- Seattle
- alvinwan.com
- @lvinwan
- Pro
clooey Public
Python command line interface (CLI) to an HTML form
TexSoup Public
fault-tolerant Python3 package for searching, navigating, and modifying LaTeX documents
notion2markdown Public
python export for notion pages to markdown
Standalone C++ implementation of raytracing and rasterization without external frameworks. C++ port of Javascript demos from "Computer Graphics from Scratch"
shiftresnet-cifar Public
ResNet with Shift, Depthwise, or Convolutional Operations for CIFAR-100, CIFAR-10 on PyTorch
timefhuman Public
Convert natural language date-like strings--dates, date ranges, and lists of dates--to Python objects
guide-to-hacking Public
source code for my "Guide to Hacking" tutorials
pymini Public
simplify, minify, and obfuscate python
simple-flask-google-login Public
Convenience utility for Flask Google login
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 28, 2023 -
neural-backed-decision-trees Public
Making decision trees competitive with neural networks on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImagenet200, Imagenet
sign-language-translator Public
Real-Time Sign Language Translation using Computer Vision
tricking-neural-networks Public
Fooling a neural network with adversarial examples
emotion-based-dog-filter Public
Real-time Emotion-Based, Snapchat-esque Dog Filter using Computer Vision
codegen Public
Google Forms add-on that generates codes upon form submission, 239k+ downloads (2024)
three.depth.js Public
Plugin to display and download three.js depth maps, with equirectangular 360 and aframe support
Waymo-Dataset-Tool Public
Forked from RalphMao/Waymo-Dataset-ToolA tool to download waymo open dataset (https://github.com/waymo-research/waymo-open-dataset) and convert it from TFrecord to general format
Python UpdatedDec 1, 2021 -
synscapes Public
unofficial pytorch dataloaders for synscapes
webopencv Public
Python package for accessing your webcam with a 1-click Glitch setup, without installing anything locally. Streams client-side video to a server-side Python script.
quupod Public
in-session questions queue, used by ~3100 students at UC Berkeley
webfscholar Public
Generate publications webpage from a google scholar
Training a neural network to recognize handwritten digits (MNIST), using PyTorch
piipod Public
staff and event management, with Google calendar sync
hand-tracking-pong Public
Real-time Hand-Tracking Pong Game
nbdt-pytorch-image-models Public
Neural-Backed Decision Tree sample integration with pytorch-image-models
visualizing-neural-networks Public
Visualizing a neural network with saliency maps and neural-backed decision trees
mirrorvr Public
live, desktop mirror for web-based virtual reality app running on mobile
lightful Public
Real-Time multiplayer puzzle game in virtual reality
aframe-low-poly Public
low poly add-ons for aframe virtual reality