- mtex-toolbox/mtex - MTEX is a free Matlab toolbox for quantitative texture analysis. Homepage:
- huashiyiqike/LSTM-MATLAB - LSTM-MATLAB is Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) in MATLAB, which is meant to be succinct, illustrative and for research purpose only. It is accompanied with a paper for reference: Revisit Long Short-Term Memory: An Optimization Perspective, NIPS deep learning workshop, 2014.
- filipradenovic/cnnimageretrieval - CNN Image Retrieval in MatConvNet: Training and evaluating CNNs for Image Retrieval in MatConvNet
- RANSAC/RANSAC-Toolbox - A toolbox to experiment with the RANSAC algorithm for Matlab and Octave
- Mayankm96/Stereo-Odometry-SOFT - MATLAB Implementation of Visual Odometry using SOFT algorithm
- precise-simulation/featool-multiphysics - FEATool Multiphysics - "Physics Simulation Made Easy" (Fully Integrated FEA, FEniCS, OpenFOAM, SU2 Solver GUI & Simulation Platform)
- xuyxu/Clustering - Clustering / Subspace Clustering Algorithms on MATLAB
- ktekeli/audio-steganography-algorithms - A Library of Audio Steganography & Watermarking Algorithms
- harishrithish7/Fall-Detection - Human Fall Detection from CCTV camera feed
- jorgengrythe/beamforming - Matlab files for various types of beamforming
- hpatches/hpatches-benchmark - Python & Matlab code for local feature descriptor evaluation with the HPatches dataset.
- karpathy/Random-Forest-Matlab - A Random Forest implementation for MATLAB. Supports arbitrary weak learners that you can define.
- ShuoYangRobotics/QuadrupedSim - A quadruped robot simulator in Matlab/Simulink
- petercorke/machinevision-toolbox-matlab - Machine Vision Toolbox for MATLAB
- hliangzhao/Mathematical-Model-Implementation - MATLAB code for classic mathematical modeling.
- yihui-he/panorama - Image alignment and stitching with MATLAB
- lacerbi/vbmc - Variational Bayesian Monte Carlo (VBMC) algorithm for posterior and model inference in MATLAB
- dlaptev/RobustPCA - Robust PCA implementation and examples (Matlab)
- charlienash/nricp - Matlab implementation of non-rigid iterative closest point
- tiepvupsu/DICTOL - DICTOL - A Dictionary Learning Toolbox in Matlab and Python
- hiroyuki-kasai/SGDLibrary - MATLAB/Octave library for stochastic optimization algorithms: Version 1.0.20
- ImperialCollegeLondon/sap-voicebox - Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB
- YashBansod/Robotics-Planning-Dynamics-and-Control - RPDC : This contains all my MATLAB codes for the Robotics, Planning, Dynamics and Control . The implementations model various kinds of manipulators and mobile robots for position control, trajectory planning and path planning problems.
- cvxr/CVX - A MATLAB system for disciplined convex programming
- cerr/CERR - Matlab/Octave based platform for Radiological Research.
- ravenxrz/Mathematical-Modeling - 数学建模算法学习
- David-Guo/face_recognize - Matlab PCA 人脸识别
- dingzeyuli/knn-matting - Source Code for KNN Matting, CVPR 2012 / TPAMI 2013. MATLAB code ready to run. Simple and robust implementation under 40 lines.
- chengchengzi/Digital-Image-Processing - 冈萨雷斯《数字图像处理matlab版》第二版
- decouples/Matlab_deep_learning - 《Matlab计算机视觉与深度学习实战》代码
- sun11/sw-sift - Matlab implementation of sift(opensift) algorithm.
- covartech/PRT - Pattern Recognition Toolbox for MATLAB
- yang69/MIMO-OFDM-Wireless-Communications-with-MATLAB - MATLAB Code for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB | MIMO-OFDM无线通信技术及MATLAB实现
- waps101/3DMM_edges - Matlab implementation of algorithm for fitting 3D Morphable Model to images using edge features
- MMehrez/MPC-and-MHE-implementation-in-MATLAB-using-Casadi - This is a workshop on implementing model predictive control (MPC) and moving horizon estimation (MHE) on Matlab. The implementation is based on the Casadi Package which is used for numerical optimization. A non-holonomic mobile robot is used as a system for the implementation. The workshop video recording can be found here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK8squHT_Uzej3UCUHjtOtm5X7pMFSgAL ... Casadi can be downloaded here https://web.casadi.org/
- morriswmz/doa-tools - A set of MATLAB functions for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation in array signal processing.
- xinychen/academic-drawing - Providing codes (including Matlab and Python) for visualizing numerical experiment results.
- ishit/L1Stabilizer - 🎥 Video stabilization using L1-norm optimal camera paths.
- KuangJuiHsu/DeepCO3 - [CVPR19] DeepCO3: Deep Instance Co-segmentation by Co-peak Search and Co-saliency (Oral paper)
- wanghuohuo0716/hybrid_A_star - 本仓库是对混合A*算法的matlab复现
- petercorke/spatialmath-matlab - Create, manipulate and convert representations of position and orientation in 2D or 3D using Python
- LabForComputationalVision/matlabPyrTools - MatLab tools for multi-scale image processing, including Laplacian pyramids, Wavelets, and Steerable Pyramids
- matlab-deep-learning/MATLAB-Deep-Learning-Model-Hub - Discover pretrained models for deep learning in MATLAB
- mahmoudnafifi/WB_color_augmenter - WB color augmenter improves the accuracy of image classification and image semantic segmentation methods by emulating different WB effects (ICCV 2019) [Python & Matlab].
- singaxiong/SignalGraph - Matlab-based deep learning toolkit that supports arbitrary directed acyclic graphs (DAG). Support DNN, LSTM, CNN layers and many signal processing layers. Include recipes/examples of using the tool for various tasks.
- raacampbell/shadedErrorBar - Produce elegant shaded error bars in MATLAB
- strawberry-magic-pocket/Genetic-Algorithm - 基本遗传算法MATLAB程序
- danmcduff/iphys-toolbox - A MATLAB toolbox for iPPG analysis. The toolbox includes implementations of commonly used methods.
- jimmy-ren/vcnn_double-bladed - Vectorized implementation of convolutional neural networks (CNN) in Matlab for both visual recognition and image processing.
- ShiMengjie/Machine-Learning-Andrew-Ng - 机器学习-Coursera-吴恩达- python+Matlab代码实现
- SheffieldML/GPmat - Matlab implementations of Gaussian processes and other machine learning tools.
- lacerbi/optimviz - Visualize optimization algorithms in MATLAB.
- danaberman/non-local-dehazing - MATLAB implementation of the paper "Non-Local Image Dehazing", CVPR 2016
- utiasSTARS/msckf-swf-comparison - MATLAB code and data for our CRV 2015 paper
- simondlevy/SensorFusion - A simple Matlab example of sensor fusion using a Kalman filter
- dsoellinger/blind_image_quality_toolbox - Collection of Blind Image Quality Metrics in Matlab
- iqiukp/KPCA-MATLAB - MATLAB code for dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, fault detection, and fault diagnosis using Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA).
- fangq/iso2mesh - Iso2Mesh - a 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave
- danipascual/GNSS-matlab - Matlab codes to generate GNSS PRNs, secondary codes, dataless signals and spectra. Includes real data captures and a theory summary. GPS (L1CA, L2C, L5), Gaileo (E1OS, E5), BeiDou-2 (B1I)
- cvxr/TFOCS - A MATLAB toolbox for building first-order solvers for convex models.
- mbrossar/FUSION2018 - Matlab code used for the paper " Invariant Kalman Filtering for Visual Inertial SLAM"
- s7ev3n/MPC_Code - Model Predictive Control for autonomous vehicle trajectory tracking control, in Matlab.
- XinLiGH/GyroAllan - 陀螺仪随机误差的 Allan 方差分析
- jiayuzhou/MALSAR - Multi-task learning via Structural Regularization
- epfl-lts2/gspbox - Graph Signal Processing in Matlab
- bastamon/sound_signal_process-matlab- - 语音信号处理实验教程(MATLAB源代码)
- gibbonCode/GIBBON - The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On for MATLAB
- ricedsp/rwt - The Rice Wavelet Toolbox (RWT) is a collection of Matlab M-files and C MEX-files for 1D and 2D wavelet and filter bank design, analysis, and processing. The toolbox provides tools for denoising and interfaces directly with our Matlab code for wavelet domain hidden Markov models and wavelet regularized deconvolution.
- ngageoint/MATLAB_SAR - A basic MATLAB library to demonstrate reading, writing, display, and simple processing of complex SAR data using the NGA SICD standard.
- liyanluminary/Modeling-and-Simulation-of-MATLAB-Simulink-Communication-System - 详解MATLAB Simulink通信系统建模与仿真 刘学勇编著 源码
- mvallieres/radiomics - MATLAB programming tools for radiomics analysis
- canlab/CanlabCore - Core tools required for running Canlab Matlab toolboxes. The heart of this toolbox is object-oriented tools that enable interactive analysis of neuroimaging data and simple scripts using high-level commands tailored to neuroimaging analysis.
- 2417677728/OFDM - A MATLAB program to help understand OFDM.
- tminka/lightspeed - lightspeed matlab toolbox
- dustinstansbury/medal - Matlab Environment for Deep Architecture Learning
- MultiDIC/MultiDIC - Matlab 3D Digital Image Correlation Toolbox
- Modi1987/KST-Kuka-Sunrise-Toolbox - A ToolBox for controlling KUKA iiwa robot from matlab:
- ma-xu/CollaborativeFiltering - matlab, collaborative filtering, MovieLens dataset,The movie recommendation system
- lmthang/nmt.matlab - Code to train state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation systems.
- faridani/MatlabNLP - Natural Language Processing tools for MATLAB
- bbci/bbci_public - MATLAB toolbox for Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI)
- JorgeGT/PlotRTL1090 - 3D visualization of air traffic through RTL-SDR (dump1090) and MATLAB
- Eurus-Holmes/Mathematical_Modeling - 🎊 Mathematical Modeling Algorithms and Applications
- Mesywang/Motion-Planning-Algorithms - Matlab Implementations of some basic motion planning algorithms, such as A*, RRT, RRT*, Minimum Snap Trajectory Generation, etc..
- IoSR-Surrey/MatlabToolbox - General purpose Matlab toolbox
- lmendo/MATL - A programming language based on MATLAB and suitable for code golfing
- bastibe/Violinplot-Matlab - Violin Plots for Matlab
- tntrung/sdm_face_alignment - The Matlab implementation of Supervised Descent Method (SDM) for Face Alignment.
- symao/minimum_snap_trajectory_generation - easy sample code for minimum snap trajectory planning in MATLAB
- nctoolbox/nctoolbox - NCTOOLBOX A Matlab toolbox for working with common data model datasets
- mvansegbroeck-zz/vad - Voice Activity Detection system (Matlab-based implementation)
- mathworks/Design-motor-controllers-with-Simscape-Electrical - This repository contains MATLAB and Simulink files used in the "How to design motor controllers using Simscape Electrical" videos.
- bastibe/transplant - Transplant is an easy way of calling Matlab from Python
- jdelacroix/simiam - A MATLAB-based educational bridge between theory and practice in robotics.
- avenix/WDK - The Wearables Development Toolkit - a development environment for activity recognition applications with sensor signals
- CHLNDDEV/OceanMesh2D - A two-dimensional triangular mesh generator with pre- and post-processing utilities written in pure MATLAB (no toolboxes required, some support for Octave) designed specifically to build models that solve shallow-water equations or wave equations in a coastal environment (ADCIRC, FVCOM, WaveWatch3, SWAN, SCHISM, Telemac, etc.).
- BatzoglouLabSU/SIMLR - Implementations in both Matlab and R of the SIMLR method. The manuscript of the method is available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.4207
- zcemycl/Matlab-GAN - MATLAB implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks -- from GAN to Pixel2Pixel, CycleGAN
- cortex-lab/allenCCF - Tools to work with Allen Inst CCF data in matlab
- CSAILVision/LabelMeToolbox - MATLAB Toolbox for the LabelMe Image Database
- facebookarchive/pose-aligned-deep-networks - Pose Aligned Networks for Deep Attribute Modeling matlab code used for the publication here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.5591
- polarch/Spherical-Harmonic-Transform - A collection of MATLAB routines for the Spherical Harmonic Transform and related manipulations in the spherical harmonic spectrum.
- flatironinstitute/NoRMCorre - Matlab routines for online non-rigid motion correction of calcium imaging data
- MBB-team/VBA-toolbox - The VBA toolbox
- nickabattista/IB2d - An easy to use immersed boundary method in 2D, with full implementations in MATLAB and Python that contains over 60 built-in examples, including multiple options for fiber-structure models and advection-diffusion, Boussinesq approximations, and/or artificial forcing.
- matlab-deep-learning/reinforcement_learning_financial_trading - MATLAB example on how to use Reinforcement Learning for developing a financial trading model
- christianwengert/calib_toolbox_addon - Hand-eye calibration addon for the Matlab camera calibration toolbox
- vitorsr/SIHR - Fast/non-data-aided single image highlight removal methods in MATLAB/GNU Octave
- jaderberg/python-matlab-bridge - A simple interface to allow Python to call MATLAB functions.
- geoscience-community-codes/GISMO - GISMO - a seismic data analysis toolbox for MATLAB
- Bobholamovic/ChangeDetectionToolbox - MATLAB Toolbox for Remote Sensing Change Detection
- adnanmunawar/matlab-rrt-variants - RRT*, RRT-connect, lazy RRT and RRT extend have been implemented for 2d and 3d c-spaces with visualization
- MrGiovanni/Active-Learning - Official Matlab demo for AIFT - CVPR 2017 & Medical Image Analysis
- spm/spm12 - SPM12
- sjtrny/Dark-Channel-Haze-Removal - MATLAB implementation of "Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior"
- jaijuneja/ekf-slam-matlab - A Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping simulation in MATLAB
- ufukefe/DFM - Python (Pytorch) and Matlab (MatConvNet) implementations of CVPR 2021 Image Matching Workshop paper DFM: A Performance Baseline for Deep Feature Matching
- XU-TIANYANG/LADCF - Matlab implementation of TIP2019 paper "Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking"
- yabata/pyrenn - A Recurrent Neural Network Toolbox for Python and Matlab
- mstorath/Pottslab - Multilabel image segmentation (color/gray/multichannel) based on the Potts model (aka piecewise constant Mumford-Shah model)
- vlfeat/autonn - A fast and expressive Matlab/MatConvNet deep learning API, with native automatic differentiation
- olzhas/rrt_toolbox - RRT, RRT*, RRT*FN algorithms for MATLAB
- davidkun/HyperSpectralToolbox - HyperSpectral Matlab Toolbox forked from Sourceforge
- WEC-Sim/WEC-Sim - Wave Energy Converter Simulator (WEC-Sim), an open-source code for simulating wave energy converters.
