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ProjectMonitor is a CI display aggregator. It displays the status of multiple Continuous Integration builds on a single web page. The intent is that you display the page on a big screen monitor or TV so that the status of all your projects' builds are highly visible/glanceable (a "Big Visible Chart"). ProjectMonitor currently supports:

We use ProjectMonitor internally at Pivotal Labs to display the status of the builds for all our client projects. We also have an instance of ProjectMonitor running at that we use for displaying the status of the builds of various open source projects - both of projects Pivotal Labs maintains (such as Jasmine) and of non-Pivotal projects (such as Rails).


Get the code

ProjectMonitor is a Rails application. To get the code, execute the following:

git clone git:// pivotal_cimonitor
cd pivotal_cimonitor
bundle install

Initial Setup

We have provided example files for database.yml, auth.yml, and site_keys.rb. Run the following to automatically generate these files for you:

rake setup

You likely need to edit the generated files. See below.

Set up the database

You'll need a database. Create it with whatever name you want. If you have not run rake setup, copy database.yml.example to database.yml. Edit the production environment configuration so it's right for your database:

cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
<edit database.yml>
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

Auth support

Adding, editing and removing projects through the UI requires authentication.

If you have not run rake setup, copy auth.yml.example to auth.yml.

cp config/auth.yml.example config/auth.yml

The site can be configured to use Google OpenId or to use the RestfulAuthentication plugin.

Google OpenId setup

This setup requires you to have Google apps set up for your domain.

In your config/auth.yml set the auth_strategy to openid. Then set the openid_identifier, openid_realm, and openid_return_to fields as appropriate for your domain.

Restful Authentication (password) setup

In the config/auth.yml set the auth_strategy to password, and edit the rest_auth_site_key to be something secret.

Set up cron

Add a cron job at whatever frequency you like for the following command:

RAILS_ENV=production rake cimonitor:fetch_statuses > fetch_statuses.log 2>&1

This is what goes out and hits the individual builds. We find that if you do this too frequently it can swamp the builds. On the other hand, you don't want ProjectMonitor displaying stale information. At Pivotal we set it up to run every 3 minutes. Also, make sure that you set your PATH correctly in crontab to include the 'bundle' executable.

Start workers

The cron job above will add jobs to the queue, which workers will execute. To start running the workers, use the following command:

rake start_workers

The default number of workers is 2, but if you wanted 3 you would call it like this:

rake start_workers[3]

These workers need only be started once per system reboot, and must be running for your project statuses to update. To stop the workers, run this command:

rake stop_workers

The workers are implemented using the delayed_job gem. The workers are configured to have a maximum timeout of 1 minute when polling project status. If you want to change this setting, you can edit config/initializers/delayed_job_config.rb

Start the application


nohup script/server -e production &> cimonitor.log


Each build that you want ProjectMonitor to display is called a "project" in ProjectMonitor. You need to login to set up projects.

Create a user

ProjectMonitor can use either the Restful Authentication plugin, or Google OpenId for user security. If you are using Google OpenId, users will be automatically provisioned. All users from your domain will be permitted to edit projects. Otherwise, use the following steps to add users by hand.

Your first user must be created at the command line.

script/console production
User.create!(login: 'john', name: 'John Doe', email: '[email protected]', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password')

After that, you can login to ProjectMonitor with the username and password you specified and use the "New User" link to create additional users.

Log in

Open a browser on ProjectMonitor. Login by clicking on "Login" in the upper-right corner.

Add projects

Click on "Projects" in the upper-right corner. Click on "New Project" and enter the details for a build you want to display on ProjectMonitor. The "Name", "Project Type", and "Feed URL" are required. If your Feed URL is, then your RSS URL is probably


To configure TeamCity:

NOTE: The Cradiator-TeamCity-Plugin is deprecated. Please use the Team City Rest Project configuration, which is natively supported by TeamCity 5+.

Optionally, if your Build system is behind Basic Authentication or Digest Authentication, you can enter the credentials.

If you want to temporarily hide your build on ProjectMonitor, you can uncheck the "Enable" checkbox.

ProjectMonitor's main display page is at /. You can always get back there by choosing the number of tiles you want at the lower left.

Auto-start for Ubuntu

In order to have cimonitor starts when the machine boots, modify the startup scripts. In the following example, we have modified /etc/rc.local on an Ubuntu 10.04 server (change paths & userids as needed):

# need to set PS1 so that rvm is in path otherwise .bashrc bails too early
su - pivotal -c 'PS1=ps1; . /home/pivotal/.bashrc; cd ~/cimonitor/current; bundle exec thin -e production start -c /home/pivotal/cimonitor/current -p7990 -s3; bundle exec rake start_workers[6]'


Just open a browser on /. The page will refresh every 60 seconds. When it refreshes, it shows whatever status was last fetched by the cron job. That is, a refresh doesn't cause the individual builds to be polled.


The new layout consists of a grid of tiles representing the projects. The number of projects that need to be displayed is determined automatically, but can also be set explicitly. There are views available for 15 tiles, 24 tiles, 48 tiles, or 63 tiles, and a 6-project view with larger tiles is coming soon.

Tile colors

Tiles are green for green projects, red for red projects, and light gray if the project's build server cannot be reached.

Project Ticker Codes

Each tile shows the project's brief ticker code. If not chosen explicitly, this will be the first 4 letters of the project. The name of the project appears below in a smaller font.

Build Statuses

To the right of the ticker and name, each project lists the amount of time since the last build, followed by the build status history. The last 10 builds are displayed from left to right, in reverse chronological order -- the most recent build will be on the top left and the least recent on the bottom right. Successful builds are marked with a filled in circle, and unsuccessful builds are marked with an x. Builds in progress are shown with an oscillating motion.

Aggregate Projects

Striped tiles indicate the aggregate status of several projects. Click on an aggregate project to see the status of its component projects.

Admin Interface

Click 'manage projects' at the lower right to edit project details.


ProjectMonitor can inform you of builds that have been red for more than 24 hours. Set up cron to daily execute:

RAILS_ENV=production rake cimonitor:red_over_one_day_notification > red_over_one_day_notification.log 2>&1


You can enter tags for a project (separated by commas) on the project edit page. You can then have ProjectMonitor display only projects that match a set of tags by going to /?tags=tag1,tag2


CI for ProjectMonitor is here, and it's aggregated at (that's an instance of ProjectMonitor, of course).


The public Tracker project for ProjectMonitor is here.

To run tests, run:

rake setup
rake spec

To run a local development server and worker, run:

foreman start

Copyright (c) 2012 Pivotal Labs. This software is licensed under the MIT License.


Big Visible Chart CI aggregator






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