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First version of python port of audfprint; hashes agree with matlab (…
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…modulo origin-1 timebase), hash table loads and saves
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dpwe committed May 26, 2014
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Implementation of acoustic-landmark-based robust fingerprinting.
Port of the Matlab implementation.
2014-05-25 Dan Ellis [email protected]

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import librosa
import scipy.signal

# Parameters
# DENSITY controls the density of landmarks found (approx DENSITY per sec)
DENSITY = 20.0
# OVERSAMP > 1 tries to generate extra landmarks by decaying faster
# 512 pt FFT @ 11025 Hz, 50% hop
t_win = 0.0464
t_hop = 0.0232
# spectrogram enhancement
hpf_pole = 0.98
# masking envelope decay constant
a_dec = (1.0 - 0.01*(DENSITY*np.sqrt(t_hop/0.032)/35))**(1.0/OVERSAMP)
# how wide to spreak peaks
f_sd = 30.0
# Maximum number of local maxima to keep per frame
maxpksperframe = 5

# Values controlling peaks2landmarks
targetdf = 31 # +/- 50 bins in freq (LIMITED TO -32..31 IN LANDMARK2HASH)
targetdt = 63 # max lookahead in time (LIMITED TO <64 IN LANDMARK2HASH)
maxpairsperpeak=3 # Limit the number of pairs we'll make from each peak

def locmax(x, indices=False):
""" Return a boolean vector of which points in x are local maxima.
End points are peaks if larger than single neighbors.
if indices=True, return the indices of the True values instead
of the boolean vector.
nbr = np.greater_equal(np.r_[x, x[-1]-1], np.r_[x[0], x])
# x[-1]-1 means last value can be a peak
maxmask = (nbr[:-1] & ~nbr[1:])
if indices:
return np.nonzero(maxmask)[0]
return maxmask

def spreadpeaksinvector(vector, width=4.0):
""" Create a blurred version of vector, where each of the local maxes
is spread by a gaussian with SD <width>.
npts = len(vector)
peaks = locmax(vector, indices=True)
return spreadpeaks(zip(peaks, vector[peaks]), npoints=npts, width=width)

def spreadpeaks(peaks, npoints=None, width=4.0, base=None):
""" Generate a vector consisting of the max of a set of Gaussian bumps
peaks : list
list of (index, value) pairs giving the center point and height of each gaussian
npoints : int
the length of the output vector (needed if base not provided)
width : float
the half-width of the Gaussians to lay down at each point
base : np.array
optional initial lower bound to place Gaussians above
vector : np.array(npoints)
the maximum across all the scaled Gaussians
if base is None:
Y = np.zeros(npoints)
Y = np.copy(base)
binvals = np.arange(len(Y))
for pos, val in peaks:
Y = np.maximum(Y, val*np.exp(-0.5*(((binvals - pos)/float(width))**2)))
return Y

def find_peaks(d, sr):
"""Find the local peaks in the spectrogram as basis for fingerprints.
Returns a list of (time_frame, freq_bin) pairs.
# Base spectrogram
n_fft = int(np.round(sr*t_win))
n_hop = int(np.round(sr*t_hop))
# Take spectrogram
mywin = np.hanning(n_fft+2)[1:-1]
S = np.abs(librosa.stft(d, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=n_hop, window=mywin))
S = np.log(np.maximum(S, np.max(S)/1e6))
S = S - np.mean(S)
# High-pass filter onset emphasis
S = np.array([scipy.signal.lfilter([1, -1],
[1, -(hpf_pole)**(1/OVERSAMP)], Srow)
for Srow in S])
# initial threshold envelope based on peaks in first 10 frames
(srows, scols) = np.shape(S)
sthresh = spreadpeaksinvector(np.max(S[:,:np.minimum(10, scols)],axis=1),
# Store sthresh at each column, for debug
thr = np.zeros((srows, scols))
peaks = np.zeros((srows, scols))
for col in range(scols):
Scol = S[:, col]
sdiff = np.maximum(0, Scol - sthresh)
sdmaxposs = np.nonzero(locmax(sdiff))[0]
npeaksfound = 0
# Work down list of peaks in order of their prominence above threshold
# (compatible with Matlab)
#pkvals = Scol[sdmaxposs] - sthresh[sdmaxposs] # for MATCOMPAT v0.90
# Work down list of peaks in order of their absolute value above
# threshold (sensible)
pkvals = Scol[sdmaxposs]
for val, peakpos in sorted(zip(pkvals, sdmaxposs), reverse=True):
if npeaksfound < maxpksperframe:
if Scol[peakpos] > sthresh[peakpos]:
#print "frame:", col, " bin:", peakpos, " val:", Scol[peakpos], " thr:", sthresh[peakpos]
npeaksfound += 1
sthresh = spreadpeaks([(peakpos, Scol[peakpos])],
base=sthresh, width=f_sd)
peaks[peakpos, col] = 1
thr[:, col] = sthresh
sthresh *= a_dec

# Backwards filter to prune peaks
sthresh = spreadpeaksinvector(S[:,-1], f_sd)
for col in range(scols, 0, -1):
pkposs = np.nonzero(peaks[:, col-1])[0]
peakvals = S[pkposs, col-1]
for val, peakpos in sorted(zip(peakvals, pkposs)):
if val >= sthresh[peakpos]:
# Setup the threshold
sthresh = spreadpeaks([(peakpos, val)], base=sthresh,
# delete the peak
peaks[peakpos, col-1] = 0
sthresh = a_dec*sthresh