- Allopart/rbpf-gmapping - MatLab implementation of a Rao-Blacwellized Particle Filter for Grid- Based FastSlam
- star2dust/paper-simulation - Let's reproduce paper simulations of multi-robot systems, formation control, distributed optimization and cooperative manipulation.
- rmarquis/coursera-machinelearning - Stanford University - Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
- lis-epfl/swarmlab - SmarmLab: a versatile Matlab package for drone swarm simulation.
- imistyrain/MatConvNet-oneclick - Train your own data with MatConvNet
- vonsylvia/MATLAB_Algorithm_with_cases - 遗传算法、免疫算法、退火算法、粒子群算法、鱼群算法、蚁群算法和神经网络算法等常用智能算法的MATLAB实现
- polarch/Spherical-Array-Processing - A collection of MATLAB routines for acoustical array processing on spherical harmonic signals, commonly captured with a spherical microphone array.
- hangxyz/License-Plate-Recognition-by-MATLAB - 基于MATLAB的车牌识别系统
- dynamicslab/databook_matlab - Matlab files with demo code intended as a companion to the book "Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control" by Steven L. Brunton and J. Nathan Kutz http://www.databookuw.com/
- clarkzinzow/Nonlinear-Optimization-Algorithms - MATLAB implementations of a variety of nonlinear programming algorithms.
- andrewssobral/mctc4bmi - Matrix and Tensor Completion for Background Model Initialization
- alexandrebarachant/covariancetoolbox - Covariance toolbox for matlab, including riemannian geometry
- RflySim/RflyExpCode - Multicopter Design and Control Experiments based on MATLAB and PixHawk
- stephenbeckr/fastRPCA - Matlab code for all variants of robust PCA and SPCP
- pglira/Point_cloud_tools_for_Matlab - Various point cloud tools for Matlab
- ayrna/orca - Ordinal Regression and Classification Algorithms
- FengZhenhua/Wing-Loss - A Matlab Implementation for CNN-based Facial Landmark Localisation using Wing Loss
- zwx8981/DBCNN - Blind Image Quality Assessment Using A Deep Bilinear Convolutional Neural Network
- yihui-he/3D-reconstruction - two view structure from motion
- kts/matlab-midi - Matlab scripts to read and write MIDI files
- jdonley/SoundZone_Tools - Signal Processing Tools for MATLAB
- grinsted/wavelet-coherence - A cross wavelet and wavelet coherence toolbox for MATLAB
- fordanic/image-registration - A MATLAB library/toolbox providing access to image registration suitable for use with medical images.
- MIT-SPARK/GlobalOptimizationTutorial - Hands-on Tutorial for Global Optimization in Matlab
- scatnet/scatnet - Scattering Network for Matlab
- robmaunder/polar-3gpp-matlab - Matlab simulations of the encoder and SCL decoder for the New Radio polar code from 3GPP Release 15
- wme7/Aero-matlab - My matlab homework files
- thomaskuestner/CS_MoCo_LAB - Compressed Sensing and Motion Correction LAB: An MR acquisition and reconstruction system
- kakearney/boundedline-pkg - Plot line(s) with error bounds/confidence intervals/etc. in Matlab
- SheffieldML/deepGP - Deep Gaussian Processes in matlab
- tomgoldstein/phasepack-matlab - A software library for solving phase retrieval problems, and comparing phase retrieval methods.
- dengwirda/mesh2d - MESH2D is a MATLAB-based Delaunay mesh generator for two-dimensional geometries.
- Qingbao/iris - Iris Recognition Algorithms Comparison between Daugman algorithm and Hough transform on Matlab
- sfstoolbox/sfs-matlab - SFS Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- justinblaber/ncorr_2D_matlab - 2D Digital Image Correlation Matlab Software
- jluttine/matlab - A collection of MATLAB scripts
- garethjns/Kaggle-EEG - Seizure prediction from EEG data using machine learning. 3rd place solution for Kaggle/Uni Melbourne seizure prediction competition.
- benhager/solarized-matlab - Solarized for MATLAB
- StevenJL/tdoa_localization - Time delay of arrival localization algorithm in Matlab
- AlterWL/Battery_SOC_Estimation - Battery state of charge estimation using kalman filter in Matlab
- zhixuany/HUMBI - This repository contains official code (in MATLAB) for exploring and visualizing HUMBI dataset introduced in the paper "HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions" (CVPR 2020).
- tomdoel/pulmonarytoolkit - Lung medical image analysis and visualisation software for Matlab.
- lzane/VRP-using-SA-with-Matlab - Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) using Simulated Annealing (SA) with Matlab / 模拟退火
- johnyf/openstreetmap - Interface to OpenStreetMap (load maps, extract road connectivity, plot road network & find shortest path)
- csjunxu/TWSC-ECCV2018 - Matlab Code for "A Trilateral Weighted Sparse Coding Scheme for Real-World Image Denoising, ECCV 2018".
- vision4robotics/AutoTrack - Matlab v1.0 implementation for AutoTrack
- tavildar/Polar - C and MATLAB implementation for Polar encoding and decoding
- matlab-deep-learning/transformer-models - Deep Learning Transformer models in MATLAB
- lyc102/ifem - iFEM is a MATLAB software package containing robust, efficient, and easy-following codes for the main building blocks of adaptive finite element methods on unstructured simplicial grids in both two and three dimensions.
- ikarosilva/wfdb-app-toolbox - The WFDB Toolbox for MATLAB/Octave is a collection of functions for reading, writing, and processing physiologic signals in the formats used by PhysioNet (see README for details).
- LazyFalcon/D_star_PathPlanning - Simple Matlab implementation of DLite, Focussed D, A*, for dynamic path planning for mobile robots
- xuzhenqi/cnn - This is a matlab-code implementation of convolutional neural network
- philbooks/Kalman-Filter-for-Beginners - Sample code in MATLAB/Octave for "Kalman Filter for Beginners"
- mattools/matImage - Image Processing library for Matlab
- jmmanley/VGG-Multiple-View-Geometry - A set of MATLAB utilities for multiple view geometry, provided alongside Hartley & Zisserman's "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Second Edition" (2004). Obtained from http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/hzbook/code/.
- cuixing158/yolov3-yolov4-matlab - Import and export Darknet™ models within MATLAB deep learning networks.
- alexanderlerch/ACA-Code - Matlab scripts accompanying the book "An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis" (www.AudioContentAnalysis.org)
- DrosteEffect/BrewerMap - [MATLAB] The complete palette of ColorBrewer colormaps. Simple selection by scheme name and map length.
- yandld/nav_matlab - 基于的matlab导航科学计算库
- YuYongRun/PolarCodeDecodersInMatlab - This is the Matlab realization of Polar Decoders, including CA-SCL, Fast CA-SCL and BP decoder.
- Ro3code/aircraft_3d_animation - A Matlab tool to visualize recorded or simulated flight data
- wsshin/maxwellfdfd - MATLAB-based solver package of Maxwell's equations by the FDFD method
- simulkade/FVTool - Finite volume toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- jonathanlilly/jLab - A Matlab toolbox for big data analysis, signal processing, mapping, and oceanographic applications.
- horchler/SDETools - Matlab Toolbox for the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations
- SheffieldML/vargplvm - Bayesian GPLVM in MATLAB and R
- Mericam/exposure-fusion - Exposure Fusion in Matlab
- mobeets/mpm - Simple Matlab package management inspired by pip
- michaelchughes/NPBayesHMM - Nonparametric Bayesian Inference for Sequential Data. Includes state-of-the-art MCMC inference for Beta process Hidden Markov Models (BP-HMM). Implemented in Matlab.
- d-kitamura/ILRMA - MATLAB script of Independent Low-Rank Matrix Analysis (ILRMA)
- andrewssobral/mtt - MATLAB Tensor Tools
- JeffFessler/mirt - Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox (MIRT) - Matlab version
- manur/MATLAB-git - A thin MATLAB wrapper for the Git source control system
- awerries/kalman-localization - MATLAB implementation of localization using sensor fusion of GPS/INS through an error-state Kalman filter.
- XinLi-zn/TADT - Implementation of the TADT tracker of paper 'Target-Aware Deep Tracking'
- TianLin0509/Hybrid-Beamforming-for-Millimeter-Wave-Systems-Using-the-MMSE-Criterion - The Matlab Simulation codes for Hybrid Beamforming for Millimeter Wave Systems Using the MMSE Criterion.
- Apress/matlab-machine-learning - Source Code for 'MATLAB Machine Learning' by Michael Paluszek and Stephanie Thomas
- xiaoli1368/Microphone-sound-source-localization - 🎤 Microphone sound source localization by SRP-PHAT and others numerical methods.(基于SRP-PHAT的麦克风声源定位)
- steven2358/kafbox - A Matlab benchmarking toolbox for kernel adaptive filtering
- isaacgerg/matlabHyperspectralToolbox - MATLAB Hyperspectral Toolbox
- hiroyuki-kasai/ClassifierToolbox - A MATLAB toolbox for classifier: Version 1.0.7
- danaberman/underwater-hl - MATLAB code for color restoration of underwater images
- Grootzz/GLCM-SVM - 提取图像的灰度共生矩阵(GLCM),根据GLCM求解图像的概率特征,利用特征训练SVM分类器,对目标分类
- MeowLucian/SDR_Matlab_OFDM_802.11a - 📡 Using Software Designed Radio to transmit OFDM QPSK signals at 5 GHz
- sqlp/sdpt3 - SDPT3: MATLAB/Octave software for semidefinite-quadratic-linear programming
- joncox123/Cortexsys - Matlab GPU Accelerated Deep Learning Toolbox
- graytowne/caser - A Matlab implementation of Convolutional Sequence Embedding Recommendation Model (Caser)
- daniilidis-group/event_feature_tracking - This repo contains MATLAB implementations of the event-based feature tracking methods described in "Event-based Feature Tracking with Probabilistic Data Association" and "Event-based Visual Inertial Odometry".
- douthwja01/OpenMAS - OpenMAS is an open source multi-agent simulator based in Matlab for the simulation of decentralized intelligent systems defined by arbitrary behaviours and dynamics.
- brian-lau/MatlabStan - Matlab interface to Stan, a package for Bayesian inference
- ZacharyTaylor/Camera-to-Arm-Calibration - Matlab toolbox for finding the transformation from a camera to a robotic arms base
- StackOverflowMATLABchat/NeuralNetPlayground - A MATLAB implementation of the TensorFlow Neural Networks Playground seen on http://playground.tensorflow.org/
- ECheynet/SEIR - Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
- sofacoustics/API_MO - SOFA Matlab/Octave API
- rafavzqz/geopdes - GeoPDEs: Isogeometric Analysis in Octave and Matlab, for research and teaching purposes.
- doda42/LFToolbox - Light Field Toolbox for MATLAB
- caomw/matlab-forensics - MATLAB implementations of popular Image Forensic algorithms
- jkirkby3/PROJ_Option_Pricing_Matlab - Quant Option Pricing - Exotic/Vanilla: Barrier, Asian, European, American, Parisian, Lookback, Cliquet, Variance Swap, Swing, Forward Starting, Step, Fader
- ebrevdo/synchrosqueezing - The MATLAB Synchrosqueezing Toolbox
- Grootzz/GA-BP - 基于遗传算法的BP网络设计,应用背景为交通流量的预测
- CoSMoMVPA/CoSMoMVPA - A lightweight multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) toolbox in Matlab / Octave
- johannesgerer/jburkardt-m - An official Git Mirror of John Burkardt's great collection of MATLAB Software
- analogdevicesinc/MathWorks_tools - Scripts and tools created by ADI to be used with MATLAB and Simulink with ADI products
- Sohl-Dickstein/Minimum-Probability-Flow-Learning - Matlab code implementing Minimum Probability Flow Learning.
- suhangpro/epicflow - A Matlab wrapper for EpicFlow
- jrgenerative/fixed-wing-sim - Matlab implementation to simulate the non-linear dynamics of a fixed-wing unmanned areal glider. Includes tools to calculate aerodynamic coefficients using a vortex lattice method implementation, and to extract longitudinal and lateral linear systems around the trimmed gliding state.
- jacobeisenstein/DPMM - Dirichlet process mixture model code in Matlab. Sampling and variational.
- automaticanalysis/automaticanalysis - Automatic Analysis (aa)
- JianboTang/RNN_MATLAB - this is a matlab toolbox of deep learning about sequences learning, object-oriented,including rnn, lstm and encoder decoder(sequences to sequences) etc.GPU version is available
- GenLouvain/GenLouvain - A generalized Louvain method for community detection implemented in MATLAB
- mahmoudnafifi/CIE_XYZ_NET - PyTorch & Matlab code for the paper: CIE XYZ Net: Unprocessing Images for Low-Level Computer Vision Tasks (TPAMI 2021).
- horverno/sze-academic-robotics-projects - Various robotics related projects in various programming languages (MATLAB, LabVIEW, C#) and techniques (V-REP, ROS, LEGO Mindstorms, Kinect, Neobotix).
- chengji253/Multiple-fixed-wing-UAVs-flight-simulation-platform - A multiple fixed-wing UAVs flight simulation platform built by matlab and simulink. 一个小型固定翼无人机集群仿真演示平台
- PhDP/mlbop - Matlab code for S. Theodoridis' "Machine Learning: A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective" (2015).
- johnyf/fig2u3d - Export MATLAB figure as U3D file or directly to 3D interactive PDF
- davisvideochallenge/davis-matlab - A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation
- baishanca/Communication-Matlab - 对通信原理的内容的matlab实现
- UTS-CAS/Matlab-Graph-Optimization - Matlab: Optimization for Nonlinear Least Squares
- SpectralPOD/spod_matlab - Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition in Matlab
- DC9ST/tdoa-evaluation-rtlsdr - Matlab Scripts for Evaluation of a TDOA System based on RTL-SDRs
- urbste/MLPnP_matlab_toolbox - The toolbox is a collection of PnP methods for Matlab. It can be used to benchmark algorithms.
