Removebg is a library that effortlessly integrates the U2Net model, allowing users to easily remove backgrounds from images in their Android apps.
Image Cropping Library for Android, optimized for Camera / Gallery.
A SeekBar suited for showing a preview of something. As seen in Google Play Movies.
An implement of ProgressHUD for Android, similar to MBProgressHUD, SVProgressHUD for iOS.
🎬 一个专注于 Android 视频播放器的基础库,无缝切换内核。(IjkPlayer、ExoPlayer、VlcPlayer、MediaPlayer)
Android Meow Bottm Navigation
A lightweight Android material bottom navigation bar library
A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling
📟An Android library that shows the placeholder of the view.
Fast scroll for Android RecyclerView and more
Three material Dots Indicators for view pagers in Android !
Android Library to rapidly develop attractive and insightful charts in android applications.
An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
WaveView for android. A wave-like progressbar on Android which has four shapes, circle, square, heart and star.
Android Equalizer View that can also manage the audio track frequencies
This is an android video downloader which is availaible for many websites ( including Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, TikTok). It's a yt-dlp and pytube adaptation for android 8 and more.
A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
💾 Simplify Android Storage Access Framework for file management across API levels.
A fast ImageView that supports rounded corners, ovals, and circles.
dburckh / ExoPlayer
Forked from google/ExoPlayerDeprecated. See
Cheat Sheet for Android Interviews
A repository containing interview questions on DS, Java & Android based on my experiences.