Tags: alejandro-zapeta/spotify-dl
V4.0: Better wording on Youtube API Key Quota limits, handle SingInts (… …SathyaBhat#71) * add test, handle Youtube quota expiry better (SathyaBhat#68) * add sigint handler to handle Ctrl+C better * major version bump due to Python version change (now needs 3.6+) * move sentry around so that github action doesn;t complain when trying to fetch version for publishing * move sentry around * oops, moved signal to wrong place
Add sentry, update readme (SathyaBhat#64) * add check for URL to prevent errors when URL is not provided * add sentry for error tracking * add sentry dependency * readme update * Update image to match current spotify UI * prepare for release
v3.3 release (SathyaBhat#59) * fix: user_id error & support for playlist url with or without userid * prepare for release