- qiuqiangkong/matlab-hmm - Open source HMM toolbox, with Discrete-HMM, Gaussian-HMM, GMM-HMM. (matlab)
- noureldien/FingerprintRecognition - Fingerprint Recognition in runtime using images captured from mobile. Built using Android and OpenCV. Also built in MATLAB.
- msepulcre/C-V2X - Analytical Models of the Performance of C-V2X Mode 4 Vehicular Communications
- mathworks-robotics/trajectory-planning-robot-manipulators - MATLAB and Simulink examples for trajectory generation and evaluation of robot manipulators.
- indigits/sparse-plex - A MATLAB library for sparse representation problems
- dipum/dipum-toolbox - MATLAB code for the book Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB (DIPUM)
- anishLearnsToCode/introduction-to-programming-with-matlab - Coursera Course: Introduction to Programming 👩💻 with MATLAB ~by Vanderbilt University 🎓
- amoudgl/mosse-tracker - Implementation of MOSSE tracker in MATLAB: Visual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters (CVPR 2010)
- zlpure/Machine-Learning--Coursera - My Solution to Assignments of Machine-Learning on Coursera
- lionsimbatoolbox/LIONSIMBA - A Matlab framework based on a finite volume model suitable for Li-ion battery design, simulation, and control
- iqiukp/SVDD-MATLAB - MATLAB Code for abnormal detection using Support Vector Data Description (SVDD).
- diehl/Incremental-SVM-Learning-in-MATLAB - This MATLAB package implements the methods for exact incremental/decremental SVM learning, regularization parameter perturbation and kernel parameter perturbation presented in "SVM Incremental Learning, Adaptation, and Optimization" by Christopher Diehl and Gert Cauwenberghs.
- Shikhar1998/Stock-Market-Prediction-using-Neural-Networks-and-Genetic-Algorithm - Matlab Module for Stock Market Prediction using Simple NN
- RhythmJnh/Non-rigid-ICP - Non-rigid iterative closest point, nricp.
- zoharby/plot_google_map - MATLAB function for plotting a Google map on the background of a figure
- MatthewPeterKelly/dscTutorials - A few simple tutorials for dynamical systems and control. Most require Matlab.
- MAMEM/eeg-processing-toolbox - Matlab code for proccesing EEG signals.
- Eric-Bradford/TS-EMO - This repository contains the source code for “Thompson sampling efficient multiobjective optimization” (TSEMO).
- CelsoReyes/zmap7 - ZMAP Seismology Software. V 7.x has been updated to MATLAB R2018a.
- softwarespartan/IB4m - Interactive Brokers API for Matlab
- fernandoandreotti/fecgsyn - FECGSYN toolbox for ECG and fetal ECG simulation
- yqueau/shape_from_shading - Matlab codes for shape from shading
- wknoben/MARRMoT - Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models Toolbox - Matlab code for 46 conceptual hydrologic models
- quandl/Matlab - Quandl's Matlab module
- probml/pmtkdata - A collection of MATLAB data sets used by PMTK.
- mingsongli/acycle - Acycle: Time-series analysis software for research and education
- denkywu/Simulation-of-SAR-Imaging-Algorithm - 合成孔径雷达成像 相关。Some work I did during my graduate studies (Matlab Code) : (1) Simulation of SAR Imaging Algorithm, including RD and CS.
- chris-taylor/USElection - MATLAB model to make predictions for the US 2012 election
- chemplexity/chromatography - functions for chromatography and mass spectrometry data analysis
- bahanonu/ciatah - CIAtah (pronounced cheetah): a software package for calcium imaging analysis of one- and two-photon imaging datasets. Documentation: https://git.io/ciatah_docs. Formerly known as calciumImagingAnalysis (ciapkg).
- WaterlooRobotics/mobilerobotics - Matlab and Robot code for MTE 544: Autonomous Mobile Robotics at the University of Waterloo
- SysBioChalmers/yeast-GEM - The consensus GEM for Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- JiamingMai/Color-Attenuation-Prior-Dehazing - MATLAB codes for the paper "A Fast Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm using Color Attenuation Prior"
- yeyang1021/matlab_IPM - Using camera parameters to transform the original camera image into IPM.
- stabix/stabix - Slip transfer analysis toolbox and GUIs (Matlab)
- rishirdua/machine-learning-matlab - Matlab implementation of Machine Learning algorithms
- klho/FLAM - Fast linear algebra in MATLAB
- avisingh599/vo-howard08 - [Reimplementation Howard 2008] A MATLAB implementation of Visual Odometry using Andrew Howard's 2008 paper.
- albertgran/Next-Generation-5G-OFDM-Based-Modulations - Compilation of the different MATLAB codes that were used for the experimental part of the research work presented in the article "Next Generation 5G OFDM-Based Modulations for Intensity Modulation-Direct Detection (IM-DD) Optical Fronthauling".
- OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET-Matlab-Toolkit - A Matlab class for EPANET water distribution simulation libraries
- yuip/hfss-api - A HFSS API to control HFSS from Matlab
- tsenst/RLOFLib - Robust Local Optical Flow (RLOF)
- spunt/bspmview - MATLAB program for viewing 3D fMRI statistical images
- rnissel/Channel-Estimation - Simulates an FBMC and OFDM transmission over a doubly-selective channel. Allows to reproduce all figures from "Doubly-Selective Channel Estimation in FBMC-OQAM and OFDM Systems", IEEE VTC Fall, 2018
- leggedrobotics/vitruvio - Vitruvio is a framework for rapid leg design analysis and optimization for legged robots. The purpose of the simulation framework is to guide the early stages of legged robot design. The end effectors track an input trajectory and the necessary joint speed, torque, power and energy for the tracking is computed.
- jebej/MatlabWebSocket - A simple event-based WebSocket library for MATLAB.
- huiwenzhang/ml-in-action - 出版书籍《机器学习入门到实践——MATLAB实践应用》一书中的实例程序。涉及监督学习,非监督学习和强化学习。(code for book "Machine Learning Introduction & action in MATLAB")
- eliduenisch/latexTable - This MATLAB function converts matrices, cells or tables from MATLAB to LaTeX table code.
- Lizonghang/DCT-FFT-and-Denoising - DCT、FFT压缩与均值滤波、中值滤波、高斯滤波、二维统计滤波、自适应中值滤波、维纳滤波、kNN滤波、NL-Means滤波的matlab实现
- CPFL/Autoware_Toolbox - MATLAB/Simulink sample code suite for Autoware.
- wjxjmj/quadrotorTrackingControl - A simulation for quadrotor based on matlab
- robical/StatisticalSignalProcessing - Matlab code implementing different methods used in statistical signal processing; mainly Extended Kalman Filters, LMS/RLS, Wiener, robust regression, MMSE estimators, ML estimators, Hi-Frequency estimators (Pisarenko, MUSIC, ESPRIT)
- oxfordcontrol/CDCS - An open-source MATLAB® ADMM solver for partially decomposable conic optimization programs.
- kirk86/ImageRetrieval - Content Based Image Retrieval Techniques (e.g. knn, svm using MatLab GUI)
- jnagy1/IRtools - MATLAB package of iterative regularization methods and large-scale test problems. This software is described in the paper "IR Tools: A MATLAB Package of Iterative Regularization Methods and Large-Scale Test Problems" that will be published in Numerical Algorithms, 2018.
- circstat/circstat-matlab - Matlab Circular Statistics Toolbox
- cdebacco/SpringRank - Calculates SpringRank from directed networks or pairwise comparisons
- balcilar/Multi-Robot-Path-Planning-on-Graphs - Multi-Robot Path Planning on Graphs Solution by A* algorithm
- avehtari/BDA_m_demos - Bayesian Data Analysis demos for Matlab/Octave
- andreas-bulling/ActRecTut - MATLAB Human Activity Recognition Toolbox
- QuantumLiu/matDL - A lightweight MATLAB deeplearning toolbox,based on gpuArray.
- ICL-SML/pilco-matlab - PILCO policy search framework (Matlab version)
- Biomedical-Imaging-Group/GlobalBioIm - A unifying Matlab framework for the development of reconstruction algorithms (solving inverse problems) in computational imaging
- vfitoolkit/VFIToolkit-matlab - A Matlab Toolkit for Macroeconomic Models using Value Function Iteration
- stephenbeckr/SparsifiedKMeans - KMeans for big data using preconditioning and sparsification, Matlab implementation. Aka k-means
- nicolasayotte/MatlabGDSPhotonicsToolbox - This is a Matlab library of functions to facilitate the design of Photonics Integrated Circuits GDS layout.
- ebranlard/matlab2fortran - Performs some simple conversions from matlab code to fortran
- chudur-budur/nsga2-matlab - A very fast, 90% vectorized, NSGA-II algorithm in matlab.
- MOxUnit/MOxUnit - An xUnit framework for Matlab and GNU Octave
- MITComputationalCamera/LightFields - HW#3 Uses Matlab to compute a lightfield refocus
- zhuye88/iForest - iForest anomaly detection codes (Matlab Version)
- sunhongfu/QSM - Hongfu Sun's MATLAB codes for QSM reconstruction pipeline.
- slayton/matlab-xkcdify - XKCDIFY! Adding flair to boring Matlab Axes one plot at a time
- s-kajita/IntroductionToHumanoidRobotics - Matlab code for a Springer book "Introduction to Humanoid Robotics"
- lawrennd/mocap - Matlab software for processing motion capture files.
- heihei12305/MOPSO - MOPSO及pso可编译运行matlab源码,及相关论文资源
- HidekiKawahara/SparkNG - MATLAB real-time/interactive speech tools. This series is obsolete. SP3ARK is the up-to-date series (will be).
- BAILOOL/PlaceRecognition-LoopDetection - Light-weight place recognition and loop detection using road markings
- textmate/matlab.tmbundle - TextMate support for Matlab / Octave
- kimjingu/nonnegfac-matlab - Matlab implementations of fast algorithms for nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations
- davidstutz/matlab-mnist-two-layer-perceptron - A two layer perceptron implemented in MatLab to recognize handwritten digits based on the MNIST dataset.
- Dynamic-Systems-and-GP/GPdyn - Gaussian Process Model Dynamic System Identification Toolbox for Matlab
- Data2Dynamics/d2d - a modeling environment tailored to parameter estimation in dynamical systems
- xiumingzhang/photometric-stereo - A MATLAB Implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm
- wargod797/Fault_diagnosis_ballbearing_wavelet - Bearing fault diagnosis is important in condition monitoring of any rotating machine. Early fault detection in machinery can save millions of dollars in emergency maintenance cost. Different techniques are used for fault analysis such as short time Fourier transforms (STFT), Wavelet analysis (WA), cepstrum analysis, Model based analysis, etc. we have doing detecting bearing faults using FFT and by using Wavelet analysis more specifically wavelet Analysis up to two levels of approximations and detail components. The analysis is carried out offline in MATLAB. Diagnosing the faults before in hand can save the millions of dollars of industry and can save the time as well. It has been found that Condition monitoring of rolling element bearings has enabled cost saving of over 50% as compared with the old traditional methods. The most common method of monitoring the condition of rolling element bearing is by using vibration signal analysis. Measure the vibrations of machine recorded by velocity
- ubcmatlabguide/ubcmatlabguide.github.io - YAGTOM: Yet Another Guide TO Matlab
- physiozoo/mhrv - Matlab toolbox for calculating Heart-Rate Variability metrics on ECG signals
- justdark/matlab_code-ufldl-exercise- - My UFLDL EXERCISE CODE
- jgarciagimenez/GSC_beamforming - Generalised Sidelobe Canceler beamformer for an array of microphones using matlab
- graphviz4matlab/graphviz4matlab - Matlab interface to Graphviz graph layout package. Allows interactive editing of the resulting graphs.
- dengwirda/jigsaw-matlab - MATLAB bindings for JIGSAW: a Delaunay-based unstructured mesh generator.
- balcilar/DRLSE-Image-Segmentation - Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application to Image Segmentation
- alexgkendall/OPTICS_Clustering - MATLAB Implementation of the OPTICS unsupervised clustering algorithm
- XU-TIANYANG/GFS-DCF - Matlab implementation of ICCV2019 paper "Joint Group Feature Selection and Discriminative Filter Learning for Robust Visual Object Tracking"
- KirillLykov/cvision-algorithms - Collection of Computer Vision algorithms implemented in Matlab
- zhenghuatan/rVAD - Matlab and Python libraries for an unsupervised method for robust voice activity detection (rVAD), as in the paper rVAD: An Unsupervised Segment-Based Robust Voice Activity Detection Method.
- yechengxi/LightCapsNet - A Matlab implementation of the capsule networks (or capsnet).
- vlfeat/vlbenchmarks - VLBenchmark is a MATLAB suite of benchmarks for computer vision features
- robotology/whole-body-controllers - Simulink-based whole body controllers for humanoid robots.
- prclibo/calibration-toolbox - Multiple-Camera System Calibration Toolbox for Matlab
- petercorke/toolbox-common-matlab - Common code for MATLAB toolboxes for Robotics, Machine Vision
- methlabUZH/automagic - Automagic
- jmiseikis/RobotNavigation - MATLAB implementation of two popular navigation algorithms: A-star and Real-Time Randomized Path Planning
- ikuwow/PatchMatch - The PatchMatch algorithm on MATLAB
- chenwj1989/Beamforming_Examples - some Matlab examples of microphone array beamforming
- WoodyBuendia/HFSS-MATLAB-API - HFSS-MATLAB-API is a library toolbox to control Ansoft HFSS from MATLAB using the HFSS Scripting Interface. This tool provides a set of MATLAB functions to create 3D objects in HFSS by generating the required HFSS Scripts. Basically, anything that can be done in HFSS user interface and the 3D Modeler can be done with this library of functions. Once a script is generated in this manner, it can be run in HFSS to generate the 3D model, solve it and export the data. You create your entire design in MATLAB and basically use HFSS to solve it.
- RoyiAvital/StackExchangeCodes - Codes related to answers on StackExchange Network.
