- It's necessary for you to make sure your system have installed Go environment which version greater than 1.15.0.
If you use go mod
to manage your dependence, you can use the following command:
go get github.com/aliyun/alibabacloud-yjopenapi-go-client 1.0.20230616
import (
configuration := api.DefaultConfiguration
configuration.Host = "host"
configuration.AccessKey = "Your Access Key"
configuration.SecretKey = "Your Secret Key"
client := api.NewAPIClient(configuration)
// {{Api}},{{Method}},{{Param}} is placeholder, take a look at Explain Of Usage Placeholder
result, response, error := client.{{Api}}.{{Method}}(&model.{{Params}}{})
// OpenAPI TraceId
traceId := response.Header.Get(client.Trace_Id)
// OpenAPI Status Code
statusCode := response.Header.Get(client.Result_Status)
// OpenAPI result
_ := result
Api | Method | Params | Result | Description |
ConsoleAdminApi | ActivateDeployment | ActivateDeploymentForms | ConsoleAdminActivateDeploymentResult | 激活已部署成功的游戏版本的部署 |
ConsoleAdminApi | AdaptGameVersion | AdaptGameVersionForms | ConsoleAdminAdaptGameVersionResult | 发起游戏版本适配 |
ConsoleAdminApi | AddGameToProject | AddGameToProjectForms | ConsoleAdminAddGameToProjectResult | 将游戏添加到项目 |
ConsoleAdminApi | CreateGame | CreateGameForms | ConsoleAdminCreateGameResult | 创建游戏 |
ConsoleAdminApi | CreateProject | CreateProjectForms | ConsoleAdminCreateProjectResult | 创建项目 |
ConsoleAdminApi | DeleteGame | DeleteGameForms | ConsoleAdminDeleteGameResult | 删除指定的游戏 |
ConsoleAdminApi | DeleteGameVersion | DeleteGameVersionForms | ConsoleAdminDeleteGameVersionResult | 发起游戏版本适配 |
ConsoleAdminApi | DeleteProject | DeleteProjectForms | ConsoleAdminDeleteProjectResult | 删除指定的项目 |
ConsoleAdminApi | GetGameVersion | GetGameVersionForms | ConsoleAdminGetGameVersionResult | 获取单个游戏版本信息 |
ConsoleAdminApi | GetGameVersionProgress | GetGameVersionProgressForms | ConsoleAdminGetGameVersionProgressResult | 查询版本处理进度(包含上传、适配、部署) |
ConsoleAdminApi | ListActivateableInstances | ListActivateableInstancesForms | ConsoleAdminListActivateableInstancesResult | 指定项目和游戏版本,获取可激活且可调度的实例及调度配置 |
ConsoleAdminApi | ListActivatedInstances | ListActivatedInstancesForms | ConsoleAdminListActivatedInstancesResult | 指定项目和游戏,获取已激活版本的可调度实例及调度配置 |
ConsoleAdminApi | ListControllersOfGame | ListControllersOfGameForms | ConsoleAdminListControllersOfGameResult | 获取单个游戏关联的控制器列表 |
ConsoleAdminApi | ListDeployableInstances | ListDeployableInstancesForms | ConsoleAdminListDeployableInstancesResult | 指定项目和游戏版本,获取可以部署的实例 |
ConsoleAdminApi | ListGameVersions | ListGameVersionsForms | ConsoleAdminListGameVersionsResult | 分页获取游戏版本列表 |
ConsoleAdminApi | ListGames | ListGamesForms | ConsoleAdminListGamesResult | 分页获取游戏列表 |
ConsoleAdminApi | ListInstancesOfProject | ListInstancesOfProjectForms | ConsoleAdminListInstancesOfProjectResult | 分页获取项目中的实例 |
ConsoleAdminApi | ListProjects | ListProjectsForms | ConsoleAdminListProjectsResult | 分页获取项目列表 |
ConsoleAdminApi | RemoveGameFromProject | RemoveGameFromProjectForms | ConsoleAdminRemoveGameFromProjectResult | 将游戏移出项目 |
ConsoleAdminApi | SubmitDeployment | SubmitDeploymentForms | ConsoleAdminSubmitDeploymentResult | 提交游戏版本的部署请求 |
