Tutorial for using custom ringbacks with Dahua VTOs and freePBX with automatic changes for holidays, events, birthdays, time of day, etc.
Based on original information found at
Create a pjSIP extension for your VTO in freePBX
- Go to Applications → Extensions
- Click on Quick Create Extension
- Type → SIP [chan\_pjsip]
- Extension Number → The extension of your VTO (I used 8001)
- Display Name → What you want your caller ID to show up as (I used Doorbell)
- Outbound Caller ID → Leave this blank
- Email Address → Leave this blank
- Click Next
- Enable Find ME/Follow Me → No
- Create User Manager User → No preference, but usually No
- Enable Voicemail → No
- Click Finish
- Click Apply Config
- Click the Pencil Icon to Edit the newly created extension
- Click on the Advanced Tab
- Scroll down to Extension Options
- Internal Auto Answer → Intercom
- Intercom Mode → Enabled
- These will allow you to dial the VTO directly with auto answer by the VTO from your softphone
Create additional extensions for softphones, tablets, etc. as necessary
Go to Applications → Ring Groups
- Click on Add Ring Group
- Ring-Group Number → 8999 (any number you want, but remember it)
- Group Description → Quick description of this ring group
- Extension List → List each extension you want to ring as a group on separate lines
- Destination if no answer → Voicemail
- Select a main extension with (Busy)
- Click Submit
- Click Apply Config
- Click on Add Ring Group
Go to Applications → Extensions
- Click on Quick Create Extension
- Type → Virtual
- Extension Number → The extension of your virtual call group (I used 9001)
- Display Name → Virtual Extension to Call Group
- Outbound Caller ID → Leave this blank
- Email Address → Leave this blank
- Click Next
- Enable Find ME/Follow Me → Yes
- Create User Manager User → No preference, but usually No
- Enable Voicemail → No
- Click Finish
- Click Apply Config
- Click the Pencil Icon to Edit the newly created extension
- Edit extension 9001
- Go to Find-ME/Follow Me Tab
- Follow-Me List → 8999#
- Click Submit
- Click Apply Config
- Go to Find-ME/Follow Me Tab
- Log into VTO webpage and go to Local Settings
Fill in the following (and remember for later)
- The your VTO will be calling (The virtual extension we created in freePBX)
- Your VTOs extension
Go to Local Settings → Video & Audio → Audio
Disable all sounds except for Ringback Sound
Go to Network → SIP Server
- SIP Server → Disabled
- Server Type → select either Asterisk or Third-Party
- IP Address → Your freePBX Server Address
- Port → The port required for your extension registration (I used pjSIP, so my port is 5060)
- Username → the extension reserved in freePBX for your VTO
- Password → Secret found in freePBX for Extension 8001
- SIP Domain → VDP
- SIP Server Username → Leave Blank
- SIP Server Password → I used the same secret for Extension 8001 here
- Click Save
- Go to Settings → Music on Hold
- Click +Add Category
- Category Name → the name of your holiday, event, etc, or your default ringback (MeowMix is the default for my example)
- Type → Files
- Click Submit
- Click Apply Config
- Click +Add Category
- Click Edit for the new category (MeowMix)
- Type → Files
- Enable Random Play → If you want a mix of songs to be played, select Yes
- I did this for Halloween and Christmas
- Convert Upload/Files To → g722, sin, ulaw, wav
- After selecting conversions click Browse
- Select the music file you want to make a ringback
- continue uploading files to the specific category by selecting Browse
- Click Submit
- Click OK
- Click Apply Config
- Go to Admin → Config Edit
- Click extensions_custom.conf (this is where all of the details come into play)
- First, let's create some music categories for the ringback
- Create a Label
- [meowmix-music]
- Create some functions
- exten => s,1,Dial(PJSIP/8004&PJSIP/8005,30,m(MeowMix))
- exten => 9001,2,Hangup()
- looking at the first line, here is how it is used
- s → specifically defined extension in Asterisk
- 1 → priority of the function for the specific function label we created
- Dial → instruction
- PJSIP/8004&PJSIP/8005
- these are the specific extensions that will receive the call from the VTO
- if you want more extensions called (example a SIP extension 8006), then it would look like:
- exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/8006,30,m(MeowMix))
- I have not figured out the syntax for Virtual Extensions or Ring Groups, yet here.
- 30 → the time in seconds the ringback plays
- m(MeowMix) → the On Hold Music category we are selecting for this category
- 9001 → the extension that will be dialed by the VTO
- Hangup() → instructs the system to hangup after the time we selected for music to play if no answer
- Create a Label
- First, let's create some music categories for the ringback
- Now, we will instruct freePBX on what to do when the VTO calls and automate how the ringback is selected
- These instructions must be before the labels created for the music categories
- create the label
- [from-internal-custom]
- Define the functions
- exten => 9001,1,Ringing()
- tells the system if 9001 is dialed to ring as 1st priority
- exten => 9001,2,Answer()
- Allows extension 9001 to be answered as the 2nd priority
- exten => 9001,3,GotoIfTime(00:00-23:59,\*,\*,oct?halloween-music,s,1)
- Priority is important here as the highest priority (lowest number) match will take priority over any other match
- We use the GotoIfTime function to automate the parameters of when a specific music On Hold Category will be played category
- The syntax of GotoIfTime for our example is:
- GotoIfTime(<time range>,<days of week range>,<days of month range>,<months range>?[Label if true],[extension],[priority])
- So our example will play Halloween Music any time, any day, and on any date in October
- See line 6 in the photo for an example that is a little more defined around St. Patrick's Day
- The last line for this label, use Goto for the default ringtone music Group you want to use
- Click Save and then Apply Config (may have to reboot freePBX to take effect)