Elysia Chou (echou4), Keefer Chern (kchern1), Alexander Chang (achang56) May 1, 2019
For our code, we have two separate subprojects:
- GCP analysis
- Gene expression analysis
The preprocessed data files that are less than 100MB is stored in ./data
directory. The preprocessed
data files that are included are listed below:
The rest of the processed data and the raw, unprocedded data can be found at this link here
We obtained the original raw data files from the CCLE website here. After running the preprocessing bash scripts, it will also include the CSV files with extracted data that we used as the data for our project.
The python file runner.py
can call all of the preprocessing and model files. The
script has the following arguments:
--preprocess_gcp Adding this argument will pre-process gcp data
--preprocess_gene Adding this argument will pre-process gene data
--run_histone Adding this argument will run elastic net and analysis
on histone data
--run_gene Adding this argument will run elastic net and analysis
on gene data
--run_pca Adding this argument will run pca on histone data
Required if running GCP preprocessing:
--gcp_X The unprocessed gcp data.
--gcp_Y The unprocessed gcp labels.
--gcp_outputY The csv file to output the gcp/histone labels
--gcp_outputX The csv file to output the gcp/histone features
Required if running Gene preprocessing:
--gene_X The unprocessed gene data.
--gene_Y The unprocessed gene labels.
--gene_outputY The csv file to output the gene labels
--gene_outputX The csv file to output the gene features
Required if running gcp/histone analysis and PCA:
--histone_features The gcp/histone data to use for training.
--histone_labels The gcp/histone labels to use for training
Required if running gene analysis:
--gene_features The gene data to use for training.
--gene_labels The gene labels to use for training
Optional arguments for running gene analysis:
--hyperparam Adding this argument will run the hyperparameter
search on gene expr data
--load_new Adding this argument will load the OLD format gene
expr data - the processed data found in the Google Drive
expr_features.csv and expr_labels.csv
Required for both running gcp/histone analysis and PCA and gene analysis:
--output_dir The output directory for the models
Optional argument for timing how long each script takes
--time Adding this argument will time the runtimes`
You can also call the bash script run.sh
which is set up to call the runner.py
script to perform the histone and gene expression elastic net regression and analysis
and perform PCA on the histone features. It does not call runner.py
perform the preprocessing.
We also have individual shell files, one for each subproject. Our structure of our zipped code is indicated below. For more details, please see our methods section of our final report.
These are stored in the ./preprocess
folder. These files preprocess the original raw data into
the features and label data used for the models and analysis.
This is stored in the ./preprecess/GCP
Bash script to extract GCP data from the original raw data. Runs:
extractData.py - extract relevant data from raw data. Outputs features.CSV
and labels.csv to the /data directory.
This is stored in the ./preprecess/Gene_Expr
Bash script to extract genetic data from the original raw data. Runs:
extractData_expr.py - extract relevant data from raw data. Outputs
expr_features.CSV and expr_labels.csv to the /data
directory. Displays a DtypeWarning but that is for the
first column, which the cancer cell line column.
These are stored in the ./model
folder. These files create the Elastic Model and analyze the data.
Bash script for GCP analysis. Runs:
histone.py - preprocesses data, runs 10-fold cross-validation for
hyperparameter tuning, computes the Spearman correlation, and
run linear regression on each of the 39 features individually
with Benjamini Hochberg multiple hypothesis correction.
Outputs 8 files to the /output directory:
00 IC50: 10 smallest MSE values for hyperparameter tuning
01 IC50: 10 largest R^2 values for hyperparameter tuning
02 Amax: 10 smallest MSE values for hyperparameter tuning
03 Amax: 10 largest R^2 values for hyperparameter tuning
04 ActArea: 10 smallest MSE values for hyperparameter tuning
05 ActArea: 10 largest R^2 values for hyperparameter tuning
06 Spearman correlation heatmap across 39 features
07 # of significant p-values for individual linear regression
Bash script for gene expression analysis. Runs:
gene.py - preprocesses, runs 10-fold cross-validation for hyperparameter
tuning, bootstrapping with manually pre-determined alpha and
lambda values, determines MSE for test set. Outputs 8 files to
the /output directory:
08 IC50: 10 smallest MSE values for hyperparameter tuning
09 IC50: 10 largest R^2 values for hyperparameter tuning
10 Amax: 10 smallest MSE values for hyperparameter tuning
11 Amax: 10 largest R^2 values for hyperparameter tuning
12 ActArea: 10 smallest MSE values for hyperparameter tuning
13 ActArea: 10 largest R^2 values for hyperparameter tuning
14 Top 10 genes with highest bootstrapped frequency and
corresponding weights for activity area (ActArea)
15 Train MSE and test MSE for bootstrapped elastic net model
Bash script for performing PCA on the histone data. Runs:
gene.py - preprocesses and performs PCA on the unstandardized data.
Graphs the top 10 principal components and the features
embedded in the first top 2 PCs. Outputs 2 files to
the /output directory:
21 Top 10 PC: Bar graph of the top 10 PCs
22 PC2 vs PC1: Plot of the top 2 PCs
contains all our output files created after the bash scripts are run. The order
of the files is maintained through an index (00, 01, 02, ...) that indicates the
order in which the outputs are meant to be read.