(已支持sqlsugar).NetCore、.Net6、Vue2、Vue3、Vite、TypeScript、Element plus+uniapp前后端分离,全自动生成代码;支持移动端(ios/android/h5/微信小程序。
基于vue+elementui的表单设计器,可视化拖拽,让表单拖拽更加简单,持续更新中。The form designer based on Vue + elementui enables visual drag and drop, making form drag and drop easier and continuously updating.http://wurong19870715…
🔥🔥🔥 强大的低代码动态表单组件,通过JSON数据驱动表单渲染,适配移动端,支持可视化设计。提高开发者对表单的开发效率。目前在政务系统、OA系统、ERP系统、电商系统、流程管理等系统中已稳定应用。
An all-round MQTT client that provides a structured topic overview
C# Extension Methods | Over 1000 extension methods:
📚 Freely available programming books
An Icecream Store Mobile App built with .Net MAUI (XAML) + Asp.Net Core Web Api - .Net 8
The adaptive interface system for modern web experiences.
PaddleOCRSharp是一个基于百度飞桨PaddleOCR的C++代码修改并封装的.NET的OCR工具类库。包含文本识别、文本检测、表格识别功能。本项目针对小图识别不准的情况下做了优化,比飞桨原代码识别准确率有所提高。 包含总模型仅8.6M的超轻量级中文OCR,单模型支持中英文数字组合识别、竖排文本识别、长文本识别。同时支持多种文本检测。
Cross-platform internet upload/download manager for HTTP(S), FTP(S), SSH, magnet-link, BitTorrent, m3u8, ed2k, and online videos. WebDAV client, FTP client, SSH client.
A full feature platform to host and manager a Quartz.Net job using topshelf and core WebApi
Orchard Core is an open-source modular and multi-tenant application framework built with ASP.NET Core, and a content management system (CMS) built on top of that framework.
Official home of the DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) project. Previously known as "SQLite Database Browser" and "Database Browser for SQLite". Website at:
OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Framework for ASP.NET Core
dotnet new templates for IdentityServer4
This is a distributed task management system base on .Net Core platform .
Identity Server 4 视频教程配套源码
Puppeteer, Headless Chrome;爬取《es6标准入门》、自动推文到掘金、站点性能分析;高级爬虫、自动化UI测试、性能分析;