Compile pug files with files that have included it.
Gulp-pug's pug-load should handle included pug files.
Forked from pure180's gulp-pug-inheritance.
This version reimplements pug-inheritance's O(n2) dependency traversal by storing dependencies as a directed graph for O(v) lookup performance.
$ npm install @allenthich/gulp-pug-inheritance --save-dev
This example highlights processing changed source files and compiling their affected parent dependencies. This is helpful when pug compilation is used in a gulp watch task and only one pug source file hass changed. The plugin on firstCompile
creates a directed graph of dependencies based on the provided basedir
directory. It is important to note that dependencies are processed and compiled bottom-up from the changed pug file to their parent dependencies. This allows caching in later steps of the pipeline e.g. gulp-pug
, pug-load
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var pugInheritance = require('gulp-pug-inheritance');
var pug = require('gulp-pug');
var changed = require('gulp-changed');
var gulpif = require('gulp-if');
var through2 = require('through2');
// Pug source file modified timestamps
var pugSrcModifiedTs = {}
var pugBaseDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '/src/')
var firstCompile = true
* Compare file in stream against cached timestamp
* @override
* @param {Stream} stream
* @param {Vinyl} streamingFile
async function compareLastModifiedTime (stream, streamingFile) {
var filePath = path.join(pugBaseDir, streamingFile.relative)
var cachedTs = pugSrcModifiedTs[filePath]
if (streamingFile.stat && Math.floor(streamingFile.stat.mtimeMs) > Math.floor(cachedTs)) {
console.log('Detected modified file: ', filePath)
* Store modified timestamps to determine whether a file has changed
function cacheModifiedTimestamp () {
return through2.obj(function (file, enc, cb) {
var filePath = path.join(pugBaseDir, file.relative)
// Get latest timestamp from file in stream
var latestModifiedFileTs = file.stat && Math.floor(file.stat.mtimeMs)
pugSrcModifiedTs[filePath] = latestModifiedFileTs
cb(null, file)
gulp.task('pug', function() {
return gulp.src('src/**/*.pug')
// Process all files on the first compile, otherwise process changed source files
.pipe(gulpif(!firstCompile, changed('DEST_NOT_REQ', { extension: '.pug', hasChanged: compareLastModifiedTime })))
// Track source file changes
// For eligible files in the stream, find files that depend on the files that have changed
.pipe(pugInheritance({ basedir: 'src', skip: 'node_modules' }))
// Process pug files that have changed
// Save HTML