ConsoleAdminApi | UploadGameVersionByDownload | UploadGameVersionByDownloadForms | ConsoleAdminUploadGameVersionByDownloadResult | 一键上传:文件上传接口,用远程下载的方式生成新版本 |
DispatchApi | BatchStopGame | BatchStopGameForms | BatchStopGameResult | 游戏下全量踢下线,异步接口 |
DispatchApi | CancelGameHang | CancelGameHangForms | CancelGameHangResult | 取消游戏挂机 |
DispatchApi | GetGameConcurrency | GetGameConcurrencyForms | GetGameConcurrencyResult | 调用GetGameConcurrency获取游戏当前并发数 |
DispatchApi | GetStock | GetStockForms | GetStockResult | 调用GetStock获取游戏当前库存 |
DispatchApi | GetStopGameToken | GetStopGameTokenForms | GetStopGameTokenResult | 全量踢下线获取token |
DispatchApi | ListGameServerIp | ListGameServerIpForms | ListGameServerIpResult | 获取自己租户下的游戏服务器ip列表 |
DispatchApi | QueryGameHang | QueryGameHangForms | QueryGameHangResult | 查询游戏挂机状态 |
DispatchApi | QuerySessionStatus | QuerySessionStatusForms | QuerySessionStatusResult | 查询会话当前状态 |
DispatchApi | SetGameAlive | SetGameAliveForms | SetGameAliveResult | 设置游戏可运行时长 |
DispatchApi | SetGameHang | SetGameHangForms | SetGameHangResult | 设置游戏挂机 |
DispatchApi | StopGame | StopGameForms | StopGameResult | 服务端发起,停止某个用户的某个游戏的某个会话 |
DispatchApi | TryToGetSlot | TryToGetSlotForms | TryToGetSlotResult | 为用户调度分配游戏容器,容器一旦分配成功会被锁住,一段时间内不再分配给其他用户,过期释放。 |
InteractiveApi | GetParty | GetPartyForms | InteractiveGetPartyResult | 获取派对 |
InteractiveApi | GetPartyStatus | GetPartyStatusForms | InteractiveGetPartyStatusResult | 查询派对游戏状态 |
InteractiveApi | JoinParty | JoinPartyForms | InteractiveJoinPartyResult | 加入分配席位 |
InteractiveApi | KickOutUser | KickOutUserForms | InteractiveKickOutUserResult | 踢出派对 |
InteractiveApi | ModifySeats | ModifySeatsForms | InteractiveModifySeatsResult | 修改席位 |
InteractiveApi | ShutDownParty | ShutDownPartyForms | InteractiveShutDownPartyResult | 关闭派对 |
LiveApi | QueryStatus | QueryStatusForms | LiveQueryStatusResult | 查询推流状态 |
LiveApi | StartGameLive | StartGameLiveForms | LiveStartGameLiveResult | 开始直播推流 |
LiveApi | StopGameLive | StopGameLiveForms | LiveStopGameLiveResult | 结束直播推流 |
MultiplayApi | Close | CloseForms | MultiplayCloseResult | 关闭联机 |
MultiplayApi | Init | InitForms | MultiplayInitResult | 初始化联机 |
MultiplayApi | Join | JoinForms | MultiplayJoinResult | 加入联机 |
MultiplayApi | Leave | LeaveForms | MultiplayLeaveResult | 离开联机 |
MultiplayApi | Modify | ModifyForms | MultiplayModifyResult | 修改联机 |
MultiplayApi | Query | QueryForms | MultiplayQueryResult | 离开联机 |
TokenApi | GetPair | GetPairResult | 获取临时安全令牌(二元组) | |
TokenApi | GetTriple | GetTripleResult | 获取临时安全令牌 | |
UsercontrollerApi | DeleteGameArchive | DeleteGameArchiveForms | UsercontollerDeleteGameArchiveResult | 根据存档id删除存档纪录 |
UsercontrollerApi | GetGameTrialSurplusDuration | GetGameTrialSurplusDurationForms | UsercontollerGetGameTrialSurplusDurationResult | 查询剩余试玩游戏时长 |
UsercontrollerApi | ListLatestGameArchive | ListLatestGameArchiveForms | UsercontollerListLatestGameArchiveResult | 查询用户正常状态的最新存档纪录,按照存档时间倒序 |
UsercontrollerApi | RestoreGameArchive | RestoreGameArchiveForms | UsercontollerRestoreGameArchiveResult | 将指定的存档ID恢复为最新存档 |
UsercontrollerApi | UpdateGameArchiveTagStatus | UpdateGameArchiveTagStatusForms | UsercontollerUpdateGameArchiveTagStatusResult | 更新存档打标状态 |
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