- MatthewPeterKelly/ParticleSwarmOptimization - Matlab implementation of particle swarm optimization. Well documented with examples.
- EEA-sensors/ekfukf - EKF/UKF toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- Conclusio/matlab-epsclean - Clean/Repair .eps PostScript vector files created by Matlab R2016b
- zhr1201/OMLSA-speech-enhancement - Matlab implementation of the paper Noise Spectrum Estimation in Adverse Environments: Improved Minima Controlled Recursive Averaging
- yyhz76/reflectSuppress - MATLAB implementation of the algorithm in the CVPR 2019 paper "Fast Single Image Reflection Suppression via Convex Optimization"
- vision4robotics/ARCF-tracker - Code of ARCF-Tracker v1.0 (Matlab Version for Discussion)
- rulixiang/ChangeDetectionPCAKmeans - MATLAB implementation for Unsupervised Change Detection in Satellite Images Using Principal Component Analysis and k-Means Clustering.
- peak1995/Speech-enhancement-dsp - 传统方法语音增强matlab实现 1、谱减法 2、维纳滤波法 3、卡尔曼滤波法
- partofthestars/PPGI-Toolbox - A MATLAB toolbox for Photoplethysmography Imaging
- mpf/spot - A linear-operator toolbox for Matlab
- lostanlen/scattering.m - Scattering.m — a MATLAB toolbox for wavelet scattering
- joe-of-all-trades/vtkwrite - vtkwrite writes 3D Matlab array into VTK file format
- PetWorm/sim3_evaluate_tool - A matlab tool to evaluate trajectory RMSE using sim3 alignment.
- DefuLian/recsys - recommendation system written by matlab codes
- Cardiac-MR-Group-Lund/segment-open - Segment Source Distribution
- ronw/matlab_htk - MATLAB functions that interface with the HTK Speech Recognition Toolkit (http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/) for training HMMs, GMMs and simple speech recognizers.
- hiroyuki-kasai/GDLibrary - Matlab library for gradient descent algorithms: Version 1.0.1
- hengguan/Hand-Eye-Calibration-Matlab - hand eye calibration include eye on hand and eye in hand
- hagaygarty/mdCNN - 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for volumetric inputs. Matlab framework supporting 2D and 3D kernels
- germain-hug/Structured-Light-Depth-Acquisition - Matlab Implementation of a 3D Reconstruction algorithm
- clausqr/qrsim2 - Quadrotor / UAV Simulator using Matlab, Simulink and Flightgear Visualization
- brianborchers/PEIP - MATLAB code for examples and exercises for the 3rd edition of Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems
- andresmendes/openvd - Open source simulation package for Octave/Matlab
- akanazawa/catdeform - A Matlab implementation for the paper: "Learning 3D Deformation of Animals from 2D Images" http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~kanazawa/papers/cat_eg2016.pdf
- abhishekvahadane/CodeRelease_ColorNormalization - This is the MATLAB code for stain separation and color normalization in computational pathology (histopathological images)
- Xiaoyang-Rebecca/PatternRecognition_Matlab - Feature reduction projections and classifier models are learned by training dataset and applied to classify testing dataset. A few approaches of feature reduction have been compared in this paper: principle component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and their kernel methods (KPCA,KLDA). Correspondingly, a few approaches of classification algorithm are implemented: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gaussian Quadratic Maximum Likelihood and K-nearest neighbors (KNN) and Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM).
- Teoge/MarkToolForParkingLotPoint - A tool for parking-slot labeling under surround-view image
- Shrediquette/PIVlab - Particle Image Velocimetry for Matlab, official repository
- NOCIONS/letswave6 - Letswave 6 - Matlab EEG signal processing toolbox
- CALFEM/calfem-matlab - CALFEM - a finite element toolbox for MATLAB
- zygurt/TSM - Time-Scale Modification For MATLAB
- ymjdz/MATLAB-Codes - MATLAB simulation software for the book Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, 2nd edition.
- playerkk/drfi_matlab - MATLAB implementation of the paper Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach
- olivierlar/miningsuite - Comprehensive Matlab framework for signal, audio and music analysis, articulating audio and symbolic approaches
- nik1106/MNA-MAT - An easy-to-use MATLAB tool for SPICE netlist simulation
- nathanieljohnston/QETLAB - A MATLAB toolbox for quantum entanglement.
- miditoolbox/1.1 - MIDI toolbox 1.1 (2016) is a collection of Matlab functions to analyse MIDI files
- libDirectional/libDirectional - Matlab library for directional statistics and directional estimation
- jmrf/HOG-Pedestrian-Detector - MATLAB implementation of a basic HOG + SVM pedestrian detector.
- jameslyons/matlab_speech_features - A set of speech feature extraction functions for ASR and speaker identification written in matlab.
- hgpvision/Indirect_EKF_IMU_GPS - 基于间接卡尔曼滤波的IMU与GPS融合MATLAB仿真(IMU与GPS数据由仿真生成)
- franciscoserdio/Genetic-Algorithms-Toolbox - Genetic Algorithms in Matlab.
- cultpenguin/segymat - Read and write SEGY formatted files using Matlab/Octave
- chrisconlon/blp-demand - estimate BLP demand model in Matlab using state-of-the-art techniques
- bugsuse/mradar - 处理雷达数据的matlab程序包
- RenderToolbox/RenderToolbox4 - Matlab toolbox for managing 3D scenes and physically-based rendering.
- BUNPC/Homer3 - MATLAB application for fNIRS data processing and visualization
- AomanHao/Matlab-Image-Dehaze-Enhance - 图像去雾、图像增强、灰度直方图均衡化等
- xuuyann/RobotLearningCode - matlab code for robot learning
- snopt/snopt-matlab - Matlab interface for sparse nonlinear optimizer SNOPT
- piyushbajaj0704/Driver-Sleep-Detection-Face-Eyes-Mouth-Detection - As part of my thesis project, I designed a monitoring system in Matlab which processes the video input to indicate the current driving aptitude of the driver and warning alarm is raised based on eye blink and mouth yawning rate if driver is fatigue. It is implemented using Viola-Jones and Sobel techniques for facial features detection.
- mws262/MATLABImpedanceControlExample - user-interactive impedance control example of a 2 link, 2D arm.
- mjlaine/mcmcstat - MCMC toolbox for Matlab
- matthieuaussal/gypsilab - The gypsilab project is an open-source MATLAB toolbox for fast numerical computation with finite element, boundary element and ray-tracing methods. Accessible with a high-level programming language, it gives a useful framework for fast prototyping. Initially designed for numerical acoustics, many physics problems can also be addressed.
- lnferris/ocean_data_tools - A MATLAB toolbox for interacting with bulk freely-available oceanographic data.
- jwasham/machine-learning - Some notes on machine learning algorithms, mostly in Matlab format.
- jflalonde/illuminationSingleImage - MATLAB implementation of our llumination estimation technique from a single image (ICCV'09 and IJCV'12 papers)
- g2e/seizmo - passive(ly maintained) seismology toolbox for Matlab & GNU Octave
- ewiger/yamlmatlab - Java-based implementation of YAML IO support in MATLAB.
- dutchconnectomelab/Simple-Brain-Plot - brainPlot is a MATLAB function to create simple line-art brain plots.
- darkscyla/MATLAB-Carla-Interface - Interfacing Carla with MATLAB using Python and ROS
- dakenan1/Speech-measure-SDR-SAR-STOI-PESQ - Speech quality measure of SDR、SAR、STOI、ESTOI、PESQ via MATLAB
- JinghaoLu/MIN1PIPE - A MINiscope 1-photon-based Calcium Imaging Signal Extraction PIPEline.
- vtpasquale/NASTRAN_CoFE - A finite element code for structural analysis. Written in MATLAB. Uses Nastran input format.
- urosolia/LMPC_SimpleExample - MATLAB LMPC implementation for a double integrator system
- sjtrny/FuseBox - MATLAB library for pansharpening and image fusion
- sglvladi/TrackingX - An Object Oriented MATLAB toolkit for (Multi) Target Tracking.
- sandywang/GRETNA - A Graph-theoretical Network Analysis Toolkit in MATLAB
- rnissel/FBMC - Compares FBMC to OFDM based schemes. Reproduces all figures from “Filter bank multicarrier modulation schemes for future mobile communications”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2017.
- rlee32/lbm_matlab - Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) codes in MATLAB for educational purposes, based on codes in the textbook by A. A. Mohamad.
- rgavaska/Fast-Adaptive-Bilateral-Filtering - Matlab code for "Fast Adaptive Bilateral Filtering", IEEE TIP 2019.
- psexton/matlab-xunit - xUnit for Matlab with JUnit-compatible XML output
- jayoungo/SINS-GPS-Integrated-Navigation - Inertial Navigation System (INS) and GPS Integrated Navigation MATLAB Programs.
- williamyang1991/Text-Effects-Transfer - Matlab implementation of the paper "Awesome Typography: Statistics-Based Text Effects Transfer"
- tinevez/matlab-tree - A MATLAB class to represent the tree data structure.
- sachinkariyattin/HWCR - Handwritten Character Recognition System using Neural Networks is developed using MATLAB Neural Network and Image Processing tool box. This system has been developed using existing algorithms like Preprocessing and Feature Extraction techniques.
- raimapo/AHRS - Attitude and Heading Reference System using MATLAB as simple as possible
- plok6325/Parallel-Get - a toolbox to get CHN stock data for matlab
- pengsun/MatlabCNN - Matlab codes for 2D Convolutional Neural Network
- mc12027/OpenLAP-Lap-Time-Simulator - Open source lap time simulator coded in MATLAB.
- lfads/lfads-run-manager - Matlab interface for Latent Factor Analysis via Dynamical Systems (LFADS)
- fangfufu/Matlab-Data-Video-Converter - Convert arbitrary binary files into a video.
- epfl-lts2/unlocbox - A Matlab convex optimization toolbox using proximal splitting methods
- daeyun/Image-Stitching - MATLAB code for panorama image stitching.
- ashafaei/ubc3v - The Matlab toolkit for UBC 3 View Dataset.
- anushagj/LTE-OFDM-SYSTEM - Simulates an entire Transmission, Channel and Receiver chain for LTE OFDM system in Matlab
- VietTran86/Copula-Variational-Bayes - Matlab code for my paper "Copula Variational Bayes inference via information geometry", submitted to IEEE Trans. on information theory, 2018
- UoS-CODeM/GA-Toolbox - Genetic Algorithms Toolbox
- MOBATSim/MOBATSim - MOBATSim (Model-based Autonomous Traffic Simulation Framework) is a framework based on MATLAB® and Simulink® that allows users to develop automated driving algorithms and assess their safety and performance, supported by 2D and 3D visualization options.
- JackHCC/Audio-Digital-Processing - 数字信号处理大作业:Matlab实现语音分析:加噪声,频谱分析,滤波器等等(内附报告)【Matlab for speech analysis: add noise, spectrum analysis, filter, etc】
- DanielMartensson/Mataveid - System identification toolbox for GNU Octave and MATLAB
- villekf/OMEGA - Open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave Emission and Transmission Tomography Software
- ulfgri/gdsii-toolbox - Octave and MATLAB toolbox for GDSII stream format
- treder/MVPA-Light - Matlab toolbox for classification and regression of multi-dimensional data
- steven2358/kmbox - Kernel Methods Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- jiangxh1992/GA4TSPProblem - 在matlab上使用遗传算法解决TSP旅行者问题
- irfu/irfu-matlab - Matlab routines to work with space data, particularly with MMS and Cluster/CAA data. Also some general plasma routines.
- grinsted/gwmcmc - An implementation of the Goodman & Weare MCMC sampler for matlab
- gc1905/5g-nr-pusch - MATLAB implementation of a transmitter and receiver chain of the 5G NR Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH) defined by 3GPP rel 15.
- csalinasonline/KalmanMatlabCode - Kalman Filter for Beginners: with MATLAB Examples
- StevieG47/Matlab-ComputerVision - Car Tracking, Lane Detection, Traffic Sign Recognition, Homography, Color Segmentation, Visual Odometry
- Perception-and-Neurodynamics-Laboratory/Matlab-toolbox-for-DNN-based-speech-separation - This folder contains Matlab programs for a toolbox for supervised speech separation using deep neural networks (DNNs).
- EnthalpyBill/BP-Neural-Network-Matlab - BP Neural Network in Matlab.
- DrKeHan/DTA - This repository documents MATLAB implementation of a dynamic user equilibrium solver, including a dynamic network loading sub-routine
- rmgarnett/active_learning - Active learning toolbox for MATLAB
- optimizers/logging4matlab - Simple Logging Module for Matlab
- likemoongg/SARbackprojection - this is a example about BackProjection algorithm of SAR(synthetic aperture radar) writed by MATLAB
- jhoelzl/HRTF-Individualization - Head-related Transfer Function Customization Process through Slider using PCA and SH in Matlab
- jakobsj/AIRToolsII - The AIR Tools II toolbox for MATLAB accompanies the publication "AIR Tools II: algebraic iterative reconstruction methods, improved implementation", Hansen, P. C. & Jørgensen, J. S. Numer Algor (2017).
- guglu/ppf-matching - Matlab implementation of the Point-pair feature matching method
- eigtool/eigtool - EigTool is open MATLAB software for analyzing eigenvalues, pseudospectra, and related spectral properties of matrices.
- cvnlab/knkutils - MATLAB utility functions written by Kendrick Kay
- compneuro-da/rsHRF - rsHRF: A Toolbox for Resting State HRF Deconvolution and Connectivity Analysis (MATLAB)
- charlesCXK/Depth2HHA - Use MATLAB to convert depth image into HHA image. In this repo, I will use NYU Depth V2 dataset as an example.
