**Today's Progress:**1st Project of "50 projects in 50 days" Course, It's called Expanding Cards which basically it's main idea is transitioning a flex property of a panel or card from a value of .5 to 5 with click event listener
Thoughts: Trying to be Consistent in coding and finish What on my table of courses and articles
Link to work: 50-Projects-in-50-days
**Todays's Progress:**As I'm into Scrimba's Scholarship" the Frontend Dev Career Path" I've done several projects with it but today I've finished a Project "Oldagram", which is like an instagram but for artworks and I added a color-detect-on-hover to it which done by using canvas. I've learned a lot about canvas and how it could be really usefull,
Thought: Challenging Myself to be consistent and not missing even one day