selenium-cucumber-java comes with the following set of predefined steps. You can add your own steps or change the ones you see here.
- Navigation Steps
- Assertion Steps
- Input Steps
- Click Steps
- Progress Steps
- Screenshot Steps
- Configuration Steps
To open/close URL and to navigate between pages use following steps :
Then I navigate to "([^\"]*)"
Then I navigate to geonetwork
Then I navigate forward
Then I navigate back
Then I refresh page
To switch between windows use following steps :
Then I switch to new window
Then I switch to previous window
Then I switch to window having title "(.*?)"
Then I close new window
Then I switch to main window
To switch between frames use following steps :
Then I switch to frame having index \"(.*?)
Then I switch to frame having id \"(.*?)
Then I switch to frame having name \"(.*?)
Then I switch to frame having xpath \"(.*?)
Then I switch to frame having css \"(.*?)
Then I switch to main content
To interact with browser use following steps :
Then I resize browser window size to width (\d+) and height (\d+)
Then I maximize browser window
Then I close browser
To zoom in/out webpage use following steps :
Then I zoom in page
Then I zoom out page
To zoom out webpage till necessary element displays use following steps :
Then I zoom out page till I see element having id "(.*?)"
Then I zoom out page till I see element having name "(.*?)"
Then I zoom out page till I see element having class "(.*?)"
Then I zoom out page till I see element having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I zoom out page till I see element having css "(.*?)"
To reset webpage view use following step :
Then I reset page view
To scroll webpage use following steps :
Then I scroll to top of page
Then I scroll to end of page
To scroll webpage to specific element use following steps :
Then I scroll to element having id "(.*?)"
Then I scroll to element having name "(.*?)"
Then I scroll to element having class "(.*?)"
Then I scroll to element having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I scroll to element having css "(.*?)"
To hover over a element use following steps :
Then I hover over element having id "(.*?)"
Then I hover over element having name "(.*?)"
Then I hover over element having class "(.*?)"
Then I hover over element having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I hover over element having css "(.*?)"
To assert that page title can be found use following step :
Then I should see page title as "(.*?)"
Then I should not see page title as "(.*?)"
Then I should see page title having partial text as "(.*?)"
Then I should not see page title having partial text as "(.*?)"
To assert element text use any of the following steps :
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should not have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should not have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should not have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should not have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should not have text as "(.*?)"
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should not have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should not have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should not have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should not have partial text as "(.*?)"
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should not have partial text as "(.*?)"
To assert element attribute use any of the following steps :
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should not have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should not have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should not have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should not have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should not have attribute "(.*?)" with value "(.*?)"
To assert that element is enabled use any of the following steps :
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should be enabled
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should be enabled
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should be enabled
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should be enabled
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should be enabled
To assert that element is disabled use any of the following steps :
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should be disabled
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should be disabled
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should be disabled
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should be disabled
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should be disabled
To assert that element is present use any of the following steps :
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should be present
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should be present
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should be present
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should be present
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should be present
To assert that element is not present use any of the following steps:
Then element having id "([^\"]*)" should not be present
Then element having name "([^\"]*)" should not be present
Then element having class "([^\"]*)" should not be present
Then element having xpath "([^\"]*)" should not be present
Then element having css "([^\"]*)" should not be present
To assert that checkbox is checked use any of the following steps :
Then checkbox having id "(.*?)" should be checked
Then checkbox having name "(.*?)" should be checked
Then checkbox having class "(.*?)" should be checked
Then checkbox having xpath "(.*?)" should be checked
Then checkbox having css "(.*?)" should be checked
To assert that checkbox is unchecked use any of the following steps :
Then checkbox having id "(.*?)" should be unchecked
Then checkbox having name "(.*?)" should be unchecked
Then checkbox having class "(.*?)" should be unchecked
Then checkbox having xpath "(.*?)" should be unchecked
Then checkbox having css "(.*?)" should be unchecked
To assert that option by text from dropdown list selected use following steps :
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having id "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having name "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having class "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having xpath "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having css "(.*?)" should be selected
To assert that option by value from dropdown list selected use following steps :
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having id "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having name "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having class "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having xpath "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having css "(.*?)" should be selected
To assert that option by text from dropdown list unselected use following steps :
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having id "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having name "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having class "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having xpath "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from dropdown having css "(.*?)" should be unselected
To assert that option by value from dropdown list unselected use following steps :
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having id "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having name "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having class "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having xpath "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from dropdown having css "(.*?)" should be unselected
To assert that radio button selected use any of the following steps :
Then radio button having id "(.*?)" should be selected
Then radio button having name "(.*?)" should be selected
Then radio button having class "(.*?)" should be selected
Then radio button having xpath "(.*?)" should be selected
Then radio button having css "(.*?)" should be selected
To assert that radio button not selected use any of the following steps :
