bashttpd is a basic web server.
, any recent version should worksocat
to handle the underlying sockets (I.e., 'socat TCP4-LISTEN:8080,fork EXEC:/usr/local/bin/', or 'netcat -lp 8080 -e ./')- A healthy dose of insanity
- Serves text, HTML and binary files
- Shows directory listings
Limitations (PATCHES WELCOME!):
- Does not support authentication
- No input filtering yet.
HTTP protocol support:
403: Returned when a directory is not listable, or a file is not readable
400: Returned when the first word of the first line is not GET
200: Returned with valid content
Content-type: Bashttpd uses /usr/bin/file to determine the MIME type to sent to the browser
1.0: The server doesn't support Host: headers or other HTTP/1.1 features - it barely supports HTTP/1.0!
I believe it is possible to have a fairly complete HTTP server written in shell, and I welcome any patches to it!