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A set of tools for general automation purposes


A collection of commonly used functions for automation tasks, as well as automatic handling of some commonly used items, including script and module config. These items are collected in order to help reduce the amount of repeat code written when writing new automation tasks.


By default, autmoationtools will ingest the config file included with the module. It will also search for a config file accompanying the current calling script and update the internal config with one or both of these files. The files will be overwritten in the order that they are added.

config.json files

Config files are intended to be simple JSON structures that maintain a list of variables used by the currently running function. The focus behind the config file is to avoid having individuals or automations opening or editing files manually. Scripts can more easily be deployed with custom settings simply by including an accompanying config.json file.

AutomationTools can detect and ingest multiple config.json files. These files follow an order of importance where the file last to be consumed will contain the new current config value. By default, AutomationTools loads config.json located inside the module root, then config.json inside the calling script root directory, then any subsequent manually added files.

First Load config.json inside module root

-Module Root

Second Load config.json inside calling script root

-Script Root

Normal JSON structure


While these are intended to be simple structures, automationtools will ingest and assign more complicated structures. That said, if a complicated structure is required than it is most likely outside of the scope of config.

Reserved Config Names

There are several defaults that automationtools uses that can be easily overwritten in the default config. These include:

  • ModuleRoot - The root location of the module
  • LogRoot - The root location of the logging location
  • LogName - The name of the log file
  • MaxLogCount - The maximum amount of logs retained in memory, defaulted to 30,000
  • EventSource - The name of the Windows Event Source name
  • SMTPServer - The server address for SMTP messages
  • SMTPFrom - The sending address for SMTP messaages
  • SMTPPort - The port to be used with the SMTP server
  • SMTPUseSSL - The flag to indicate if SMTP should be using SSL
  • TemplatesRoot - The root location for HTML templates
  • DefaultJobReportTemplate - The location of the default Send-JobReport template
  • HTMLHelpers - Helpers for replacing content inside HTML templats
  • DefaultToLog - Indicator of whether or not all non-SYS/VRB messages should be sent to log file
  • DefaultToConsole - Indicator of whether or not all non-SYS/VRB messages should be sent to console
  • DefaultToEvent - Indicator of whether or not all non-SYS/VRB messages should be sent to the Windows Event Log
  • DefaultEventID - The default Event ID to be given to the Windows Event Log should one not be included in the message
  • DefaultSYSConsole - Indicator of whether or not all SYS messages should be sent to the console
  • DefaultSYSLog - Indicator of whether or not all SYS messages should be sent to log
  • DefaultSYSEvent - Indicator of whether or not all SYS messages should be sent to the Windows Event Log
  • DefaultVRBConsole - Indicator of whether or not all VRB messages should be sent to the console
  • DefaultVRBLog - Indicator of whether or not all VRB messages should be sent to log
  • DefaultVRBEvent - Indicator of whether or not all VRB messages should be sent to the Windows Event Log
  • MinimumPSVersion - The minimum PS version that tools will support
  • RunLocation - The location of the calling entity, this value will be either SCRIPT or CONSOLE
  • RunFile - The name of the script currently calling, this defaults to blank if RunLocation is blank
  • InvokeRoot - The root of the script currently calling automationtools
  • InvokeSecrets - The location of the current secrets.json file used for Add-Secret,Get-Secret, and Remove-Secret


Module root config loading happens automatically at time of import. Script-level config load happens simply by calling the module's Get-Config function. Additional config files should be loaded prior to calling Get-Config by calling the Add-ToolConfig function.

If you're adding a third or additional config file:

Add-ToolConfig -Path "C:\Path\To\New\config.json"
$Config = Get-Config

For normal operation use:

$Config = Get-Config

Any changes to the config after this point will require Get-Config be called again as this is a snapshot of the living config inside AutomationTools.



Write-Log is a single-point of communication between an automation and various external publishing sources. It is intended to unify output across various locations for quick diagnosis, error capture, and reporting. This maintained log is defaulted to 30,000 logs before being rewritten.


The standard output for log information reads as follows

Standard Log

Write-Log -Message "Example Message" -Type INF -Console


INF | 07/22/20 18:07:26 | Example Message

This contains a log level, a datetime stamp, and the included message. There are several scenarios where the message will be further formatted to include unique data, one of which is error capture.

Error capture

$_ | Write-Log -Message "Could not find [$FileName]" -Type ERR -Console


ERR | 07/22/20 13:46:02 | Could not find [File.txt]. Exception [File not found] was thrown in [C:\Script.ps1] at line [$Content = Get-Content $FileName], line number [35], position [8].

Additional routing and formatting can occur based off of log level, so it is important to use proper log levels

Log Levels

  • INF - Information, maps to Information inside Event Log
  • WRN - Warning, maps to Warning inside Event Log
  • ERR - Error, maps to Error inside Event Log
  • HDR - Header, maps to Information inside Event Log and is used to mark new jobs
  • CON - Connection, maps to SuccessAudit inside Event Log
  • DIS - Disconnection, maps to SuccessAudit inside Event Log
  • RES - Result, maps to Information inside Event Log, used to automatically determine job results
  • SYS - System, maps to Information inside Event Log. This is intended for hidden Module-Level logging
  • VRB - Verbose, maps to Information inside Event Log. This is intended to use and display with the -Verbose flag on advanced functions

Both SYS and VRB are hidden from console view by default as they are intended to be used for Verbose logging and/or debugging

To Console

Config Controls DefaultToConsole DefaultSYSConsole DefaultVRBConsole

Write-Log -Message "Example Message" -Type INF -Console

Outputs directly to PowerShell console, if available

To Log

Config Controls LogRoot LogName DefaultToLog DefaultSYSLog DefaultVRBLog

Write-Log -Message "Example Message" -Type INF -Log

Outputs directly to Log file located in $Config.LogRoot

Write-Log -Message "Example Message" -Type INF -Log -SecondaryLog $Path

Outputs directly to Log file located in $Config.LogRoot as well as a log file located in $Path