- ceshine/RRL_Matlab - Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Matlab Implementation
- aspurdy/dbn - MATLAB code for training deep belief networks
- UniprJRC/FSDA - Flexible Statistics and Data Analysis (FSDA) extends MATLAB for a robust analysis of data sets affected by different sources of heterogeneity. It is open source software licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL). FSDA is a joint project by the University of Parma and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
- MeowLucian/SDR_Matlab_OFDM_802.11n - 📡 Using Software Designed Radio to transmit MIMO-OFDM QPSK signals at 5 GHz
- MaoXu/Joint_Bayesian - According to the paper "Bayesian Face Revisited: A Joint Formulation", the repository realizes the algorithm of Joint Beyesian with Matlab and achieve the same result as the paper
- Elucidation/UAV-Motion-Planner-Ensemble - A Matlab motion planner ensemble of a global Voronoi model and a local Potential Field model
- Accla/d4m - Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model
- ztinpn/utilForFormat - matlab学位论文绘图辅助工具
- zhegan27/TSBN_code_NIPS2015 - The Matlab Code and the Supplementary Material for the NIPS 2015 paper "Deep Temporal Sigmoid Belief Networks for Sequence Modeling"
- simgunz/802.11n-ldpc - A matlab implementation of the 802.11n LDPC encoder and decoder
- roboticcam/matlab_demos - it contains all the MATLAB demo code associated with my machine learning notes
- markallenthornton/MatlabTFCE - Standalone MATLAB implementation of permutation TFCE correction
- ethz-asl/matlab_trajectory_tools - Tools for enabling quick display and analysis of trajectories and transformations in Matlab.
- dgleich/gaimc - Graph Algorithms in Matlab Code
- denkywu/InSAR-Simulation-and-Studies - 干涉合成孔径雷达 相关。Some work I did during my graduate studies (Matlab Code) : (2) InSAR Simulation and Studies.
- Mensen/swa-matlab - Sleep Wave Analysis - an open source toolbox for matlab to score and analyse various waveforms in sleep EEG data
- HybridRobotics/CBF-CLF-Helper - Matlab Interface for Control Barrier Function (CBF) and Control Lyapunov Function (CLF) based control methods.
- yrlu/orientation_tracking-unscented_kalman_filter - Implemented Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) for orientation tracking. Sensors fusion of accelerometer, and gyroscope
- xwasco/DominantSetLibrary - A Matlab library for the Dominant Set clustering
- nmtimme/Neuroscience-Information-Theory-Toolbox - A MATLAB toolbox for performing information theory analyses of neuroscience data
- mwgeurts/dicom_tools - DICOM manipulation tools for MATLAB
- msperlin/MS_Regress-Matlab - Repository for MS_Regress, a matlab package for estimation and simulation of markov regime switching models
- mbrbic/Multi-view-LRSSC - Matlab implementation of multi-view low-rank sparse subspace clustering
- lonl/CDBN - Convolutional Deep Belief Networks with 'MATLAB','MEX','CUDA' versions
- jocover/Simulink-MATLAB-LimeSDR - Simulink blockset and MATLAB functions to interface with LimeSDR
- feron-tech/lte-sidelink - An open MATLAB software library for the 3GPP LTE sidelink interface
- codeslake/SYNDOF - The official matlab implementation of SYNDOF generation used in the paper, 'Deep Defocus Map Estimation using Domain Adaptation', CVPR 2019
- cfwen/CCG-Matlab - Lectures on Computational Conformal Geometry
- Washington-University/cifti-matlab - MATLAB code for reading and writing CIFTI connectivity files
- SwanLab/Swan - Topology Optimization Laboratory
- Spartak0s/Polar-Codes-Software-Matlab- - Polar Codes on Matlab Simulation.
- SheffieldML/multigp - Multiple output Gaussian processes in MATLAB including the latent force model.
- NVlabs/SNN - Matlab code implementation the modified Non Local Means and Bilateral filters, as described in I. Frosio, J. Kautz, Statistical Nearest Neighbors for Image Denoising, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 2018. The repository also includes the Matlab code to replicate the results of the toy problem described in the paper.
- wme7/ApproximateRiemannSolvers - My personal collection of Riemann solvers using MUSCL and WENO schemes written as short Matlab scripts
- weitw/ImageDenoise - 基于MATLAB实现传统图像去噪算法(均值滤波、中值滤波、非局部均值滤波NLM、三维块匹配滤波BM3D)和基于深度卷积神经网络的DnCNN图像去噪算法。
- trentool/TRENTOOL3 - Open-Source MATLAB toolbox for transfer entropy estimation
- trendscenter/gift - Group ICA/IVA software (MATLAB)
- tambetm/matlab2048 - 2048 playing agent using deep Q-learning in Matlab.
- ryotat/tensor - matlab code for convex optimization based tensor decomposition (completion/denoising)
- rsagroup/rsatoolbox_matlab - A Matlab toolbox for representational similarity analysis
- pratikgoel145/Retinex-Image-Enhancement - Implemented image enhancement algorithms that use retinex theory to increase the contrast in an image.
- lucasanguinetti/ln-game-theory - Matlab code for the figures and the examples used in G. Bacci, L. Sanguinetti, and M. Luise, "Understanding game theory via wireless power control,' submitted to IEEE Signal Process. Mag., Oct. 2014.
- jmgirard/mReliability - MATLAB Functions for Computing Inter-Observer Reliability
- jeljaik/extended-kalman-filter - Matlab and C++ code for implementation of the Extended Kalman Filter for estimating dynamic quantities for a single rigid body with distributed force/torque measurements and distributed gyroscopes and accelerometers measurements.It also include estimation of the orientation under the quaternion representation.
- iandol/opticka - Opticka is an experiment manager built on top of the Psychophysics toolbox (PTB) for MATLAB. It runs experimental tasks using flexible state machine logic and easily does dynamic methods-of-constants type experiments with full behavioural control. It uses a class system to create simple to use visual stimuli using experimenter friendly units. Opticka can use an Eyelink eyetracker, Plexon Omniplex neurophysiology data collection and general TTL control using either a cheap LabJack (ms precision) or DataPixx/Display++ (µs precision). It contains analysis routines linked to Fieldtrip for spike and LFP data easily parsed in terms of the experimental variables.
- emrekavur/CHAOS-evaluation - Evaluation code of CHAOS challenge in MATLAB, Python and Julia languages.
- dtu-dsp/Robochameleon - A matlab coding framework and component library for simulation and experimental analysis of optical communication systems
- drwuHUST/TLBCI - Matlab source code of the paper "D. Wu, X. Jiang, R. Peng, W. Kong, J. Huang and Z. Zeng, Transfer Learning for Motor Imagery Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Complete Pipeline, Information Sciences, 2021, submitted."
- asteroidhouse/texturesynth - Matlab implementation of Efros-Leung texture synthesis by non-parametric sampling.
- amandajshao/crowd_group_profile - Matlab code for our CVPR 2014 work "Scene-Independent Group Profiling in Crowd".
- ahmedaq/Making-elegant-Matlab-figures - A repository comprising multiple functions for making elegant publication-quality figures in MATLAB
- AnttiLehikoinen/SMEKlib - Matlab 2D-FEM library for electrical machines
- redbKIT/redbKIT - redbKIT is a MATLAB library for reduced-order modeling of parametrized PDEs
- ovcharenkoo/WaveProp_in_MATLAB - Single-file implementations of 2D and 3D acoustic and elastic wave propagation in time domain using finite-differences(FDTD). Simple formulation and implementation
- mparkan/Digital-Forestry-Toolbox - A collection of digital forestry tools for Matlab/Octave
- matlab-deep-learning/pose-estimation-3d-with-stereo-camera - This demo uses a deep neural network and two generic cameras to perform 3D pose estimation.
- jflalonde/shadowDetection - MATLAB implementation of our shadow detection approach, introduced in our ECCV 2010 paper.
- hoffsupes/Structured-Light-Laser-Stripe-Reconstruction - Reconstructs a 3D stripe on the area of an object on which a laser falls as seen by the camera
- brain-life/encode - Method for encoding brain connectomes in multidimensional arrays (tensors).
- bids-standard/bids-matlab - MATLAB / Octave tools for BIDS datasets
- YonghaoXu/RPNet - Hyperspectral Image Classification via a Random Patches Network
- PrasannaNatarajan/Coursera-Machine-Learning-Andrew-NG - This is a repository of my coursera Machine Learning by Standford, Andrew NG course's assignments
- OpenPIV/openpiv-matlab - Matlab version of the OpenPIV project (open source Particle Image Velocimetry)
- Lenskiy/Yahoo-Quandl-Market-Data-Donwloader - Matlab functions for market data downloading
- HelloYaoZhang/Face-Recognition-Using-PCA - Implemented Principal Components Analysis algorithm in MATLAB for face recognition. Compared two faces by projecting the images into Eigenface space and measure the Euclidean distance between them
- Fouloscopie/robotique - Petit programme de robotique en Matlab pour la préparation de l'épisode #13 de Fouloscopie
- FacePlusPlus/facepp-matlab-sdk - Matlab SDK for Face++ V2 API
- DylanMuir/fmin_adam - Matlab implementation of the Adam stochastic gradient descent optimisation algorithm
- wilselby/MatlabQuadSimAP - MATLAB files for simulating a 3DRobotics ArduPilot based quadrotor
- thepushkarp/Numerical-Techniques - Repository Containing Solution Codes of Assignments given in MA202: Numerical Techniques
- siramirsaman/LBM - Lattice Boltzmann Method Implementation in MATLAB for Curved Boundaries
- sdrforengineers/code - MATLAB implementations for SDR for Engineers textbook
- rflamary/nonconvex-optimization - Matlab/Octave toolbox for nonconvex optimization
- rconan/OOMAO - Object-Oriented, Matlab & Adaptive Optics
- pengsun/MexConv3D - Matlab mex implementation of the basic operations for 3D (volume) Convolutional Neural Network
- peiyunh/mat-vae - A MATLAB implementation of Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes
- mathworks-robotics/mobile-robotics-simulation-toolbox - MATLAB and Simulink utilities for vehicle kinematics, visualization, and sensor simulation.
- johncolby/along-tract-stats - A MATLAB toolbox for performing along-tract analysis of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) MRI tractography data.
- hiroyuki-kasai/SparseGDLibrary - MATLAB library of gradient descent algorithms for sparse modeling: Version 1.0.3
- gerald-lindsly/mongo-matlab-driver - Matlab driver for MongoDB
- fengweiigg/GRACE_Matlab_Toolbox - GRACE_Matlab_Toolbox
- datajoint/datajoint-matlab - Relational data pipelines for the science lab
- braton/fadapt - Adaptive filter algorithms package for Matlab
- balcilar/Calibration-Under_Different-Resolution - Stereo Camera Calibration Under Different Resolution
- SergioRAgostinho/five_point_algorithm - A MATLAB implementation of the Five-Point Algorithm by David Nistér
- JzHuai0108/imu_tk_matlab - This repo contains matlab scripts of David Tedaldi's ICRA14 paper, a robust and easy to implement method for IMU calibration
- JonathanCamargo/MoCapTools - Matlab tools for motion capture analysis, including programmatically running OpenSim, and automatical gap-filling of data.
- JaimeIvanCervantes/FaceRecognition - Face recognition written in MATLAB. This code implements Fisher's Discriminant Analysis and SVMs using LIBSVM.
- 101Hub/Matlab101 - 📚 Matlab 学习指南、路线及笔记整理
- yqueau/normal_integration - Matlab codes for integrating the normal (gradient) field of a surface over a 2D grid
- youweiliang/Multi-view_Clustering - MATLAB code for 7 Multi-view Spectral Clustering algorithms
- unfoldtoolbox/unfold - A matlab EEG toolbox to perform overlap correction and non-linear & linear regression.
- sehyoun/MATLABAutoDiff - Automatic Differentiation Package for MATLAB
- rezaahmadzadeh/Expectation-Maximization - Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm in Matlab
- paul-kassebaum-mathworks/circularGraph - Plot an interactive circular graph to illustrate connections in a network in MATLAB.
- njusthyk1972/NLH - Matlab code for our IEEE Trans. on Image Processing paper "NLH: A Blind Pixel-level Non-local Method for Real-world Image Denoising"
- mne-tools/mne-matlab - MNE scripting with Matlab
- mickcrosse/mTRF-Toolbox - A MATLAB Package for Relating Neural Signals to Continuous Stimuli
- kien-vu/Joint-User-Association-and-In-band-Backhaul-Scheduling-and-in-5G-mmWave-Networks - Matlab Simulation for T. K. Vu, M. Bennis, S. Samarakoon, M. Debbah and M. Latva-aho, "Joint In-Band Backhauling and Interference Mitigation in 5G Heterogeneous Networks," European Wireless 2016; 22th European Wireless Conference, Oulu, Finland, 2016, pp. 1-6. URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7499273&isnumber=7499250
- icvl/shred - Matlab code for estimating Hyperspectral data from RGB/Multispectral images
- fdietzsc/hita - Matlab code for the spectral analysis of homogenous isotropic turbulence
- deepakbaby/dereverberation-and-denoising - MATLAB codes for estimating the room impulse response (RIR) and exemplar weights for speech dereverberation in noisy environments using the NMF and NMD -based techniques
- chrisjmccormick/hog_matlab - Matlab implementation of the HOG descriptor for pedestrian detection
- catohaste/POMDP - Implementing a RL algorithm based upon a partially observable Markov decision process.
- bilityniu/underwater_image_fusion - 水下图像增强融合算法-matlab
- axg2016/16-QAM-QPSK-BPSK - Simulation in MATLAB of Digital Communication modulations (BPSK,QPSK,16 QAM) to find the performance and probability of error in Rayleigh and Rician fading environments
- alchemyst/ternplot - Plot ternary diagrams in Matlab
- acuoci/Matlab4CRE - Collection of Matlab codes to solve typical CRE (Chemical Reaction Engineering) problems
- SanketD92/CT-Image-Reconstruction - Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction Project using MATLAB
- Saeid-jhn/Digital-Image-Watermarking - Digital Image Watermarking Method Based on Hybrid DWT-HD-SVD Technique: Attacks, PSNR, SSIM, NC
- PhilD001/biomechZoo - biomechZoo is a user-customizable toolbox for the analysis of biomechanical data within the MatLab programming environment. Please take a look at the Wiki for setup information and user instructions.
- Nekooeimehr/MATLAB-Source-Code-Oversampling-Methods - This repository contains the source code for four oversampling methods that I wrote in MATLAB: 1) SMOTE 2) Borderline SMOTE 3) Safe Level SMOTE 4) ASUWO (Adaptive Semi-Unsupervised Weighted Oversampling)
- Charleswyt/audio_steganalysis_ml - Audio steganalysis based on traditional handcrafted features design.
