Goque provides embedded, disk-based implementations of stack, queue, and priority queue data structures.
Motivation for creating this project was the need for a persistent priority queue that remained performant while growing well beyond the available memory of a given machine. While there are many packages for Go offering queues, they all seem to be memory based and/or standalone solutions that are not embeddable within an application.
Instead of using an in-memory heap structure to store data, everything is stored using the Go port of LevelDB. This results in very little memory being used no matter the size of the database, while read and write performance remains near constant.
- Provides stack (LIFO), queue (FIFO), and priority queue structures.
- Stacks and queues (but not priority queues) are interchangeable.
- Persistent, disk-based.
- Optimized for fast inserts and reads.
- Goroutine safe.
- Designed to work with large datasets outside of RAM/memory.
Fetch the package from GitHub:
go get github.com/beeker1121/goque
Import to your project:
import "github.com/beeker1121/goque"
Stack is a LIFO (last in, first out) data structure.
Create or open a stack:
s, err := goque.OpenStack("data_dir")
defer s.Close()
Create a new item:
item := goque.NewItem([]byte("item value"))
// or
item := goque.NewItemString("item value")
Push an item:
err := s.Push(item)
Pop an item:
item, err := s.Pop()
fmt.Println(item.ID) // 1
fmt.Println(item.Key) // [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
fmt.Println(item.Value) // [105 116 101 109 32 118 97 108 117 101]
fmt.Println(item.ToString) // item value
Peek the next stack item:
item, err := s.Peek()
// or
item, err := s.PeekByOffset(1)
// or
item, err := s.PeekByID(1)
Update an item in the stack:
err := s.Update(item, []byte("new value"))
// or
err := s.UpdateString(item, "new value")
Delete the stack and underlying database:
Queue is a FIFO (first in, first out) data structure.
Create or open a queue:
q, err := goque.OpenQueue("data_dir")
defer q.Close()
Create a new item:
item := goque.NewItem([]byte("item value"))
// or
item := goque.NewItemString("item value")
Enqueue an item:
err := q.Enqueue(item)
Dequeue an item:
item, err := q.Dequeue()
fmt.Println(item.ID) // 1
fmt.Println(item.Key) // [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
fmt.Println(item.Value) // [105 116 101 109 32 118 97 108 117 101]
fmt.Println(item.ToString) // item value
Peek the next queue item:
item, err := q.Peek()
// or
item, err := q.PeekByOffset(1)
// or
item, err := q.PeekByID(1)
Update an item in the queue:
err := q.Update(item, []byte("new value"))
// or
err := q.UpdateString(item, "new value")
Delete the queue and underlying database:
PriorityQueue is a FIFO (first in, first out) queue with priority levels.
Create or open a priority queue:
pq, err := goque.OpenPriorityQueue("data_dir", goque.ASC)
defer pq.Close()
Create a new item:
item := goque.NewPriorityItem([]byte("item value"), 0)
// or
item := goque.NewPriorityItemString("item value", 0)
Enqueue an item:
err := pq.Enqueue(item)
Dequeue an item:
item, err := pq.Dequeue()
// or
item, err := pq.DequeueByPriority(0)
fmt.Println(item.ID) // 1
fmt.Println(item.Priority) // 0
fmt.Println(item.Key) // [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
fmt.Println(item.Value) // [105 116 101 109 32 118 97 108 117 101]
fmt.Println(item.ToString) // item value
Peek the next priority queue item:
item, err := pq.Peek()
// or
item, err := pq.PeekByOffset(1)
// or
item, err := pq.PeekByPriorityID(0, 1)
Update an item in the priority queue:
err := pq.Update(item, []byte("new value"))
// or
err := pq.UpdateString(item, "new value")
Delete the priority queue and underlying database:
Benchmarks were run on a Google Compute Engine n1-standard-1 machine (1 vCPU 3.75 GB of RAM):
go test -bench=.
BenchmarkPriorityQueueEnqueue 200000 8102 ns/op 442 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkPriorityQueueDequeue 200000 18602 ns/op 1161 B/op 17 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueueEnqueue 200000 7582 ns/op 399 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueueDequeue 200000 19317 ns/op 1071 B/op 17 allocs/op
BenchmarkStackPush 200000 7847 ns/op 399 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkStackPop 200000 18950 ns/op 1081 B/op 17 allocs/op
syndtr (https://github.com/syndtr) - LevelDB port to Go
bogdanovich (https://github.com/bogdanovich/siberite) - Server based queue for Go using LevelDB
connor4312 (https://github.com/connor4312) - Recommending BoltDB/LevelDB, helping with structure
bwmarrin (https://github.com/bwmarrin) - Recommending BoltDB/LevelDB
zeroZshadow (https://github.com/zeroZshadow) - Code review and optimization