PHP package to
Source API Server Whatsapp Gateway With Node.js :
Created because i don't really wanna get my hands dirty coz of using the old php-curl :shit: example.
composer require aldok10/whatsappclientapi
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
use AldoKarendra\WhatsappClient\Send\Chat;
use AldoKarendra\WhatsappClient\Auth\Qr;
//use your own config
$config = [
'base_url' => '',
'public_key' => 'aldo_k',
'secret_key' => 'mysecretpassword',
// 'enable_error' => true,
'enable_error' => false,
// use Qr service
$qr = new Qr($config);
// get barcode if not scan barcode whatsapp
$response = $qr->getQr('html');
if ($response === '{"msg":"Sudah Login"}') {
// use chat service
$chat = new Chat($config);
// Send Msg
$response = $chat->text('6281234567890','Send Msg!');
echo "<pre style='background:#fafafa;'>";
echo "</pre>";
} else {
// echo $response;
if ($response=='{"status":false,"message":"Akses Terlarang!","data":null}'){
echo "invalid access public_key / secret_key!";
} else {
echo "Get Access. <br>";
echo $response;
Make Sure Node Api Is Already Run With node api.js
Your contribution is always welcome!