1 purpose jasypt-spring-boot-jasypt-spring-boot-parent-1.18
Modify salt key used for encryption or decryption
when i use jasypt-spring-boot-parent-1.18, i need configure the properties like below :
jasypt.encryptor.password = yourkey
I think everyone can modify or see the important salt key, maybe they use the key do something that cause security problems
i want to modify the left part of the configuration, for example like below
com.xxcompany.framework.info = yourkey
this seems too common, maybe most people do not think is one salt key ,haha !
I just do it in our product environment.
2 where i modify with the 1.18
you can search keywords like 'XXcompany' in the project to find where i modify, i also modify one pom.xml to deploy the jar to our company's maven repositories
you can also compare the project with official verson 1.18 to check the differences.
please watch the image below to checke
several changed places compare this project from the offical 1.18 version
因为我们项目没有用springboot 2.0
项目加解密的key 盐值
用到的key 是
jasypt.encryptor.password = yourkey
1 全局的配置中心 比如apollo的glabal common里面
2 或者每个项目组的各个项目里面都要单独配置一下)
很多人可以看到 这样就对保密性,不太好, 大家搜一下百度都知道 是盐,算法找下就可以反过来解密,
本文的目的就是给jasypt.encryptor.password 换个名字 比如看着不像是记录密钥的
xxcompany 其实就是盐 但是这样即使看着也隐蔽性很高
比原来工程改动的地方 可以搜索XXcompany 关键字 在idea里面搜*.* 范围 只有两处 其他地方对pom改了一些 方便大家打包到自己公司私服里面
大家可以看看 效果还不错
作者:琅琊山二当家 来源:CSDN 原文:https://blog.csdn.net/AlbertFly/article/details/88944604