Starred repositories
Readest is a modern, feature-rich ebook reader designed for avid readers offering seamless cross-platform access, powerful tools, and an intuitive interface to elevate your reading experience.
Backend of stocknear - Open Source Stock Analysis
A nicer way to view SEC 13F filings data
A package that lets you create TradingView screeners in Python
Finance application that provides more than 60 different alternative data to retail investors
fava-portfolio-returns shows portfolio returns in Fava
Custom Dashboards for Beancount in Fava
Archived. Please check instead
Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts including Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Devanagari, Cyrillic and etc.
A highly customizable macOS status bar replacement
An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons
Mellow is a rule-based global transparent proxy client for Windows, macOS and Linux. Also a Proxifier alternative.
Read-only mirror of - please open issues/merge-requests there
INFO-SPIDER 是一个集众多数据源于一身的爬虫工具箱🧰,旨在安全快捷的帮助用户拿回自己的数据,工具代码开源,流程透明。支持数据源包括GitHub、QQ邮箱、网易邮箱、阿里邮箱、新浪邮箱、Hotmail邮箱、Outlook邮箱、京东、淘宝、支付宝、中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、知乎、哔哩哔哩、网易云音乐、QQ好友、QQ群、生成朋友圈相册、浏览器浏览历史、12306、博客园、CSDN博客…
An easy script for the Mosdns basic functions, enabling you to set up a pollution-free DNS server that supports ECS in just a few minutes.
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
A beancount fava extension to add a envelope budgeting capability
Travel marker created following「中国制霸生成器」by 卜卜口 (@itorr)
SMSBoom - Deprecate: Due to judicial reasons, the repository has been suspended!