This repository contains supplementary materials for the paper titled "A Novel Approximation for the Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model of Locomotion" published in IEEE IROS 2023 Conference. You can access it here.
Our paper proposes a new reduced-order model for complex walking robots, and a subsequent analytical stepping and stiffness controller.
Animation Video/: Contains an animation that demonstrates the results of a simple spring-mass robot walking with the novel controller. Run main and the video file will be generated.
Figure 2/: Folder has code required to generate Figure 2 from the paper.
Figure 3/: Folder has code required to generate Figure 3 from the paper.
Figure 4/: Folder has code required to generate Figure 4 from the paper.
Figure 5/: Folder has code required to generate Figure 5 from the paper.
Derivation/: Includes the detailed derivation of the novel model presented in the paper and the Mathematica files for it.