Forked from
- New eslint config extending from eslint-config-airbnb-base
- New stylint config extending from stylelint-config-recommended
- Added csscomb config (can be used via VS Code extension)
- Added prettier
- Theme template actions are now automatically loaded from 'app/Support/Templates' directory (each action should be its own file).
- Removed vue-eslint-plugin
- Removed dummy custom post type and taxonomy
- Removed un-used templates, shortcodes, and actions
- Removed jQuery
- ES6 for JavaScript
- SASS preprocessor for CSS
- Webpack for managing, compiling and optimizing theme's asset files
- Simple CLI for quickly initializing a new project
- Ready to use front-end boilerplates for Foundation, Bootstrap, Bulma and Vue
- Utilizes PHP Namespaces
- Simple Theme Service Container
- Child Theme friendly Autoloader
- Readable and centralized Theme Configs
- Oriented for building with Actions and Filters
- Enhanced Templating with support for passing data
Make sure you have all these dependences installed before moving on:
Install composer dependencies.
$ composer install
Install node dependencies.
$ npm install
Compiles unminified and unoptimized theme assets with source maps.
$ npm run dev
Builds assets for development, runs watcher (recompiles on change)
$ npm run watch
Compiles minified and optimized theme assets without source maps.
$ npm run prod
Runs all project .js files through prettier.
$ npm run prettier
Comprehensive documentation of the starter is available at