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Experimental Zig REPL.



$ git clone && cd zepl
$ zig build
$ ./zig-out/bin/zepl
zepl> var x: i32 = 123;
zepl> @import("std").debug.print("interactive zig!\n", .{});
 interactive zig!
 interactive zig!
zepl> const alloc = @import("std").heap.page_allocator;
 mem.Allocator{ .ptr = anyopaque@0, .vtable = mem.Allocator.VTable{ ... } }
 mem.Allocator{ .ptr = anyopaque@0, .vtable = mem.Allocator.VTable{ ... } }
zepl> x
zepl> @import("builtin").zig_version
zepl> const std = @import("std");
zepl> std.SemanticVersion.parse
 fn ([]const u8) @typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(SemanticVersion.parse)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set!SemanticVersion@1032c0930
 fn ([]const u8) @typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(SemanticVersion.parse)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set!SemanticVersion@1032c0930
zepl> std.json.parseFromSlice(struct {x: i32, y:i32}, alloc.*, "{\"x\": 10, \"y\": 0}", .{}) catch |err| err
 json.static.Parsed(snippet_4.__snippet_4__struct_1667){ .arena = {...} , .state = {...}, .end_index = 0, .value = snippet_4.__snippet_4__struct_1667{ .x = 10, .y = 0 } }
// suppose testfile.zig has `pub fn sqr(i32) i32` and `pub var string_constant = "abc"`
zepl> const tst = @import("testfile.zig");
zepl> tst.string_constant
{ 97, 98, 99 }
// change the constant to "123"
zepl> tst.string_constant
{ 49, 50, 51 }

How it works

TDLR: check the zig docs

If you set the log level to .debug in main.zig it prints

zepl> var x: i32 = 0;
  [debug] (zepl_parse)  ParseError as a value, trying container-level member
  [debug] (zepl_comp)  wrote tmpfile_0.zig, checking if it compiles
  [debug] (zepl_comp)  tmpfile_0.zig compilation exit code: 0
  [debug] (zepl)  Parsed AST: parse.ParseResult.Tag.container_level_decl
  [debug] (zepl_prpc)  Top level is: zig.Ast.Node.Tag.simple_var_decl
  [debug] (zepl_prpc)  parsed decl, before mut is: ''
    mut is: 'var'
    name is: 'x'
    tpe is 'i32 '
    rhs is '0'
  [debug] (zepl_prpc)  trying exporting as C-ABI value ;y
  [debug] (zepl_comp)  wrote tmpfile_1.zig, checking if it compiles
  [debug] (zepl_comp)  tmpfile_1.zig compilation exit code: 0
  [debug] (zepl_comp)  wrote tmpfile_2.zig, checking if it compiles
  [debug] (zepl_comp)  tmpfile_2.zig compilation exit code: 0
  [debug] (zepl_comp)  compiling snippet_1.zig
  [debug] (zepl_comp)  compiled snippet_1.zig into ./libsnippet_1.dylib
  [debug] (zepl)  loading dylib: ./libsnippet_1.dylib

It tries to compile each command by itself and dynamically load it in the REPL process. We need the context of previous snippets which is included though lots of @extern and @export declarations. All comptime statements have to be zeplayed for each snippet. When we can't @export a variable, we export its adress. That's the reason for why your non-pointer types change to pointers. It tries to compile each command by itself and dynamically load it in the REPL process. We need the context of previous snippets which is included though lots of @extern and @export declarations. All comptime statements have to be zeplayed for each snippet. When we can't @export a variable, we export its adress. That's the reason for why your non-pointer types change to pointers.

Missing features, contributors welcome!

A list of features that are relatively easy to implement:

  • handle more input, e.g. command1; command2;, command; // comment, command_returning_error_without_catch_or_try;
  • code completion. E.g. feed a command history to ZLS and fetch completions.
  • syntax highlighting
  • @export for functions, not just variables. I think it only works for ABI-compatible param types.
  • searchable history
  • multiline input
  • custom build-file to list additional dependencies.
  • describe the semantics of what commands are allowed. Currenly it just tries to do a few (up to 3) versions of each command until it finds one that compiles.
  • make it build with 0.14.0-pre
  • make it respect const - I think I made a bug so that all non-ABI compatible vars are mutable

More complex:

  • find free variables in the input snippet and only add their declarations in the context. std.zig.Ast doesn't make it easy.
  • automatically dereference variables that we converted to pointers

A list of features that I'd like to have but don't know how to implement:

  • don't re-evaluate the whole chain of comptime expressions on each snippet. ZLS uses a comptime interpreter somehow, look in to that?

  • don't recompile non-generic functions. This requires understanding more of the compiler. Dynamic loading is not enough.

  • Gurus say that hot-reloading and --watch is relevant.


  • stop leaking memory
  • add a few tests
  • make a test setup for feeding container-level statements one-by-one into the zepl. It will definitely crash for some.

Planned features

  • use something similar to this from the compiler to walk the Ast and find free vars in an expression. Make sure to auto-defererence the ones that the early step made pointers.
  • once that's done: write a test framework that we feed the top-level container members of zig files one expression at a time. For now to check that it compiles+interprets, but later to have an option similar to python -i It would interpret each top-level statement of a file and then enter a repl context with everything evaluated.

Known issues

Most variables enter the scope as pointers. When you type const alloc = std.heap.page_allocator;, you get alloc: *std.mem.Allocator instead of alloc: std.mem.Allocator. Sometimes you don't even notice, because members can be accessed on a struct without explicit dereferencing.

Modules loaded with const otherfile = @import("otherfile.zig") are re-compiled on every snippet, meaning that changing otherfile.mutable_var from within the repl has no effect.

It allows a bit too much. E.g. var x: i32 = x; is OKAY because it's processed into

  // context
export var x: i32  = undefined;
  // export
  // comptime
export fn __snippet_1 () void {
    x = x;

  // side effects


Experimental repl for zig







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