Web UI for V2 of the Across Protocol.
- App: https://across.to
- Docs: https://docs.across.to/v2
- Medium: https://medium.com/across-protocol
Clone this repository, install deps and create an .env.local
file by running:
cp .env.example .env.local
Adjust values in the created .env.local
Start the frontend with a dev server by running:
yarn start
yarn build
yarn test
We use cypress for handling integration tests. To run the tests locally, first make sure to have a local dev sever running:
yarn start
If you want to start the cypress UI run:
yarn cypress:open
If you want to run the tests from the CLI, run:
yarn cypress:run
Per default cypress expects the frontend running on http://localhost:3000
To change that run:
CYPRESS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3333 yarn cypress:run
Navbar - 1000 Toast - 99999
Have a look at CONTRIBUTING to get more information on contributions and best practices.
In order to run Cypress e2e tests locally, you must do the following:
- Define HARDHAT_INFURA_ID to your desired infura project ID in .env.
- Run the following:
docker compose -f hardhat-node.yml up