All of NASA's science data is available to the public. Webification (w10n) is an open source NASA data access framework that enables developers to easily access data in web-friendly formats for visualiztions like this:
Webificaion simplifies use of the large and often complex data files published by NASA's Distributed Active Archive Centers, like PO.DAAC. The PO.DAAC w10n Service is open source software, that bridges the gap between Earth science data formats like NetCDF, HDF4 & HDF5 to JSON and XML.
From here:
1, Explore the interactive tutorial here
2, Test our our live API here:
# bash
# python
import requests
// Javascript
http.get("", function(res) {
console.log("w10n response: " + res.statusCode);
3, Spin up your own AMI (ID: ami-fc0f97cc in US-West-2 ) with w10n pre-configured. Notes:
- Suggested instance type: m1.medium
- Security Group should allow inboud traffic from only ports 22 & 80
4, SSH into your instance
#log into the machine you just spun up
> ssh -i <your ssh key.pem> ubuntu@<address of the machine you just created>
# Configure this new w10n server to use port 80
ubuntu$ sudo ./taiga/taiga-1.6.6-linux-x86_64-b/bin/taiga-service config -p 80 -d /vol/data
# Start your server
ubuntu$ sudo ./taiga/taiga-1.6.6-linux-x86_64-b/bin/taiga-service start
# Verify that your server is running & logout
ubuntu$ curl localhost
ubuntu$ exit
## Now point your browser to the <address of the machine you just created> and interact with your favorite API!
5, Hack something masterful! And/or get in touch with us (Alex Smith or Rob Witoff).
n.b. All resources are located in the Oregon us-west-2 AWS Region
- AMI: Pre-built machine images
- ami-fc0f97cc: Pre-packaged volume snapshots and configured machine.
- EBS: Ready-to-go filesystems
- snap-42c7797d: All the below earth science data
- S3: Data Bucket
- Grace Land data
- Grace Ocean data
- Modis data
- Oscar data
- Expert Data Bucket here
- Grace: NASA's Gravity Recovery & Climate Satellite here. Grace launched in March of 2002 to investigate water and land data through detailedgravitational field measurements.
- Information on Grace's Webified datasets are here: water and land
- Modis: NASA's Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer here was launched in '99 with instruments to measure the Earh's sea-surface tempuratue.
- Information on Modis's Webified datasets is here
- Oscar: Wind current speed & velocity
- Information on Oscar's Webified datasets is here
- Zhangfan Xing
- Alex Smith
- Jeremy Arca
- And many more...