- yooongchun/MatlabCourse - 数模课程Matlab代码资源仓库
- xiaohuiben/fmmef-TIP-2020 - This is the Matlab code of paper "Fast Multi-Scale Structural Patch Decomposition for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion, TIP,2020"
- tholden/dynareOBC - A toolkit for implementing occasionally binding constraints in Dynare.
- shamim-hussain/speech_dereverbaration_using_lp_residual - This is a single channel speech dereverberation method based on DOI: 10.1109/TSA.2005.858066; implemented in MATLAB
- samuelterra22/Massive-MIMO-Hybrid-Beamforming-Matlab-Example - A simple example with how hybrid beamforming is employed at the transmit end of a massive MIMO communications system.
- mahuichao/MatlabWorkSpace - some algorithm about machine learning ,neural network or Microphone Array
- jschwizer99/plot2svg - Save MATLAB plots as svg files
- jramshur/ECG_Viewer - Matlab GUI for reviewing, processing, and annotating electrocardiogram (ECG) data files
- joyeecheung/panoramic-image-stitching - Panoramic image stitching using SIFT and RANSAC in matlab.
- balrifaee/Net-MPC_Collision-Avoidance - MATLAB Simulation of Networked Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Collision Avoidance
- YuYongRun/PolarCodes-Encoding-Decoding-Construction - Polar codes Fast MATLAB implementations, including encoder, several types of SC decoder, CRC-SCL decoder and many code construction algorithms.
- Timmmdavis/CutAndDisplace - Boundary Element MATLAB code. Modelling faults and deformation
- SMARTlab-Purdue/robotarium-rendezvous-RSSDOA - This repository contains the Matlab source codes (to use in Robotarium platform) of various rendezvous controllers for consensus control in a multi-agent / multi-robot system.
- HybridRobotics/NMPC-DCLF-DCBF - A collection of work using nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) with discrete-time control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) and control barrier functions (CBFs) (https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12313, https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.10596, https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.11718)
- Hannah-Zhou/Optimization_Algorithm - 非线性优化主要算法的Matlab程序,有精确线搜索的0.618法和抛物线法, 非精确线搜索的Armijo准则, 最速下降法, 牛顿法, 共轭梯度法, BFGS 算法, DFP 算法, Broyden 族方法, 信赖域方法, 求解非线性最小二乘问题的L-M算法, 解约束优化问题的乘子法, 求解二次规划的有效集法, SQP 子问题的光滑牛顿法以及求解约束优化问题的SQP方法等. 程序基本通用.
- FanWangEcon/Math4Econ - Mathematics for Economists (Matlab Live Codes)
- CemalUnal/XDoG-Filter - Edge Detection with XDoG Filter
- BlackrockNeurotech/NPMK - Neural Processing Matlab Kit is a set of functions for loading and manipulating data from Blackrock Microsystems' data files (.CCF, .NEV, .NSx).
- vrdmr/CS273a-Introduction-to-Machine-Learning - Introduction to machine learning and data mining How can a machine learn from experience, to become better at a given task? How can we automatically extract knowledge or make sense of massive quantities of data? These are the fundamental questions of machine learning. Machine learning and data mining algorithms use techniques from statistics, optimization, and computer science to create automated systems which can sift through large volumes of data at high speed to make predictions or decisions without human intervention. Machine learning as a field is now incredibly pervasive, with applications from the web (search, advertisements, and suggestions) to national security, from analyzing biochemical interactions to traffic and emissions to astrophysics. Perhaps most famously, the $1M Netflix prize stirred up interest in learning algorithms in professionals, students, and hobbyists alike. This class will familiarize you with a broad cross-section of models and algorithms for machine learning, and prepare you for research or industry application of machine learning techniques. Background We will assume basic familiarity with the concepts of probability and linear algebra. Some programming will be required; we will primarily use Matlab, but no prior experience with Matlab will be assumed. (Most or all code should be Octave compatible, so you may use Octave if you prefer.) Textbook and Reading There is no required textbook for the class. However, useful books on the subject for supplementary reading include Murphy's "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective", Duda, Hart & Stork, "Pattern Classification", and Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, "The Elements of Statistical Learning".
- vkrepo/MATLAB-NS3 - MATLAB and NS3 co-simulation
- syedalamabbas/2D_3D_PolarFourierTransform - C++, CUDA, and MATLAB codes for the paper "An Exact and Fast Computation of Discrete Fourier Transform for Polar and Spherical Grid"
- sccn/ICLabel - Automatic EEG IC classification plugin for EEGLAB
- rceballos98/EEG_Classifier - A general matlab framework for EEG data classification
- pyoceans/python-seawater - Translated version of the matlab CSIRO seawater toolbox
- minoue-xx/livescript2markdown - MATLAB's live scripts to markdown. The provided function converts your latex (generated from a live script) to markdown so that it could easily produce README.md with MATLAB code, equations, and figures.
- maximm8/VisualHull - Creation of Visual Hull using Matlab
- mathworks/MATLAB-Language-grammar - This repository contains a regular expression based language grammar for MATLAB to be used by GitHub Linguist for highlighting MATLAB code on GitHub
- liuxinyu123/Matlab - SAR Imaging
- linksense/NNAEC-NeuralNetworkbasedAcousticEchoCancellation - NNAEC-Neural Network based Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- earthat/Digital-Image-Watermarking-Using-Optimized-DWT-DCT - This repository embed the message into an Image using optimized DWT-DCT
- barnesgroupICL/Driftfusion - An open source drift diffusion code based in MATLAB for simulating solar cells
- analogdevicesinc/ad936x-filter-wizard - MATLAB-based FIR filter design
- ZhuangLab/matlab-storm - GUIs and functions for analyzing STORM data in MATLAB
- SysBioChalmers/GECKO - Toolbox for including enzyme constraints on a genome-scale model.
- SuwoongHeo/Deformation-Transfer-Matlab - Matlab version of Deformation Transfer
- PeterFeicht/ltspice2matlab - LTspice2Matlab - Import LTspice data into MATLAB
- OpenFAST/matlab-toolbox - Collection of Matlab tools developed for use with OpenFAST
- LabForComputationalVision/textureSynth - This package contains MatLab code for analyzing and synthesizing digital image of visual texture.
- zheng-yuwei/Stacked_Autoencoder - 用 MATLAB 实现深度学习网络中的 stacked auto-encoder:使用AE variant(de-noising / sparse / contractive AE)进行预训练,用BP算法进行微调
- zbai/MATLAB-Groves - Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems
- yrlu/seamless_face_replacement - Implemented a pipeline for automatic face replacement in videos (without deep learning). Image morphing, triangulation, TPS, Poisson blending, etc.
- wwzjer/RainRemoval_ICCV2017 - Should We Encode Rain as Deterministic or Stochastic? In ICCV 2017.
- weihaotobe94/LaserSLAM - A simple laser lidar SLAM, the code is organized by matlab.
- wanbin-song/BatteryMachineLearning - Machine learning based Lithium-Ion battery capacity estimation using multi-Channel charging Profiles
- vinhphunguyen/migfem - Isogeometric finite elements in Matlab
- veenveenveen/SpeechSignalProcessingCourse - 语音信号处理实验教程(MATLAB源代码)
- unl-nimbus-lab/bag2matlab - Read ROS bag data into a Matlab workspace
- tntrung/sparse_based_face_recognition - A Matlab implementation of Face Recognition using Sparse Representation.
- stefslon/exportToPPTX - MatLab tool for exporting data to PowerPoint 2007+ files without the need COM-object automation.
- stefanengblom/stenglib - Stefan Engblom's Matlab libraries
- ron1818/PhD_code - r and matlab code, datasets, published papers for my phd study 2011-2015
- oahziur/animated-archer - Octave/Matlab Implementation for Job Shop Scheduling Problem
- mebden/GPtutorial - Matlab code for the introduction to Gaussian processes, 2008
- mawady/bus-segmentation - MATLAB implementation to segment breast lesions in ultrasound images (ICIAR 2016)
- kien-vu/Path-Selection-and-Rate-allocation-in-Self-backhauled-mmWave-Networks - This is a Matlab code package is related to the article : Path Selection and Rate Allocation for URLLC in Self-backhauled mmWave 5G Networks
- jackros1022/MATLAB-neural-network-43-case-studies-Code - matlab神经网络43个案例分析
- iqiukp/RVM-MATLAB - MATLAB code for Relevance Vector Machine using SB2_Release_200.
- gzsiri/supermodeling - 专注数学建模优质资料整合与培训咨询!
- gustavoavellar/multi-uav-planning - This is a matlab code used in the paper Multi-UAV Routing for Area Coverage and Remote Sensing with Minimum Time
- gaur1616/Channel-Estimation-OFDM- - -Investigated the efficiency of different estimators to estimate and track channel parameters based on the Mean Squared Error (MSE) performance. The estimators employed in the simulation are LS and MMSE estimators and their performance in the transfer domain was evaluated. MATLAB was used for the simulation of the communication link and analyzing the error between the estimated channel parameters and actual modeled channel parameters.
- ethz-asl/mav_system_identification - Matlab scripts to perform system identification for muti-rotor systems
- emmanuelkalunga/Online-SSVEP - Matlab codes for the Online SSVEP-based BCI using Riemannian Geometry algorithm
- dmarienko/Matlab - Some usefull matlab scripts
- dingkeyan93/Active-Contour-Model-Matlab - Some matlab code of Active Contour Model for image segmentation
- davidhowey/Spectral_li-ion_SPM - Spectral li-ion SPM is a MATLAB code that solves the so-called lithium-ion battery Single Particle Model (SPM) using spectral numerical methods.
- csjunxu/STAR-TIP2020 - Matlab code for STAR: A Structure and Texture Aware Retinex Model, TIP 2020.
- borninfreedom/matlab-robotics-GUI-tool - 机械臂GUI工具箱,基于matlab robotics toolbox
- TheAvalanche/MATLAB-Jpeg-encoder - JPEG compression implementation in MATLAB. With writing into file.
- PeterRochford/SkillMetricsToolbox - This toolbox contains a collection of Matlab functions for calculating the skill of model predictions against observations.
- Pamphlett/CoBigICP - [IROS2020] CoBigICP: COrrentropy based BIdirectional Generalized ICP
- NezaRIP/carsim-simulink-MPC-controller-practice - Including the simulink model and the MPC-Controller code. Carsim vesion 8.02, Matlab version 2018b.
- JAAdrian/MatlabProgressBar - This MATLAB class provides a smart progress bar like tqdm in the command window and is optimized for progress information in simple iterations or large frameworks with full support of parallel parfor loops provided by the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox.
- DylanMuir/TIFFStack - Load TIFF files into matlab fast, with lazy loading
- ACCLAB/DABEST-Matlab - MATLAB package to generate contrast plots
- zhaoxrthu/DQN_of_DWA_matlab - learning the weight of each paras in DWA(Dynamic Window Approach) by using DQN(Deep Q-Learning)
- xb00dx/ConvertChanceConstraint-ccc - ConvertChanceConstraint (ccc): a Matlab toolbox for Chance-constrained Optimization
- tboerstad/DSPView - A MATLAB GUI for ultrasound B-mode, velocity, strain and elastographic processing.
- rayryeng/equi2cubic - MATLAB script that converts equirectangular images into six cube faces
- raacampbell/sigstar - add significance stars to MATLAB plots
- phi-max/skeleton3d-matlab - MATLAB code to calculate the 3D skeleton of a binary volume using parallel medial axis thinning
- otoolej/qEEG_feature_set - NEURAL: a neonatal EEG feature set in Matlab
- malrabeiah/DL-Massive-MIMO - DL tackling Massive-MIMO problems
- m-r-s/reference-feature-extraction - Reference Matlab/Octave implementations of feature extraction algorithms
- jiaowenlong/PSO - 粒子群算法 matlab2016b
- djoshea/matlab-save-figure - Cross-platform figure export from Matlab to SVG, PDF, PNG, etc. preserving transparency
- cmontalvo251/MATLAB - This is my public repo of all my MATLAB Screen cast codes and other random codes written in MATLAB
- caiuspetronius/Optometrika - Optometrika MATLAB library implements analytical and iterative ray tracing approximation to optical image formation using Snell’s and Fresnel’s laws of refraction and reflection.
- aschmidtuulm/ameshref - Efficient Matlab Implementation of Adaptive Mesh Refinement in 2D
- andrewssobral/imtsl - IMTSL - Incremental and Multi-feature Tensor Subspace Learning
- acuoci/CFDofReactiveFlows - Collection of codes in Matlab(R) and C++ for solving basic problems presented and discussed in the "Computational Fluid Dynamics of Reactive Flows" course (Politecnico di Milano)
- Vespa314/Retinex - Matlab实现的论文里面算法的Retinex颜色恒常性
- StackOverflowMATLABchat/matlab-theme-changer - A color scheme changer for MATLAB.
- NilsWinter/matlab-bayesian-estimation - Matlab Toolbox for Bayesian Estimation
- NikolajAndersson/PEAQ - This repo contains a Matlab version of the Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality algorithm
- NSGeophysics/GPR-O - Octave/Matlab programs for processing and plotting 2D and 3D Ground Penetrating Radar data
- LanMai/OpenSIM - OpenSIM matlab code
- KKimura360/MLC_toolbox - A MATLAB/OCTAVE library for Multi-Label Classification
- JohannesPfeifer/Particle_Filtering - Matlab Particle Filtering and Smoothing Example Code
- yashdv/Speech-Recognition - A simple Matlab code to recognize people using their voice.
