Based on selenium-cucumber
Download the appropriate driver for the browser you'd like to use (see list below). Ensure you get the correct version to match the browser on your system. Copy the driver into the integration-test
directory and make sure that it is executable.
With GeoNetwork running and accessible on http://localhost:8080/geonetwork, go to the integration-test
directory in terminal and run following command:
- With Chrome
mvn clean test -Dbrowser=chrome
- With phantomJS
mvn clean test -Dbrowser=phantomjs
- With firefox
mvn test -Dbrowser=firefox
Additional configuration parameters:
If you are not testing GeoNetwork running on localhost:8080 then you can change the property endPointToTest.url in
or by passing the parameter-DendPointToTest=YOUR_URL
to the mvn command. -
By default, the mvn command will run all the tests in the folder
. To specify a different folder use the parameter-Dcucumber.options="your path"
To display the output in the console use the parameter
-Dcucumber.options="--plugin pretty"
By default, an HTML report it is created in the folder
. To specify a path for the reports use the option-Dcucumber.options="--plugin html:./report
in case you need to specify your path, the path must go after-Dcucumber.options="--plugin html:./report your path
PhantomJS: (
Gecko (Firefox): (
Chrome: (
The cucumber features go in the features
library and should have the ".feature" extension.
Documentation about the syntax supported can be found in Canned Steps.
Where W is the group test id and XX is the test unique numeric identifier in the group. The tests are executed in ascending order on the value of WXX.
WXX is assigned following this basic rules:
- XX value is a numeric value between 01 and 97 not used by any other test.
- A test XX comes after a YY if the data created with YY is necessary for XX.
- The data changes introduced with XX must not corrupt any test YY > XX.
- A new group W is created when the previous one is full or when special conditions on data are needed.
- The data created with XX must be removed in the 98 test following the descending order in id numeration.
The last two tests for each group W are:
W98.cleanup.feature that removes all the data created from the tests in the group. It's important to keep the database clean for other groups of tests. W99.exit.feature closes the browser.
- The feature section is the extended human readable description of the test.
- The scenario section describes the steps involved in the test and the data produced.
- Avoid absolute urls and admin credentials in tests (use variables {endPointToTest}, {adminUser}, {adminPassword}).
- It's always recommended , to write resilient tests, to use css identifiers over others systems (xpath, classes). Consider to eventually introduce new ones in GN code.
- The data created must be removed in the 98 test following the descending order in id numeration.