An open graph image generator for Creative Commons projects.
Use the Google Cloud Speech API to transcribe audio files from a podcast.
Simple 4Geeks Payments API Client for NodeJS.
Hooks, Context Providers, and Components that make it easy to interact with Firebase.
🔥 A Relay inspired library for building React.js + Firebase applications. 🔥
setaris / django-quickbooks
Forked from hiidef/django-quickbooksDjango Quickbooks App
NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions
A modern, ajax-based appearance for django comments
Independent technology for modern publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
Port of Android's version of ZXing library app to Google Glass
NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE!! An automated single command environment for java/jee development using oracle JDK 7, tomcat7, maven and git.
An example Google AppEngine Cloud Endpoints project using third-party authentication
Turn web user activity into a analyzable stream of JSON event data
App Engine-Cloud Storage custom client library
Bootstrap 5 & Material Design UI KIT
AngularJS service to handle Rest API Restful Resources properly and easily
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
AngularJS implementation of the RDash admin dashboard theme
Trivial Python 2.7 App Engine app based on
Fork of gae-init with Google Cloud Storage
A jQuery plugin that allows you dynamically add new forms to a rendered django formset.
Django backends for App Engine (datastore, mail, ...)
Domain-driven e-commerce for Django