Then radio button having id "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then radio button having name "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then radio button having class "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then radio button having xpath "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then radio button having css "(.*?)" should be unselected
To assert that radio button group selected by text use any of the following steps :
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having id "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having name "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having class "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having xpath "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having css "(.*?)" should be selected
To assert that radio button group selected by value use any of the following steps :
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having id "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having name "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having class "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having xpath "(.*?)" should be selected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having css "(.*?)" should be selected
To assert that radio button group not selected by text use any of the following steps :
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having id "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having name "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having class "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having xpath "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by text from radio button group having css "(.*?)" should be unselected
To assert that radio button group not selected by value use any of the following steps :
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having id "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having name "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having class "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having xpath "(.*?)" should be unselected
Then option "(.*?)" by value from radio button group having css "(.*?)" should be unselected
To assert that link is present use following steps :
Then link having text "(.*?)" should be present
Then link having partial text "(.*?)" should be present
To assert that link is not present use following steps :
Then link having text "(.*?)" should not be present
Then link having partial text "(.*?)" should not be present
To assert text on javascipt pop-up alert use following step :
Then I should see alert text as "(.*?)"
To assert difference in actual image and expected image (from remotely hosted) use following steps :
Then actual image having id "(.*?)" and expected image having url "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having name "(.*?)" and expected image having url "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having class "(.*?)" and expected image having url "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having xpath "(.*?)" and expected image having url "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having css "(.*?)" and expected image having url "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having url "(.*?)" and expected image having url "(.*?)" should be similar
To assert difference in actual image and expected image (from local machine) use following steps :
Then actual image having id "(.*?)" and expected image having image_name "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having name "(.*?)" and expected image having image_name "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having class "(.*?)" and expected image having image_name "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having xpath "(.*?)" and expected image having image_name "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having css "(.*?)" and expected image having image_name "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having url "(.*?)" and expected image having image_name "(.*?)" should be similar
To assert difference in actual image and expected image (from same webpage) use following steps :
Then actual image having id "(.*?)" and expected image having id "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having name "(.*?)" and expected image having name "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having class "(.*?)" and expected image having class "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having xpath "(.*?)" and expected image having xpath "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having css "(.*?)" and expected image having css "(.*?)" should be similar
Then actual image having url "(.*?)" and expected image having url "(.*?)" should be similar
To enter text into input field use following steps :
Then I enter "([^\"]*)" into input field having id "([^\"]*)"
Then I enter "([^\"]*)" into input field having name "([^\"]*)"
Then I enter "([^\"]*)" into input field having class "([^\"]*)"
Then I enter "([^\"]*)" into input field having xpath "([^\"]*)"
Then I enter "([^\"]*)" into input field having css "([^\"]*)"
To clear input field use following steps :
Then I clear input field having id "([^\"]*)"
Then I clear input field having name "([^\"]*)"
Then I clear input field having class "([^\"]*)"
Then I clear input field having xpath "([^\"]*)"
Then I clear input field having css "([^\"]*)"
To select option by text from dropdown use following steps :
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To select option by index from dropdown use following steps :
Then I select (\d+) option by index from dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I select (\d+) option by index from dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I select (\d+) option by index from dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I select (\d+) option by index from dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select (\d+) option by index from dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To select option by value from dropdown use following steps :
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To select option by text from multiselect dropdown use following steps :
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To select option by index from multiselect dropdown use following steps :
Then I select (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I select (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I select (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I select (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To select option by value from multiselect dropdown use following steps :
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To deselect option by text from multiselect dropdown use following steps :
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by text from multiselect dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To deselect option by index from multiselect dropdown use following steps :
Then I deselect (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I deselect (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I deselect (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I deselect (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I deselect (\d+) option by index from multiselect dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To deselect option by value from multiselect dropdown use following steps :
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I deselect "(.*?)" option by value from multiselect dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To select all options from multiselect use following steps : Not Implemented
Then I select all options from multiselect dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I select all options from multiselect dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I select all options from multiselect dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I select all options from multiselect dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select all options from multiselect dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To deselect all options from multiselect use following steps :
Then I deselect all options from mutliselect dropdown having id "(.*?)"
