tmsfi (termux metasploit framework installer) is a simple python script for beginners who want to install metasploit in termux very easily. It is really a simple program to install metasploit in termux using another tool named metasploit_in_termux by gushmazuko. You can also install gushmazuko's metasploit_in_termux for installing metasploit-framework in termux
tmsfi tool clones metasploit_in_termux tool by gushmazuko and install automatically for beginners. This is actually not a tool or complete python program. This program is full of linux basics commands that's why i said. This program is also helpful for beginners in linux commands who dont know how to install metasploit in termux properly and to study metasploit-framework for pentesting. This program is completely dedicated for beginners to install metasploit simply others can leave
| install basic packages to install tmsfi |
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && pkg update && pkg upgrade
apt-get install python python2 wget -y
copy and paste below commands for installation
cd ~ && wget
#for installing packages to run tmsfi
# you can run tmsfi tool via below this command
installing tmsf program is very simple thanks for installing this program
if you facing any issues or problems in this program submit in issues with screenshot thanks...