- tuandn8/GM_PHD_Filter - GM-PHD filter in target tracking
- summitgao/SAR_Change_Detection_CWNN - Matlab code for "Sea ice change detection in SAR images based on convolutional-wavelet neural networks," IEEE GRSL 2019
- sduprey/optimal_transaction_execution - This entry contains two topics The first item is entirely based on the following paper: http://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/papers/pdf/SFB649DP2011-056.pdf It contains 2 MATLAB demonstrating script : DATA_preprocessing.m & VAR_modeling_script.m DATA_preprocessing.m uses the LOBSTER framework (https://lobster.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/) to preprocess high frequency data from the NASDAQ Total View ITCH (csv files) allowing us to reconstruct exactly at each time the order book up to ten depths. Just look at the published script ! VAR_modeling_script.m contains the modeling of the whole order book as VEC/VAR process. It uses the great VAR/VEC Joahnsen cointegration framework. After calibrating your VAR model, you then assess the impact of an order using shock scenario (sensitivity analysis) to the VAR process. We deal with 3 scenarii : normal limit order, aggressive limit order & normal market order). Play section by section the script (to open up figures which contain a lot of graphs). It contains a power point to help you present this complex topic. The second item is entirely based on the following paper : http://www.courant.nyu.edu/~almgren/papers/optliq.pdf It contains a mupad document : symbolic_demo.mn I did struggle to get something nice with the symbolic toolbox. I was not able to drive a continuous workflow and had to recode some equations myself. I nevertheless managed to get a closed form solution for the simplified linear cost model. It contains a MATLAB demonstrating script : working_script.m For more sophisticated cost model, there is no more closed form and we there highlighted MATLAB numerical optimization abilities (fmincon). It contains an Optimization Apps you can install. Just launch the optimization with the default parameters. And then switch the slider between volatility risk and liquidation costs to see the trading strategies evolve on the efficient frontier. It contains a power point to help you present this complex topic.
- samhooke/Steganography - Image & video steganography in Matlab
- rmgarnett/gpml_extensions - Provides various extensions to the GPML toolbox for Gaussian process inference in MATLAB.
- precise-simulation/cfdtool - CFDTool - An easy to use OpenFOAM / SU2 / CFD simulation toolbox for MATLAB
- opencobra/MATLAB.devTools - MATLAB Development Tools
- leokarlin/msmo_star_model - multi-scale multi-object star model Matlab code for single shot object recognition
- labliscvut/imu_calibration - Matlab codes for calibration of inertial measurement unit (3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope)
- jk123vip/SRC_SOMP_matlab - 稀疏表示分类器应用于高光谱图像分类的MATLAB代码实现。仿真论文地址如下:
- jaiverma/MATLAB - Digital Image Processing
- ilent2/ott - Optical Tweezers Toolbox (Version 1)
- gradywright/spherepts - A collection of matlab functions for experimenting with different point sets on the sphere
- fxgiraldo/Element-based-Galerkin-Methods - This directory contains the Lecture files and Project codes in both Julia and Matlab for a course based on the Springer textbook "An Introduction to Element-based Galerkin Methods on Tensor-Product Bases" by F.X. Giraldo
- fediskhakov/dcegm - Matlab implementation of DC-EGM algorithm from Iskhakov, Jorgensen, Rust and Schjerning (QE, 2017)
- davidnbresch/climada - OLD MATLAB version of CLIMADA phased out --> PLEASE USE https://github.com/CLIMADA-project/climada_python
- baddoo/piDMD - MATLAB codes for physics-informed dynamic mode decomposition (piDMD)
- andrewssobral/tensor_toolbox - MATLAB Tensor Toolbox (by Tamara Kolda)
- analogdevicesinc/TransceiverToolbox - MATLAB toolbox for ADI transceiver products
- aminzabardast/SIFT-on-MATLAB - This is an Implementation of "SIFT Features" on MatLab.
- amforte/Topographic-Analysis-Kit - Set of matlab based tools for topographic analysis, built on top of TopoToolbox.
- WeisongZhao/Sparse-SIM - Official MATLAB implementation of the "Sparse deconvolution" -v1.0.3
- Ultrasty/Digital-Image-Processing - 冈萨雷斯《数字图像处理》第三版-课后习题答案;《数字图像处理(matlab版)》-源代码及图片 DIP
- SuperMakeSomething/diy-3d-scanner - MATLAB/Arduino code for DIY 3D Scanner Project featured in Super Make Something Episode 8
- NPS-SRL/SPART - Open-source modeling and control toolkit for mobile-base robotic multibody systems
- LobotomyWeekend/Cooperative-Control - Masters project, designing a multi-vehicle control system.
- JavierAntoran/gps-stack-sim - Simulation of the full GPS stack, from satellites' transmission to position calculation at receivers
- JSLee121230/Energy-Ef-cient-Data-Collection-in-UAV-Enabled-Wireless-Sensor-Network - Energy Efficient Data Collection in UAV Enabled Wireless Sensor Network in matlab
- HirojiSawatari/EEMD-Project - This is a MATLAB project which can calculate EMD/EEMD
- GenericMappingTools/gmtmex - GMT API for MATLAB
- FESTUNG/FESTUNG - The main project for the MATLAB / GNU Octave code of FESTUNG
- EnricSala/influxdb-matlab - MATLAB client for InfluxDB
- 3140102441/Video-key-frame-extraction - 视频关键帧提取 matlab
- wang-boyu/coursera-machine-learning - MATLAB assignments in Coursera's Machine Learning course
- vinthony/Dual_TVL1_Optical_Flow - dual tvl1 optical flow matlab version
- springer-math/linear-programming-using-MATLAB - This book offers a theoretical and computational presentation of a variety of linear programming algorithms and methods with an emphasis on the revised simplex method and its components. A theoretical background and mathematical formulation is included for each algorithm as well as comprehensive numerical examples and corresponding MATLAB® code. The MATLAB® implementations presented in this book are sophisticated and allow users to find solutions to large-scale benchmark linear programs. Each algorithm is followed by a computational study on benchmark problems that analyze the computational behavior of the presented algorithms. As a solid companion to existing algorithmic-specific literature, this book will be useful to researchers, scientists, mathematical programmers, and students with a basic knowledge of linear algebra and calculus. The clear presentation enables the reader to understand and utilize all components of simplex-type methods, such as presolve techniques, scaling techniques, pivoting rules, basis update methods, and sensitivity analysis.
- scienstanford/iqmetrics - Image Quality Metrics in Matlab
- ox-vgg/keypoint_detection - Keypoint detection matlab demo
- mxgiuliani00/M3O-Multi-Objective-Optimal-Operations - M3O is a Matlab toolbox for designing the optimal operations of multipurpose water reservoir systems
- mwgeurts/gamma - 1D, 2D, or 3D gamma computation in MATLAB
- meton-robean/SPO_BPNN_PID - 基于粒子群优化的神经网络PID控制
- matlab-deep-learning/COVID19-Face-Mask-Detection-using-deep-learning - The entire workflow of developing deep learning model for detecting face mask.
- mathworks/HDL-Coder-Self-Guided-Tutorial - Learn how to deploy an algorithm to an FPGA using MATLAB and Simulink.
- mathworks/2D-Lid-Driven-Cavity-Flow-Incompressible-Navier-Stokes-Solver - This repository provides MATLAB code for the lid-driven cavity flow where incompressible Navier Stokes equation is numerically solved using a simple 2nd order finite difference scheme on a staggered grid system.
- liushenwenyuan/matlab_orc - 【毕业设计】手写数字识别
- lawrennd/fgplvm - Faster GP-LVM software in MATLAB.
- juliamatlab/julia-matlab-shuttle - Matlab interface for calling Julia
- jimmy-ren/vLSTM - Vectorized multimodal LSTM using Matlab and GPU
- jabbring/dynamic-discrete-choice - Matlab package for learning to specify, compute, and estimate dynamic discrete choice models
- iralabdisco/pso-clustering - PSO-Clustering algorithm [Matlab code]
- hiroyuki-kasai/OLSTEC - OnLine Low-rank Subspace tracking by TEnsor CP Decomposition in Matlab: Version 1.0.1
- ethz-pes/AI-mag - AI-mag: Inductor Modeling and Design with FEM and Artificial Neural Network
- ehodneland/cellsegm - An automated MATLAB tool for segmentation of surface stained cells.
- dmaniloff/libpomdp - libpomdp is a set of POMDP approximation algorithms implemented in Java and Matlab
- dengwirda/jigsaw-geo-matlab - MATLAB bindings for JIGSAW(GEO): an unstructured mesh generator for geoscientific modelling.
- davidsosa/radar-target-generation-and-detection - Configures the FMCW waveform based on the system requirements. Then defines the range and velocity of a target and simulates its displacement. For the same simulation loop process, the transmit and receive signals are computed to determine the beat signal. Then it performs a Range FFT on the received signal to determine the Range Towards the end, perform the CFAR processing on the output of 2nd FFT to display the target.
- bobvo23/flicker_stimulator - SSVEP Stimulator using MATLAB and Psychtoolbox
- atpoulsen/Microstate-EEGlab-toolbox - Microstate EEGlab toolbox
- arolet/wasserstein-dictionary-learning - A matlab toolbox to perform Wasserstein Dictionary Learning or NMF
- apetros/TDNetGen - A MATLAB toolbox to generate large-scale combined Transmission and Distribution networks
- StollLab/EasySpin - MATLAB toolbox for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
- SergiosKar/Robotic-Arm - Kinematics, Dynamics, Trajectory planning and Control of a 4 degrees of freedom robotic arm with matlab robotic toolbox
- SUHONGJIAN/Matlab-make-blurred-images-clear - 分别实现:1.对模糊车牌图像进行清晰处理;2.对高斯模糊图像进行高斯平滑滤波处理;3.对椒盐噪声图像进行中值滤波处理;4.对雾化图像进行直方图均衡化处理;5.对模糊图像进行对比度拉伸与灰度拉伸处理;6.对运动模糊图像进行维纳滤波处理;
- JesseLu/objective-first - Objective-first approach to nanophotonic design, implemented in Matlab
- HosseinAbedi/FCM - A simple implementation of the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (FCM) in MATLAB/GNU-Octave.
- EFeru/MotionGenerator - Analytical trapezoidal motion generator in Arduino and Matlab
- CaptYoung/License-Plate-Recognition - 基于MATLAB实现的蓝白车牌识别系统
- wiggins-lab/SuperSegger - A completely automated MATLAB-based trainable image cell segmentation, fluorescence quantification and analysis suite, particularly well suited for high-throughput time lapse fluorescence microscopy of in vivo bacterial cells.
- uzh-rpg/rpg_event_lifetime - MATLAB Implementation of Event Lifetime Estimation
- tsdev/spinw - SpinW Matlab library for spin wave calculation
- tinevez/msdanalyzer - A MATLAB class for Mean Square Displacement analysis.
- tanguyduval/imtool3D_td - 3D Image Viewer with ROI tools for Matlab ( NIFTI viewer, Manual segmentation )
- sunshineatnoon/Convolutional-Neural-Network - This is a matlab implementation of CNN on MNIST
- simgunz/doxymatlab - Doxygen parser for MATLAB. Extracts automatically comments from your Matlab .m files using Doxygen to generate the documentation.
- scottclowe/superbar - Better bar charts for MATLAB.
- quanmingyao/NGMeet - Matlab Code for: "Non-local Meets Global: An Integrated Paradigm for Hyperspectral Denoising. Arvix. Dec 2018"
- plusk01/se3quad - Geometric Controller of a Quadrotor on SE(3)
- oydodo/MATLAB - 《数学建模算法与应用》司守奎matlab程序
- osqp/osqp-matlab - Matlab interface for OSQP
- onebula/ONquant - 基于Matlab的事件驱动量化回测框架
- niclasborlin/dbat - DBAT - The Damped Bundle Adjustment toolbox for Matlab
- nickabattista/Holy_Grail - An array of fluid solver codes, including Projection, Pseudo-Spectral (FFT), Lattice Boltzmann, and the Panel Method with implementations in both MATLAB and Python3
- netZoo/netZooM - netZooM is a network biology package implemented in MATLAB.
- mp4096/adawhatever - MATLAB implementation of AdaGrad, Adam, Adamax, Adadelta etc.
- markus-nilsson/md-dmri - MATLAB code for Multidimensional Diffusion MRI
- lindahua/pli-toolbox - A MATLAB Toolbox for Probabilistic Learning and Inference
- labcisne/ELMToolbox - Matlab implementation of Extreme Learning Machine and variants
- kunqian2025/reinforcement-learning - Implementation of Single-Agent and Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. MATLAB.
- jckane/Voice_Analysis_Toolkit - A set of Matlab code for carrying out glottal source and voice quality analysis
- janklab/matlab-bench - Some utilities for exploring Matlab's behavior
- israkir/cox-watermarking - a simple spread-spectrum based informed watermarking implementation in MATLAB
- hubertgabrys/DicomToolboxMatlab - Import, visualize, and extract image features from CT and RT Dose DICOM files in MATLAB.
- gwtaylor/imCRBM - Matlab implementation of Implicit mixtures of Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines.
- got-10k/toolkit-matlab - Official MATLAB toolkit for generic object tracking benchmark GOT-10k
- fangvv/LassoADMM - Code for paper "A Distributed ADMM Approach for Collaborative Regression Learning in Edge Computing"
- echeever/BodePlotGui - A MATLAB GUI for drawing asymptotic Bode diagrams
- disordered-photonics/celes - CELES: CUDA-accelerated electromagnetic scattering by large ensembles of spheres
- denkywu/PolSAR-Calibration - 极化合成孔径雷达,极化定标和校准 相关。Some work I did during my graduate studies (Matlab Code) : (3) Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) Calibration, including (a) the Whitt algorithm, (b) the Quegan algorithm, (c) the Ainsworth algorithm, (d) the PARC algorithm.
- burakcorekci/ImageDenoisingKSVD - MATLAB implementation of the paper "Image Denoising Via Sparse and Redundant Representations Over Learned Dictionaries"
- brotchie/eulerianmagnify - Eulerian video magnification in Matlab
- arbenson/higher-order-organization-matlab - Experimental Matlab code for methods and some examples in "Higher-order organization of complex networks"
- ZhuangLab/MERFISH_analysis - Matlab software for the analysis of MERFISH data and the construction of MERFISH probes.
- ZacharyTaylor/motion-based-calibration - Matlab methods utilizing structure from motion in combination with the Levinson method to calibrate a Velodyne-camera system
- Tridu33/interesting_Matlab - 只搜集好玩的Matlab代码,好的资源,应该引向互联网更多开放自由开源的资源,而不是流量闭环
- Terenceyuyue/mFEM - MATLAB Programming for Finite Element Methods
- SukritGupta17/Chess-Board-Recognition - A Chess Board configuration recognition Computer Vision Project
- RoyiAvital/FastGuassianBlur - Evaluation of few methods to apply Gaussian Blur on an Image.