Then I deselect all options from mutliselect dropdown having name "(.*?)"
Then I deselect all options from mutliselect dropdown having class "(.*?)"
Then I deselect all options from mutliselect dropdown having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I deselect all options from mutliselect dropdown having css "(.*?)"
To check the checkbox use following steps :
Then I check the checkbox having id "(.*?)"
Then I check the checkbox having name "(.*?)"
Then I check the checkbox having class "(.*?)"
Then I check the checkbox having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I check the checkbox having css "(.*?)"
To uncheck the checkbox use following steps :
Then I uncheck the checkbox having id "(.*?)"
Then I uncheck the checkbox having name "(.*?)"
Then I uncheck the checkbox having class "(.*?)"
Then I uncheck the checkbox having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I uncheck the checkbox having css "(.*?)"
To toggle checkbox use following steps
Then I toggle checkbox having id "(.*?)"
Then I toggle checkbox having name "(.*?)"
Then I toggle checkbox having class "(.*?)"
Then I toggle checkbox having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I toggle checkbox having css "(.*?)"
To select radio button use following steps :
Then I select radio button having id "(.*?)"
Then I select radio button having name "(.*?)"
Then I select radio button having class "(.*?)"
Then I select radio button having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select radio button having css "(.*?)"
To select one radio button by text from radio button group use following steps :
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from radio button group having id "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from radio button group having name "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from radio button group having class "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from radio button group having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by text from radio button group having css "(.*?)"
To select one radio button by value from radio button group use following steps :
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from radio button group having id "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from radio button group having name "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from radio button group having class "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from radio button group having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I select "(.*?)" option by value from radio button group having css "(.*?)"
To click on web element use following steps :
Then I click on element having id "(.*?)"
Then I click on element having name "(.*?)"
Then I click on element having class "(.*?)"
Then I click on element having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I click on element having css "(.*?)"
To forcefully click on web element use following steps (if above steps do not work) :
Then I forcefully click on element having id "(.*?)"
Then I forcefully click on element having name "(.*?)"
Then I forcefully click on element having class "(.*?)"
Then I forcefully click on element having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I forcefully click on element having css "(.*?)"
To double click on web element use following steps :
Then I double click on element having id "(.*?)"
Then I double click on element having name "(.*?)"
Then I double click on element having class "(.*?)"
Then I double click on element having xpath "(.*?)"
Then I double click on element having css "(.*?)"
To click on links use following steps :
Then I click on link having text "(.*?)"
Then I click on link having partial text "(.*?)"
To implicitly wait for specific time use following step :
Then I wait for (\d+) sec
To wait for specific element to display use following steps :
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having id "(.*?)" to display
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having name "(.*?)" to display
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having class "(.*?)" to display
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having xpath "(.*?)" to display
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having css "(.*?)" to display
To wait for specific element to enable use following steps : why it is clickable in code
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having id "(.*?)" to enable
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having name "(.*?)" to enable
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having class "(.*?)" to enable
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having xpath "(.*?)" to enable
Then I wait (\d+) seconds for element having css "(.*?)" to enable
To handle javascript pop-up use following steps :
Then I accept alert
Then I dismiss alert
To take screenshot use following step :
Then I take screenshot
To print testing configuration use following step :
Then I print configuration