This is the code for EMNLP 2018 paper:
L.M. Rojas-Barahona, B-H Tseng, Y. Dai, C. Mansfield, O. Ramadan, S. Ultes, M. Crawford, M. Gasic.
Deep learning for language understanding of mental health concepts derived from Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy. EMNLP 2018. Workshop LOUHI.
It implements 3 deep learning models and 2 non-deep-learning models:
Classifier | Input Feature | Weighted AVG. F1 score with 1:1 oversampling |
Logistic Regression (LR) | Bag-of-words (BOW) | 0.515 +- 0.004 |
Support Vector Machine (SVM) | Bag-of-words (BOW) | 0.550 +- 0.000 |
Fully-connected Neural Network (FNN) | PVDM document embedding | 0.512 +- 0.006 (300 dimension) |
Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) | SkipThought sentence embedding | 0.560 +- 0.004 (300 dimension) |
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | GloVe word embedding | 0.598 +- 0.010 (300 dimension) |
All the deep learning models and non-deep-learning models are trained and evaluated on NAUM data.
The corpus is dialog data of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) domain. It consists of 500K written posts that users anonymously posted on the Koko platform. There are only 5056 posts have been labelled by professional pychologists. An example of an annotated Koko post is below.
In the ontology of CBT, there are 3 supercategories : emotions, thinking errors and situations. Each of them has multiple subcategories. The follwing dictionary shows the CBT ontology. More examples and details can be found in our paper.
"emotions": [
"thinking_errors": [
"situations": [
NAUM data is currently not published, for more information please contact Dr. Gasic {[email protected]}
- Tensorflow-gpu 1.8
- NLTK 3.3
- Gensim 3.4.0
- Scikit-learn 0.19.1
My environment is Ubantu 16.04 and python 3.6, others have not been tested yet and the program may fail due to inconsistency.
Before starting, please take a look at config.ini file, it contains all the hyperparameters for model training. You can adjust them as you need.
1. Preprocess raw data.
We need to clean the raw data and preprocess them into readable files.
Using commands:
$ cd NAUM
$ python --parsing=unlabelled_data
It will build the word vocabulary and the following files:
- training_data_for_GloVe.txt
- training_data_for_SkipThought.json
- training_data_for_PVDM.json
And then by using:
$ python --parsing=labelled_data
we can get the cleaned labelled data file:
- NAUM_labelled_data.json
All the data files are saved automatically in NAUM/Data/
dir. All the intermediate results and models generated in the following steps will be saved in the save_dir
set in the config.ini
2. Training embedding models
GloVe model is for word embeddings training.
SkipThought model is for sentence embeddings training.
PVDM model is for document embeddings training.
You could use the following commands:
$ python --model=GloVe --vector_size=300 --mode=training
$ python --model=SkipThought --vector_size=300 --mode=training
$ python --model=PVDM --vector_size=300 --mode=training
vector size
(default 100) means word embedding size, sentence embedding size and
document embedding size for GloVe, SkipThought and PVDM respectively. In our paper, we set it as 100 and 300, but you can
change it as any dimension as you want.
After training, GloVe model will output a vocabulary file of word vectors , e.g.GloVe_vectors_300d.pkl
SkipThought model will output a dir containing tensorflow ckpt model, e.g. SkipThoughtModel_300d
PVDM model will automatically save the model somewhere by gensim.
3. Transforming posts into embeddings
After training the embeddings, SkipThought and PVDM embeddings
need to be used to transform labelled posts into distributed representation
before training classifier. For GloVe, in order to save the memory, labelled posts are transformed at the
same time of training classifier by looking up GloVe word vectors.
By these commands:
$ python --model=SkipThought --vector_size=300 --mode=testing
$ python --model=PVDM --vector_size=100 --mode=testing
You could get following training data files for GRU-SkipThought and FNN-PVDM respectively
- data_sentence_embedded_300d.pkl
- data_document_embedded_100d.pkl
Input $ python --model=CNN --vector_size=300 --mode=testing
, however, will give you a picture of T-SNE visulization
to see how your word vectors are distributed.
You can also generate a story by inputing the first sentence into Skip-thought models. The follwing sentences are generated through random sampling.
$ python --model=SkipThought --vector_size=300 --mode=generating
4. Training classifier models
In this code, CNNs take GloVe word embeddings as input, GRUs take SkipThought sentence embeddings as input and FNNs take PVDM doc embeddings. You have to revise the code if you want to try different combinations. Two non-deep-learning baselines are logistic regression and SVM.
In our experiments, we use 10-fold cross validation and 5 seeds(multiple independent experiments) for each label(subcategory). The command is like follows:
$ python --model=CNN_GloVe --vector_size=300 --mode=training --seed=1 --label=Anxiety --round_id=1 --oversampling_ratio=1
where model
can take CNN_GloVe
five values.
takes postive int number , indicating the seed
th independent experiment.
can take int number [1,10], indicating the round_id
th cross validation.
takes 0,1,3,5,7, indicating no oversampling, oversampling ratio 1:1,
1:3, 1:5 and 1:7. As for label
, please use the same name for all values given in the CBT_ontology.json file,
e.g. 'Anger', 'Black_and_white', 'Over-generalising', etc.
By running the command above, the test F1 scores are acquired by early stopping mechanism and all intermediate
metric results are output into a txt file, such as
The same for other deep learning models, for example, input command
$ python --model=GRU_SkipThought --vector_size=100 --mode=training --seed=2 --label=Blaming --round_id=3 --oversampling_ratio=0
can get you GRU_SkipThought_100d_Results/seed2/Blaming/oversampling_ratio0/round3/results.txt
For non-deep-learning models, you don't need to input the vector_size
5. Evaluating classifier models
For one classifier model with a certain vector_size
, after getting its complete results of all seeds, all subcategories, 10 cross validations, 5 oversampling ratios (that's 5*31*10*5=7750 files in our experiment). You could evaluate final results using the command like:
$ python --model=CNN_GloVe --vector_size=100 --mode=evaluating
This will automatically generate an excel file recording all metrics (precision, recall, F1, accuracy, TP, TN, FP, FN) and a json file recording the predictions of
labelled data for CNN_GloVe_100d_Results
Final F1 scores reported in paper are calculated by averaging 10-fold cross validation results, and then to get the mean and variance by 5 seeds . Final predictions for each labelled data are calculated by majority voting (we only use oversampling ratio 1:1 results to predict).
Note: If you find any bugs, please contact [email protected]. Thank you !