Kloudformation is a (proof of concept) 1:1 translation of AWS Cloudformation resources into Kubernetes using custom resource definitions and the Kubebuilder scaffolding. The functionality is basic, and there are a bunch of features that haven't been written yet. Additionally, the DockerSwarm resource (also proof of concept at this time) abstracts multiple resources into a ready to go Docker Swarm cluster with sensible(?) defaults.
AuthorizeEC2SecurityGroupIngress (soon to be renamed... too long) creates an ingress rule for an AWS EC2 Security Group
- ruleName # string- k8s name of the rule. Used in the finalizer applied to the security group.
- sourceCidrIp # string- ex. ""
- ec2SecurityGroupName # string- k8s name of the EC2SecurityGroup to assign the rule to.
- fromPort # integer
- toPort # integer
- ipProtocol # string- tcp, udp, icmp, or protocol number. -1 is all protocols
- EC2SecurityGroup
An EC2 instance. Launches 1 instance.
- imageId # string- AMI number.
- instanceType # string- ex. "t2.micro"
- subnetName # string- k8s name of the subnet to be launched in
- userData # string- (Use plaintext) Will be base64 encoded by the controller
- ec2KeyPair # string- k8s name of the EC2 Key pair to use with the EC2 instance
- ec2SecurityGroupName # string- k8s name of the EC2 security group to assign to the instance. Limit 1 for now.
- tags
- Subnet
- EC2KeyPair
- EC2SecurityGroup
An EC2 Keypair
- ec2KeyPairName # string- AWS name of the keypair to create
Creates an AWS EC2 Security Group.
- ec2SecurityGroupName # string- AWS name for the security group.
- vpcName # string- k8s name of the AWS VPC to place the security group in.
- description # string-
- tags
- EC2SecurityGroup
Attaches an EBS Volume to an EC2 Instance.
- devicePath # string
- volumeName # string- k8s name of the AWS Volume
- ec2InstanceName # string- k8s of the AWS EC2 instance to attach to
- Volume
- EC2Instance
Creates an AWS Elastic IP
- vpcName # string- k8s name of the AWS VPC to assign the EIP to.
- tags
Associates an EIP with an EC2 Instance.
- allocationName # string- k8s name of an EIP to assign to an EC2 instance
- ec2InstanceName # string- k8s name of the EC2 instance to assign the EIP to
- EC2Instance
Creates an AWS Internet Gateway
- vpcName # string- Unused. Need to remove.
- tags
- vpcName # string- k8s name of the VPC to attach the Internet Gateway to
- internetGatewayName # string- the k8s name of the InternetGateway to attach to the VPC
- InternetGateway
- subnetName # string- The k8s name of the Subnet to attach the NAT Gateway to
- eipAllocationName # string- the k8s name of the EIP to use with the NAT Gateway
- tags
- Subnet
Route to an InternetGateway or NATGateway. Only use one!
- destinationCidrBlock # string- the destination for the route. ex. ""
- routeTableName # string- the k8s name of the route table to assign the route to
- gatewayName # string- the k8s name of the InternetGateway to use with the route
- natGatewayName # string- the k8s name of the NATGateway to use with the route
- RouteTable
- InternetGateway
- NATGateway
- vpcName # string- the k8s name of the VPC to create the route table within
- tags
- subnetName # string- the k8s name of the subnet to associate the Route Table with
- routeTableName # string- the k8s name of the RouteTable being associated with the subnet
- Subnet
- RouteTable
- vpcName # string- the k8s name of the VPC to assign the Subnet to.
- availabilityZone # string- the AWS availability zone to place the Subnet in.
- cidrBlock # string- the CIDR range for the subnet. ex. ""
- tags
- availabilityZone # string- the AWS availability zone to place the Volume in
- size # int64- the size (in GB) of the Volume
- volumeType # string- the type of Volume. "gp2", "io1", "st1", and "sc1" are valid values.
- tags
- cidrBlock # string- CIDR range of the VPC, ex. ""
- enableDnsSupport # string
- enableDnsHostnames # string
- instanceTenancy # string
- tags
- iamInstanceProfileName # string- k8s name of the AWS Instance Profile to add the AWS Role to
- iamRoleName # string- k8s name of the AWS Role to add to the AWS Instance Profile
- IAMInstanceProfile
- Role
- iamPolicyName # string- the k8s name of the AWS IAM Policy to attach to the AWS Role.
- iamRoleName # string- the k8s name of the AWS IAM Role to which the AWS IAM Policy will be added.
- IAMPolicy
- Role
- iamInstanceProfileName # string- the AWS name of the Instance Profile to create
- path # string- the path of the Instance Profile
- description # string
- path # string- the path of the IAM Policy
- policyDocument # string- the JSON policy document that defines the policy
- policyName # string- the name to assign to the AWS IAM Policy
- assumeRolePolicyDocument # string- the JSON assume role policy document
- description # string
- maxSessionDuration # int64- maximum role session duration, in seconds
- path # string- path for Role
- roleName - # string- AWS name for the Role.
- numManagers
- numWorkers
- managerSize
- workerSize
- Need to make all names in CRDs specify aws or k8s for clarity. ex. awsKeyPairName or k8sKeyPairName.
- Need to significantly shorten some names, and just change others for clarity and ease of use.