The implementation of name-based routing.
It is implemented using custom DNS server inside WireGuard VPN. The network is inside the vpn.
If a client asks for the name that not in name-based route table, the real IP is returned and the client don't uses VPN to reach that name.
If a client asks for the name that are in route table, the address from network is returned to him and this address NAT'ed to the real name using some outgoing path. For example "ams" path can lead to Amsterdam, and "brit" path - to Britain. Every path is just a tunnel, a pair of WireGuard configs.
The client can modify its route table, for example if the server has "ams" path, if client resolves, all requests on and all its subdomains will be routed to "ams" path. To see your routing table, visit http://vpn.vpn special address from the VPN. To remove route, add suffix ".default" to it. To modify default route, use name "default", for example "default.ams" will direct traffic to "ams" path by default.
apt install python3-pip wireguard
cd /root
git clone
cd dnsnatproxy
pip install -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages
cd setup
# generate local wireguard configs
cp ./configs/bay_srv.conf /etc/wireguard/
systemctl start wg-quick@bay_srv
systemctl enable wg-quick@bay_srv
# generate configs for outgoing tunnels
./ 1
./ 2
cp out_clt1.conf /etc/wireguard/ams_clt.conf
cp out_clt2.conf /etc/wireguard/brit_clt.conf
systemctl start wg-quick@ams_clt wg-quick@brit_clt
systemctl enable wg-quick@ams_clt wg-quick@brit_clt
cd ..
# run the config on the remotes, check pings
# give name for your paths
echo ams > paths.txt
echo brit >> paths.txt
# create some route table
echo ' 1' > routes.txt
cp setup/dnsnatproxy.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl start dnsnatproxy
systemctl enable dnsnatproxy
cd /root/dnsnatproxy
cp setup/ .
# modify to fit your needs
cp setup/dnsnatproxy-updater.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl start dnsnatproxy-updater
systemctl enable dnsnatproxy-updater