##EML to PDF/HTML Converter
Usage: emailconverter [options] <EML-File>
-d, --debug
Debug mode
Default: false
-dc, --disable-crashreports
Do not send crash reports to the developer.
Default: false
-e, --error
Display only Error messages.
Default: false
-a, --extract-attachments
Extract Attachments.
Default: false
-ad, --extract-attachments-directory
Extract Attachments to this Directory, if this option is not present the
directory is besides the output file as "<output-filename>-attachments".
-h, --help
Print this help.
Default: false
-hh, --hide-headers
Do not add email headers (subject, from, etc.) at the beginning of the
PDF/HTML document.
Default: false
Produce HTML document instead of PDF.
Default: false
-o, --output-filepath
Filepath of the produced PDF/HTML document. If this option is ommited the
PDF/HTML will be placed alongside the EML File.
-p, --proxy
Proxy (e.g. ""). If "auto" is supplied the default
system proxy will be used.
-q, --quiet
Do not display any messages at all.
Default: false
-gui, --show-graphical-user-interface
Show graphical user interface (other parameters are ignored when using
this switch).
Default: false
-v, --version
Print the version number.
Default: false
gradlew shadowJar
Creates a single self contained Jar inbuild/libs
gradlew dist
Same asgradlew shadowJar
but additionally creates windows exe launchers inbuild/libs
for gui and console mode. This task needs the Launch4j binary in the path. -
gradlew innosetup
Creates a windows setup inbuild/innosetup
. This task needs the Launch4j binary as well as the Inno Setup issc.exe in the path. -
gradlew check
Executes the unit tests and generates various reports (jacoco, checkstyle, findbugs, jdepend, unit test report).
The code available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL). This means you have to release the source code of applications that use this software. If you can't do so you can buy a commercial license.
A Java installation is required. If you haven't installed Java yet get it here completely free.
Win32 binaries and compiled jar for non-windows Systems (MacOs, Linux, etc) can be found in Releases section.
Note: If you have another system than Windows you need to install the free wkhtmltopdf and add it's binary to your PATH variable.