alimama-common-performance platform(简称acp)是基于zookeeper的大规模分布式的性能测试平台,服务于妈妈各个业务线性能测试,acp 1.0开源版本已经发布,主要特性如下: Alimama common performance platform (ACP) is a large-scale distributed performance test platform based on zookeeper, which serves for various business performance testing. ACP 1.0 open source version has been released, and its main features are as follows:
python, based on zookeeper's distributed intelligent scheduling service / common task execution agent / http interface, can schedule ten thousand levels of agent execution tasks at the same time, the task distribution granularity is refined to the level of protocol / test-data type, and provides operation and maintenance page / Deployment script
C++ http high-performance testing tool and SDK, abstracts the pressure-generating threads into a chain management, while providing real-time statistics of indicators, perf report, qps controller, batch query reader, and support for pressure test modes such as synchronization.
python,Data persistence solution, supports mysql curl , this module is responsible for pressure testing tasks and monitoring data persistence
python based common http Protocol service,support user-defined plugins and customize execution tasks
- acp除了提供了基础的性能测试组件外,还在智能化应用在性能测试领域做了很多探索,如acp架构图所示,acp做到了基于模型/算法的无人值守性能测试,引领业界方向,结合整体架构图后续开源计划如下:
- 1:基于算法的无人值守的压测流.
- 2:请求的录制和回放功能支持.
- 3:golang&python>3.0版本支持.
- 4:c++高性能压测工具详细benchmark.
- 5:开源基于算法/模型的智能数据抽取方案.
- 6:开源后端通用指收集系统.
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- Welcome to contact and feedback with GitHub issue at [email protected]
- acp使用Apache-2.0许可证