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</> htmx - high power tools for HTML
Style Unity UIToolkit UI elements with Tailwind CSS syntax + Extra helper fonts and icons loading
React and HTML framework for Unity UI & UIToolkit
A Tailwind CSS-style UI framework for Unity's UI Toolkit
✨ A collection of awesome companies offering free/discounted plans for eligible startups
Pulumi - Infrastructure as Code in any programming language 🚀
A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance)
release canditate: https://rc.afetharita.com/
The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
The OpenTF Manifesto expresses concern over HashiCorp's switch of the Terraform license from open-source to the Business Source License (BSL) and calls for the tool's return to a truly open-source …
Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
The most powerful virtual list component for React
The implementation of a basic MAC protocol structure serves as a foundation for the development of more complex TDMA based link layer protocols.
Complete working example of using Domain Driven Design (DDD), Hexagonal Architecture, CQRS, Event Sourcing (ES), Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) using TypeScript…
⬛ 🟨 🟩 TypeScriptle - Wordle in TypeScript's type system
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
nivo provides a rich set of dataviz components, built on top of the awesome d3 and React libraries
The TypeScript-ready, minimal router and middleware layer for Next.js, Micro, Vercel, or Node.js http/http2
A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.