I publish regularly my xmonad configuration for some friends.
The main features are:
- no usage of a status bar
- support for modal editing like vim or i3, see for instance MusicMode.hs and ScreenshotMode.hs as a small example.
- mouse bindings are baked in, once I had to use a mouse and I configured it and this post was very helpful.
- Support for emacs-like chording doing bindings like
[ ("M4-c c", spawn "notify-send -a say EZ hello") , ("M4-c M4-s", screenshotMode) , ("M4-c M4-m", musicMode) ]
is the windows modifier.
In terms of development, I have a workflow
of having an env
where all binaries enter that are created with
the shell.nix
Then emacs takes ahold of them through