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add tests, fix heartbeat to compute sums correctly, unclear if its th…
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…e correct heartbeat
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alpha-convert committed Nov 30, 2024
1 parent 81fd50d commit 368335b
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Showing 5 changed files with 145 additions and 22 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bin/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
(public_name heartbeat)
(name main)
(link_flags -linkall)
(libraries heartbeat))
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
(libraries domainslib saturn)
(libraries ppx_mica domainslib saturn ppx_inline_test base_quickcheck ppx_quick_test core_bench)
(preprocess (pps ppx_mica ppx_jane ppx_inline_test ppx_quick_test))
(name heartbeat))
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
type 'a t = Empty | Node of int * 'a * 'a t * 'a t
type t = Empty | Node of int * int * t * t
[@@deriving show]

let size = function
| Empty -> 0
Expand All @@ -10,3 +11,15 @@ let view t =
match t with
| Empty -> None
| Node (_,x,l,r) -> Some (x,l,r)

let quickcheck_generator_t =
let open Base_quickcheck.Generator in
let open Let_syntax in
recursive_union [return empty] ~f:(
fun g -> [
let%bind l = g in
let%bind r = g in
let%bind x = Base_quickcheck.Generator.small_positive_or_zero_int in
return (node x l r)
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions lib/tree.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
type 'a t
type t
[@@deriving show]

val empty : 'a t
val node : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
val size : 'a t -> int
val empty : t
val node : int -> t -> t -> t
val size : t -> int

val view : 'a t -> ('a * 'a t * 'a t) option
val view : t -> (int * t * t) option

val quickcheck_generator_t : t Core.Quickcheck.Generator.t
134 changes: 119 additions & 15 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,64 @@

module type SUM = sig
val sum : int Tree.t -> int
val sum : Tree.t -> int
[@@@ocaml.warning "-60"]
module Mica =
type expr =
| Sum of Tree.t [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
type ty =
| Int [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
let gen_expr ty =
let open Core in
let open Quickcheck.Generator in
let open Let_syntax in
size >>=
(fun k ->
match (ty, k) with
| (Int, _) ->
let gen_sum =
let g__001_ = Tree.quickcheck_generator_t in
g__001_ >>| (fun e__002_ -> Sum e__002_) in
union [gen_sum])
let _ = gen_expr
module Interpret(M:SUM) =
type value =
| ValInt of int
let interp e =
match e with | Sum treet__003_ -> ValInt (M.sum treet__003_)
let _ = interp
module TestHarness(M1:SUM)(M2:SUM) =
module I1 = (Interpret)(M1)
module I2 = (Interpret)(M2)
open Core
let trials = 100
let test_int () =
Quickcheck.test (gen_expr Int)
~f:(fun e ->
match ((I1.interp e), (I2.interp e)) with
| (ValInt int__005_, ValInt int__004_) ->
([%test_eq : int]) int__005_ int__004_)
let _ = test_int
let run_tests () = test_int ()
let _ = run_tests
end[@@ocaml.doc "@inline"]

1. Normal Recursive tree sum.
Expand All @@ -28,7 +85,7 @@ end
(* 3 Defunctionalized CPS'd tree sum . *)
module CPSDefunc : SUM = struct
type kont = Id
| Recur of int Tree.t * kont (* Accum (t,k) ~~ fun a -> k (a + sum x) *)
| Recur of Tree.t * kont (* Accum (t,k) ~~ fun a -> k (a + sum x) *)
| Accum of int * kont (* Accum (x,k) ~~ fun a -> k (a + x)*)
let rec apply k a =
match k with
Expand All @@ -49,7 +106,7 @@ Sum' turns into a function int tree -> icont -> unit, which writes its result to

module ICPSDefunc : SUM = struct
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of int Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont

let rec apply k a =
match k with
Expand All @@ -69,7 +126,7 @@ end

module TR_ICPS_Defunc : SUM = struct
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of int Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
let rec apply k a =
let k_ref = ref k in
let a_ref = ref a in
Expand All @@ -93,7 +150,7 @@ end
6. Inline apply into the definiton of sum'
module Inlined_TR_ICPS_Defunc : SUM = struct
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of int Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
let rec sum' t k =
match Tree.view t with
| None ->
Expand All @@ -113,8 +170,8 @@ end

(*7. compltely inlined and constant stack space. *)
module Complete : SUM = struct
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of int Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
let rec sum' t k =
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
let sum' t k =
let t = ref t in
let k = ref k in
let sum_quit = ref false in
Expand All @@ -140,8 +197,8 @@ module Complete : SUM = struct

module CompleteLiftAcc : SUM = struct
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of int Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
let rec sum' t k =
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont
let sum' t k =
let t = ref t in
let k = ref k in
let acc = ref 0 in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,15 +240,18 @@ end
else (incr beats; false)

type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of int Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont | Join of (unit T.promise)
type kont = Store of int ref | Recur of Tree.t * kont | Accum of int * kont | Join of (int ref) * (unit T.promise) * kont

(* with uniquness this could be in-place. *)
let [@tail_mod_cons] rec try_promote k =
match k with
| Store dst -> Store dst
| Accum (n,k) -> Accum (n, try_promote k)
| Recur (t,k) -> Join (T.async pool (fun () -> sum' t k))
| Join p -> Join p
| Recur (t,k) ->
let r = ref 0 in
let p = T.async pool (fun () -> sum' t (Store r)) in
Join (r,p,k)
| Join (r,p,k) -> Join (r,p,try_promote k)

and sum' t k =
let t = ref t in
Expand All @@ -212,7 +272,11 @@ end
k := Accum (!a_ref,k');
apply_quit := true
| Accum (x,k') -> a_ref := !a_ref + x; k := k'
| Join p -> T.await pool p; apply_quit := true; sum_quit := true
| Join (r,p,k') ->
T.await pool p;
a_ref := !a_ref + !r;
k := k'
(* apply_quit := true; sum_quit := true *)
| Some (x,l,r) ->
t := l;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,4 +306,44 @@ end) : SUM = struct
x + nl + nr

let sum t = pool (fj_sum t)

let%test_unit "Recursive/CPS" =
let open Mica.TestHarness(Recursive)(CPS) in
run_tests ()

let%test_unit "Recursive/Complete" =
let open Mica.TestHarness(Recursive)(Complete) in
run_tests ()

let%test_unit "Complete/CompleteLiftAcc" =
let open Mica.TestHarness(Complete)(CompleteLiftAcc) in
run_tests ()

let%test_unit "Complete/Heartbeat" =
let module Params = struct
let num_domains = 4
let heartbeat_rate = 3
end in
let module HB = HeartbeatSum(Params) in
let open Mica.TestHarness(Complete)(HB) in
run_tests ()

let%test_unit "Recursive/Heartbeat" =
let module Params = struct
let num_domains = 4
let heartbeat_rate = 3
end in
let module HB = HeartbeatSum(Params) in
let open Mica.TestHarness(Recursive)(HB) in
run_tests ()

let%test_unit "Recursive/ForkJoin" =
let module Params = struct
let num_domains = 4
let fork_cutoff = 10
end in
let module HB = ForkJoinSum(Params) in
let open Mica.TestHarness(Recursive)(HB) in
run_tests ()

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