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hummingly edited this page Jun 27, 2021 · 8 revisions

How do I export my library to another computer?

Allusion stores your tags and locations and related files in a database. This database can be exported by creating a backup in the Settings (S) > Import/Export tab clicking the Backup database to file button. Open the backup directory and copy the backup file with the current date and time (UTC) as file name formatted as backup_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.json. Move this file to your other device and import the database by clicking on the Restore database from file button in the Settings (S) > Import/Export tab and selecting the backup file.

What does Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached mean?

At the moment one location maps to one file watcher. If you have many locations, depending on the operating system you might run into the above error. The solution is to increase the limit.

TODO: Link and/or explanation to how file watchers can be increased on each operating system.