Write-Log -Message "Example Message" -Type INF -Log -Path $Path

Outputs directly to Log file located in $Path

To Event Log

Config Controls EventSource DefaultEventID DefaultVRBEvent DefaultToEvent DefaultSYSEvent DefaultVRBEvent

Write-Log -Message "Example Message" -Type INF -EventLog

Outputs directly to Event Log with source in $Config.EventSource with Event ID $Config.DefaultEventID

Write-Log -Message "Example Message" -Type INF -EventLog -Source "NewSource" -EventID 9001

Outputs directly to Event Log with source NewSource and Event ID 9001

NOTE: You must have elevated privileges to create a new source in the Event Log

Write-Log -Message "Example Message" -Type INF -Log -Path $Path

Outputs directly to Log file located in $Path

Email Reporting

Config Controls SMTPServer SMTPFrom SMTPPort SMTPUseSSL DefaultJobReportTemplate

Sending email reports is sometimes a necessary evil. Some base-level convenience tools have been added into AutomationTools in order to speed up the repetitive processes. These tools now include auto-table highlighting, table injection, and formatting.



Send-JobReport -To "[email protected]" -Subject "This is a test report" -Pretty


Row highlighting is automatically included when using the -Pretty switch. Behind the scenes this uses the Row and Cell match flags from the table conversion and templating section below.

Table Conversion and Templating

Convert-ArrayListToHTML Details

Add-TablesToHTMLJobTemplate Details

Send-HTMLEmail Details

$Tables = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]
$Table1 = Convert-ArrayListToHTMLTable -List $TestData1 -TableName "Foods" -WarnRowMatch "1|3" -FailRowMatch "3" -FailCellMatch "Cookies 6" -Limit 10
$Table2 = Convert-ArrayListToHTMLTable -List $TestData2 -TableName "Animals" -SuccessCellMatch "Snake|Hippo 3|Elephant 1" -WarnCellMatch "Hippo 1" -Limit 10
$Template = Add-TablesToHTMLJobTemplate -TableList $Tables -Description "This is a description of the email as a whole"
Send-HTMLEmail -HTMLData ($Template | Out-String) -Subject "Testing" -To "[email protected]"


Convert-ArrayListToHTMLTable now supports conditional formatting with regex row and cell matching via the following commands

  • FailRowMatch - Scans the row for regex match and fails the entire row based on match conditions
  • SuccessRowMatch - Scans the row for regex match and succeeds the entire row based on match conditions
  • WarnRowMatch - Scans the row for regex match and warns the entire row based on match conditions
  • FailCellMatch - Scans each cell for regex match and fails the individual cell based on match conditions
  • SuccessCellMatch - Scans each cell for regex match and succeeds the individual cell based on match conditions
  • WarnCellMatch - Scans each cell for regex match and warns the individual cell based on match conditions


Config Controls InvokeSecrets

For general script testing purposes credentials are often required. AutomationTools will assist in storage, retrevial, and removal of credential combinations. For now this is a simple JSON file with username/secure string pairs, but it will eventually be moved into the Winows Credentials Store. There are security concerns with both solutions, so this is by no means intended for production purposes. It is only intended for use in organizing commonly used credential sets while testing and debugging

NOTE: It is important to add an ignore rule for secrets.json inside gitignore



$Credential = Get-Credential
Add-Secret -Name "CredentialSetName" -Credential $Credential

This will create a username/secure string pair in the root of the calling script or console named secrets.json. These credentials can only be used on the origin box by the origin user.



$Credentials = Get-Secret -Name "CredentialSetName"

This will get a username/secure string pair in the root of the calling script or console named secrets.json. These credentials can only be retrieved on the origin box by the origin user.



Remove-Secret -Name "CredentialSetName"

This will remove the username/secure string pair from the secrets.json file.

File Tools

AutomationTools has a few file management tools used to remove the thought process behind nested folders not existing. These tools are simple but reduce some repeat code.



Resolve-Folder -Path "C:\Test\Folder\Location"

Tests if the folder structure exists, and creates it if it does not. This is recursive



Resolve-File -Path "C:\Test\Folder\Location\testFile.txt"

Tests if the file exists, and creates it if it does not. This is recursive



Test-FolderWrite -Path "C:\TestFolder"

Tests if the current user has write permission to the specified folder. The test does not create a file, but opens and closes a file stream


A few common conversion tools for use in general scripts



"" | ConvertTo-Version

Outputs a Version object, useful for quickly comparing different versions levels of various softwares or files



$Hash | Convert-HashToPSObject

Outputs a PSObject given a standard hash. It will preserve nesting



$Array = @(
$Array | Convert-ArrayToScriptBlock

Outputs a ScriptBlock given a standard array. This is useful in mocking Invoke-Command calls dynamically


A small collection of general purpose utilities



$NewObj = $Template | Copy-PSObject

Returns a copy of the given PSObject. Generally assigning a PSObject to two variables creates a reference and not a new object




Returns a bool of the current user's administration status. The principal to check can be overwritten with -RoleOverride



Add-ToolConfig -Path "C:\Path\To\New\Config.json"

Adds contents of the json file into AutomationTools config



Update-Config -Name "TestAdd" -Value "TestValue"

Adds an ad-hawk config element to the AutomationTools config variable



Invoke-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Test" -ComputerName "TargetComputer"

Invokes a scheduled task on a remote machine via CIM session. Has an optional paramter -Wait that will wait for the Scheduled Task to finish. This is an older function and will be upgraded in the future


A set of tools for general automation






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