The code in this repo hasn't been changed since 5th December, 2012 - it probably still works, but the focus of our work on VMWare vCloud has moved into the Fog library via our new vcloud-tools repo. This code is MIT Licensed, so feel free to fork and amend it for your needs.
A set of commandline utilities to aid working with the VMWare vCloud API.
At the moment, vcloudtools
is pretty minimal, but there's still enough
here to be useful. In addition to a Python API client
), there's a series of small command line
utilities to help interact with vCloud Director's HTTP API.
is available on the Python Package Index:
$ pip install vcloudtools
First, tell vcloudtools
where your vCloud Director API is by adding an
environment variable to your .bash_profile
or similar:
$ echo "export VCLOUD_API_ROOT=" >> ~/.bash_profile $ exec $SHELL
Then, login to the VCD API:
$ eval `vcloud-login`
You can now use vcloudtools
without further authentication hassles. So
far, the available tools include vcloud-org
$ vcloud-org list $ vcloud-org show My-Org-Name
will emit JSON, which you can parse with jsontool or similar.
You can also manually browse the API with vcloud-browse
$ vcloud-browse /session $ vcloud-browse /org/7318a9a7-cc79-4f88-b8f8-ddddec6873f8
Please make sure you run the tests with:
$ pip install tox $ tox
is released under the MIT license, a copy of which can be
found in LICENSE