- PortfolioEffect/PE-HFT-Matlab - MATLAB toolbox for high frequency portfolio analysis, intraday backtesting and optimization
- PascPeli/Puma-Robot-Simulation - Simulation of a Puma 762 manipulator capable of solving the Forward and Inverse Kinematics problems
- Hamzeh-Sadeghi/GSpecDisp - A Matlab package for phase-velocity dispersion measurement from ambient-noise correlations
- GiovanniBordiga/TOP-OPT-Plates - MATLAB Code for Topology Optimization of Plates
- EvanOman/AntColonyOptimization-TSP - An Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem
- Clark-Youngdong-Son/minSnapTrajec_matlab - MATLAB simulation for the paper 'Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors
- BrainardLab/mQUESTPlus - MATLAB implementation of Watson's Quest+
- BlinkFTW/MIMO-OFDM - MATLAB code simulating different MIMO-OFDM schemes
- Ashwani21/Local-texture-descriptors - Matlab implementation, comparision and improvement of Local texture descriptors. This repo demonstrate usage of Local binary pattern (LBP), Local derivative pattern (LDP), Local Tetra pattern (LTrP), Noise Resistant LBP (NR-LBP), Histogram Refinement of Local texture descriptor for Content based image retrieval (CBIR) application.
- ArrowLuo/LLE_Algorithm - locally linear embedding algorithm code write by matlab
- yuhsuansia/Extended-target-PMBM-tracker - MATLAB implementation of the extended target PMBM tracker based on sets of trajectories
- wengjn/MatlabDBN - Dynamic Bayesian Network
- tobybreckon/solomon-breckon-book - Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab - Solomon / Breckon, 2010
- tfzhou/BINGObjectness - BING Objectness proposal estimator Matlab wrapper. More in http://mmcheng.net/bing/
- steven2358/sklearn-matlab - Machine learning in Matlab using scikit-learn syntax
- scottclowe/matlab-continuous-integration - A method of doing Continuous integration on a CI server when developing in MATLAB
- schorschinho/osprey - All-in-one toolbox for processing of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data.
- robmaunder/ldpc-3gpp-matlab - Matlab simulations of the encoder and decoder for the New Radio LDPC code from 3GPP Release 15
- psycharo/factor-graph - matlab/c++ factor graph framework
- nickmckay/LiPD-utilities - Input/output and manipulation utilities for LiPD files in Matlab, R and Python
- minhnhat93/lfa_sc - Matlab implementation of the paper "Learning fast approximations of sparse coding"
- jonzhaocn/Simple-GAN-Base-on-Matlab - simple Generative Adversarial Networks base on matlab
- jacobgil/BagOfVisualWords - A simple Matlab implementation of Bag Of Words with SIFT keypoints and HoG descriptors, using VLFeat.
- iqiukp/ZoomPlot-MATLAB - MATLAB Code for Interactive Magnification of Customized Regions.
- ionhandshaker/distmesh - DistMesh - simple 2D and 3D mesh generator for MATLAB and Octave (with GUI support)
- gwheaton/ID3-Decision-Tree - A MATLAB implementation of the ID3 decision tree algorithm for EECS349 - Machine Learning
- geez0x1/CompliantJointToolbox - Compliant Joint Toolbox (CJT) for MATLAB and Simulink
- danyaljj/constrained_clustering - A MATLAB project containing many popular / existing constrained clustering algorithms
- carlobar/PDToolbox_matlab - Matlab implementation of some evolutionary dynamics from game theory, such as: replicator dynamics, smith dynamics, logit dynamics, and Brown-von Neumann-Nash.
- IPL-UV/altoolbox - MATLAB Active Learning Toolbox for Remote Sensing
- GentleDell/imu_preintegration_matlab - matlab code for imu preintegration on manifold
- paulyang1990/QuadrupedSim - A quadruped robot simulator in Matlab/Simulink
- 13952522076/CollaborativeFiltering - matlab, collaborative filtering, MovieLens dataset,The movie recommendation system
- odedstein/sgi-introduction-course - A course for getting started with geometry processing using MATLAB and gptoolbox
- trnkap/matlab-snippets - Code snippets for the Matlab editor.
- socib/glider_toolbox - MATLAB/Octave scripts to manage data collected by a glider fleet, including data download, data processing and product and figure generation, both in real time and delayed time.
- mcosovic/MATGRID - MATGRID is an easy-to-use power system simulation tool for researchers and educators provided as a MATLAB package.
- chouj/UPC-UPV-for-IITC - Generating coordinate information of UPC / UPV for IITC according to your private Ingress GDPR data
- ahmetcecen/MultiPolyRegress-MatlabCentral - Multivariate Polynomial Regression
- SIMOGroup/SIMO-Package - This package implements NURBS-based IsoGeometric Analysis (IGA) and is released freely for education and research purposes. These codes are written in MATLAB. All your contributions are always welcomed.
- ICB-DCM/PESTO - PESTO: Parameter EStimation TOolbox, Bioinformatics, btx676, 2017.
- ExploreASL/ExploreASL - ExploreASL: releases can be found in the main branch or within the releases tab. If you want to contribute, please contact us at [email protected]. Development details can be found under the wiki tab. Code documentation can be found on the documentation website https://exploreasl.github.io/Documentation
- shicai/matlab - Matlab Toolbox for Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision
- ronw/matlab_hmm - MATLAB functions for training and evaluating HMMs and GMMs.
- martinResearch/MatlabAutoDiff - A matlab implementation of forward automatic differentiation with operator overloading and sparse jacobians
- zhangyaqi1989/Multiscale-FEM - This repo contains matlab code for multiscale finite element method
- wspr/bvh-matlab - Parse BVH files (Biovision) for Matlab
- simoneparisotto/MATLAB-Python-inpainting-codes - This is the companion software for the book "Partial Differential Equation Methods for Image Inpainting" (C.-B. Schönlieb, Cambridge University Press, 2015)
- lwh521jll/Radar-SAR-simu - Radar SAR imaging simulation under Matlab
- kritiksoman/WSN-Localization - MATLAB script for node localization in Wireless Sensor Network
- javierbarbero/DEAMATLAB - Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB
- ina111/MatRockSim - Matlab Rocket Flight Simulator
- hli1221/imagefusion_mdlatlrr - MDLatLRR (IEEE TIP 2020)
- csd111/dereverberation - Single-Channel Dereverberation in Matlab
- UMD-ISL/Matlab-Toolbox-for-Dimensionality-Reduction - Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction
- Hua-Zhou/TensorReg - Matlab toolbox for tensor regressions
- EwingKang/Dubins-RRT-for-MATLAB - RRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees) using Dubins curve, with collision check in MATLAB
- yuteng/nighttime-dehazing - MATLAB implementation of the paper "Nighttime Single Image Dehazing via Pixel-Wise Alpha Blending", IEEE ACESS 2019
- kschan0214/sepia - Matlab GUI pipeline application for quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM)
- WangboML/bp_features_extraction - 对同步采集的三个信号:PPG、ECG、BP进行特征提取的matlab程序
- HolmesShuan/K-Nearest-Neighbors-Hashing - Matlab implementation of "K-Nearest Neighbors Hashing" (CVPR2019)
- wangshusen/RandMatrixMatlab - simple MATLAB code for randomized matrix computation
- robmaunder/turbo-3gpp-matlab - Matlab simulations of the encoder and decoder for the LTE turbo code from 3GPP Release 15
- mws262/MATLAB-Reinforcement-Learning-Pendulum - Q-Learning pendulum swing-up problem with animation as it's learning.
- jl626/ORB-MATLAB - MATLAB implementation of ORB (oriented fast rotated brief) without opencv mex
- haxxorsid/watermark-dwt-matlab - MATLAB program with GUI to watermark images
- echeever/scam - Symbolic Circuit Analysis with MATLAB
- akanazawa/Semantic-texton-forests - Implementation of semantic texton forests in matlab
- CALFEM/calfem-matlab-iga - Isogeometric Analysis toolbox for CALFEM
- iqiukp/Support-Vector-Data-Description-SVDD - MATLAB Code for abnormal detection or fault detection using Support Vector Data Description (SVDD).
- iqiukp/Relevance-Vector-Machine-RVM - MATLAB code for Relevance Vector Machine using SB2_Release_200.
- arron2003/rgbd2full3d - Matlab codes that convert a RGBD image into a cad like model. This code is released as a part of my PhD dissertation.
- wenbihan/salt_iccv2017 - SALT (iccv2017) based Video Denoising Codes, Matlab implementation
- srp98/Prediction-using-Bayesian-Neural-Network - Prediction of continuous signals data and Web tracking data using dynamic Bayesian neural network. Compared with other network architectures aswell.
- kunegis/konect-toolbox - Octave/Matlab toolbox for network analysis – part of the KONECT project by Jérôme Kunegis, University of Namur
- keevindoherty/FeatureExtractionToolbox - A feature extraction toolbox for EMG signals written in MATLAB
- gujans/THERMAID - Thermo-Hydraulic Energy Resource Modelling for Application and Development and is a MATLAB program solving flow and heat transport in fractured porous media using the embedded discrete fracture method
- bodono/apg - A lightweight accelerated proximal-gradient package for matlab
- Xiaoming-Yu/ShadowRemoval - MATLAB implementation of the paper "A New Shadow Removal Method using Color-Lines", CAIP 2017
- WeishanDong/UFLDL-Tutorial-Exercise - This repo contains completed exercises (code in MATLAB) of Prof. Andrew Ng's Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning (UFLDL) online tutorial: http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/UFLDL_Tutorial
- TheFGX/Hierarchical-Hidden-Markov-Model - Matlab Implementation of "The Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model: Analysis and Applications"
- RehabEngGroup/MOtoNMS - Matlab MOtion data elaboration TOolbox for NeuroMusculoSkeletal applications
- Decri/Multi-Scale-and-Depth-CNN-for-Pan-sharpening - Matlab implementation of IEEE JSTARS article "A Multiscale and Multidepth Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Imagery Pan-Sharpening", along with the IEEE GRSL article DRPNN. MatConvNet and Caffe are required for full implementation.
- kendrickkay/knkutils - MATLAB utility functions written by Kendrick Kay
- AomanHao/Matlab-Image-Dehazing-Enhazing - 图像去雾、图像增强、灰度直方图均衡化等
- spin-test/spin-test - This toolbox includes MATLAB scripts to perform a "spin test" of anatomical correspondence between cortical surface maps, as presented in "On testing for spatial correspondence between maps of human brain structure and function," Alexander-Bloch et al., NeuroImage, 2018.
- jcbmarques/clusterdv - Density valley clustering (cluserdv). Matlab implementation.
- jaygreco/Amazon-Dash-Decoder - A MATLAB implementation for decoding of configuration packets for the iOS Amazon Dash Button setup.
- WCHN/CTseg - Brain CT image segmentation, normalisation, skull-stripping and total brain/intracranial volume computation. Implemented in MATLAB.
- EmanuelFeru/MotionGenerator - Analytical trapezoidal motion generator in Arduino and Matlab
- wenli-vision/svmplus_matlab - An implementation of SVM+
- jonzhaocn/GAN-Base-on-Matlab - A implementation of GAN in matlab
- hoolheart/ctm_matlab - Implementation of Cell-Transmission Model in plateform of MATLAB
- farsounder/protobuf-matlab - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/protobuf-matlab
- RoyiAvital/MatlabJuliaMatrixOperationsBenchmark - Benchmark MATLAB & Julia for Matrix Operations
- netstim/leaddbs - Lead-DBS is a MATLAB-toolbox facilitating deep brain stimulation electrode locations and connectomic imaging.
- sjchoi86/TrackDrive - Track driving simulator in MATLAB.
- philthinker/ICECUBE-VREPToolbox - A Toolbox designed for CoppeliaSim remote API (MATLAB)
- mikofski/IAPWS_IF97 - water and steam properties and derivatives for MATLAB
- markuman/go-redis - GNU Octave Redis client (for Matlab too)
- ispamm/Lynx-Toolbox - Lynx Matlab Toolbox
- WiLab/sdruOFDM - OFDM implemented in MATLAB for USRP radios with MAC Layer
- ToolboxHub/ToolboxToolbox - Declarative dependency management for Matlab.
- Manca/face-detection - My Face Detection application written in Matlab.
- Pjer-zhang/matlabPlotCheatsheet - A cheatsheet for those who plot with MATLAB
- BlackrockMicrosystems/NPMK - Neural Processing Matlab Kit is a set of functions for loading and manipulating data from Blackrock Microsystems' data files (.CCF, .NEV, .NSx).
- tuan-cs/GM_PHD_Filter - GM-PHD filter in target tracking
- rothnic/DataFrame - Matlab impelementation of DataFrame/Pandas concept.
- lizhangzhan/plsa - a probabilistic latent semantic analysis model in matlab programming
- iqiukp/Relevance-Vector-Machine - Regression application based on Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) using SB2_Release_200.
- Robert0812/midfilter_reid - Matlab code for our CVPR 2014 work on learning mid-level filters for person re-identification
- plotly/plotly-graphing-library-for-matlab - Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB®
- alexlaurence/NIfTI-Image-Converter - 🖼 A lightweight neuroimaging .nii to .png converter for Matlab and Python users
- ansleliu/NNAEC-NeuralNetworkbasedAcousticEchoCancellation - NNAEC-Neural Network based Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- GarrettJenkinson/informME - An information-theoretic pipeline for methylation analysis of WGBS data
- higham/matlab-guide-3ed - Program files from MATLAB Guide, Third Edition
- OpenWaterAnalytics/epanet-matlab - Matlab wrappers and scripts for various EPANET applications, including MSX
- thu-zhanghl/Matlab101 - 📚 Matlab 学习指南、路线及笔记整理
- kupiqu/fig2svg - fig2svg: a Matlab/GNU Octave Toolbox to Export Matlab/GNU Octave Figures in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Format
- tminka/fastfit - Fastfit matlab toolbox
- smistad/3D-Gradient-Vector-Flow-for-Matlab - This is an implementation of Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) for 3D in Matlab. It is based on the original 2D implementation of Xu and Prince.
- janinethoma/image_navigation_matlab - Matlab demo for our CVPR'19 publication: Mapping, Localization and Path Planning for Image-based Navigation using Visual Features and Map
- davidstutz/nyu-depth-v2-tools - Tools used in [2] to pre-process the ground truth segmentations to evaluate superpixel algorithms.
- StackOverflowMATLABchat/mlapptools - MATLAB class containing methods for programmatic uifigure modification
- Noiredd/PEGAS-MATLAB - MATLAB prototype code for PEGAS