Web-based visualization tool for interpreting self modifying code (SMC) code, by providing a timeline for the control flow graph (CFG). A tracer and a conversion would be required to use it for real workloads. There are some samples as a proof-of-concept.
Try it out by clicking here.
Running it is quite easy, there is nothing sneaky about it. You have two options:
Requires a recent docker version (tested with Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6). To build, as usual:
$ docker build . -t smc-vis
To start:
$ docker run -d -p 4200:80 smc-vis
Just access localhost:4200 in your browser.
Requires a recent node/npm installation (tested with node v9.2.0 and npm v5.5.1).
$ npm install
$ npm start
Since it's an Angular app, the CLI tool will watch for modified files.
Currently, the model support is a JSON file with the following properties:
nodes: contain a map of the initial graph. Although there is an origin array field for each entry they are optional since they are dynamically calculated.
modifications: an array of modifications, where time is indicated by the index. Accepts:
- "add" - adds a group of new nodes.
- "modify" - modify a group of existing nodes.
- "remove" - remove a group of existing nodes.
- "join" - join two existing nodes into a new one.
- "split" - split one existing node into two different ones.
increments: an array of increments, nodes that are added and are not part of a modification - just make the graph larger.
For each giving time, the graph would be: nodes(t+1) = nodes(t) + modifications(t) + increments(t).
There some examples inside the traces directory and a builder that could be used to understand the format.
Run ng test
(watcher) or npm start
(no watcher) to execute the unit tests via Karma, using headless chrome.