# build a list of peaks
pklist = [[] for _ in xrange(scols)]
for col in xrange(scols):
pklist[col] = np.nonzero(peaks[:,col])[0]
return pklist

def peaks2landmarks(pklist):
""" Take a list of local peaks in spectrogram
and form them into pairs as landmarks.
peaks[i] is a list of the fft bins identified as landmark peaks
for time frame i (which will be empty for many frames).
Return a list of (col, peak, peak2, col2-col) landmark descriptors.
# Form pairs of peaks into landmarks
scols = len(pklist)
# Build list of landmarks <starttime F1 endtime F2>
landmarks = []
for col in xrange(scols):
for peak in pklist[col]:
pairsthispeak = 0
for col2 in xrange(col+1, min(scols, col+targetdt)):
for peak2 in pklist[col2]:
if ( (pairsthispeak < maxpairsperpeak)
and abs(peak-peak2) < targetdf ):
# We have a pair!
landmarks.append( (col, peak, peak2, col2-col) )
pairsthispeak += 1

return landmarks

def landmarks2hashes(landmarks):
""" Convert a list of (time, bin1, bin2, dtime) landmarks
into a list of (time, hash) pairs where the hash combines
the three remaining values.
F1bits = 8
DFbits = 6
DTbits = 6

b1mask = (1 << F1bits) - 1
b1shift = DFbits + DTbits
dfmask = (1 << DFbits) - 1
dfshift = DTbits
dtmask = (1 << DTbits) - 1

# build up and return the list of hashed values
return [ ( time,
( ((bin1 & b1mask) << b1shift)
| (((bin2 - bin1) & dfmask) << dfshift)
| (dtime & dtmask)) )
for time, bin1, bin2, dtime in landmarks ]

test = True
if test:
fn = '/Users/dpwe/Downloads/carol11k.wav'
d, sr = librosa.load(fn, sr=11025)
hashes = landmarks2hashes(peaks2landmarks(find_peaks(d[:30*sr], sr)))

print len(hashes)
for hash in hashes[:40]:
print hash

import hash_table
ht = hash_table.HashTable(), hashes)'httest.pickle', {'version': 20140525})

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Python implementation of the very simple, fixed-array hash table
used for the audfprint fingerprinter.
2014-05-25 Dan Ellis [email protected]

import numpy as np
import random
import cPickle as pickle

class HashTable:
Simple hash table for storing and retrieving fingerprint hashes.
>>> ht = HashTable(size=2**10, depth=100)
>>>'identifier', list_of_landmark_time_hash_pairs)
>>> list_of_ids_tracks = ht.get_hits(hash)
def __init__(self, size=1048576, depth=100, maxtime=16384, name=None):
""" allocate an empty hash table of the specified size """
if name is not None:
self.size = size
self.depth = depth
self.maxtime = maxtime
# allocate the big table
self.table = np.zeros( (size, depth), dtype=np.uint32 )
# keep track of number of entries in each list
self.counts = np.zeros( size, dtype=np.int32 )
# map names to IDs
self.names = []
# track number of hashes stored per id
self.hashesperid = []
# Mark as unsaved
self.dirty = True

def store(self, name, timehashpairs):
""" Store a list of hashes in the hash table associated with a particular name (or integer ID) and time. """
if type(name) is str:
# lookup name or assign new
if name not in self.names:
id = self.names.index(name)
# we were passed in a numerical id
id = name
# Now insert the hashes
for time, hash in timehashpairs:
# Keep only the bottom part of the time value
time %= self.maxtime
# Mixin with ID
val = (id * self.maxtime + time) #.astype(np.uint32)
# increment count of vals in this hash bucket
if self.counts[hash] < self.depth:
# insert new val in next empty slot
slot = self.counts[hash]
# Choose a point at random
slot = random.randint(0, self.counts[hash])
# Only store if random slot wasn't beyond end
if slot < self.depth:
self.table[hash, slot] = val
# Update record of number of vals in this bucket
self.counts[hash] += 1
# Record how many hashes we (attempted to) save for this id
self.hashesperid[id] += len(timehashpairs)
# Mark as unsaved
self.dirty = True

def get_entry(self, hash):
""" Return the list of (id, time) entries associate with the given hash"""
idtimelist = []
for slot in xrange(self.counts[hash]):
val = self.table[hash, slot]
time = int(val % self.maxtime)
id = int(val / self.maxtime)
idtimelist.append( (id, time) )
return idtimelist

def get_hits(self, hashes):
""" Return a list of (id, time) pairs associated with each element in hashes """
idtimelist = []
for hash in hashes:
idtimelist += self.get_entry(hash)
return idtimelist

def save(self, name, params=[]):
""" Save hash table to file <name>, including optional addition params """
self.params = params
with open(name, 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
self.dirty = False
print "saved hash table to ", name

def load(self, name):
""" Read hash table values from file <name>, return params """
with open(name, 'r') as f:
temp = pickle.load(f)
params = temp.params
self.size = temp.size
self.depth = temp.depth
self.maxtime = temp.maxtime
self.table = temp.table
self.counts = temp.counts
self.names = temp.names
self.hashesperid = temp.hashesperid
self.dirty = False
return params

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