R package for quality control of plink genetic datasets
How to calculate raked propensity scores for the ABCD Study cohort
Drop down an interactive R or Python console, code editor, and plotting window from the top of your Quarto slides.
The Polygenic Score Catalog Calculator is a nextflow pipeline for polygenic score calculation
Adding random effects model to the METAL software
R package for retrospective association testing for longitudinal binary traits
Harmonization of multi-site imaging data with ComBat
Harmonizing neuroimaging data across scanners and sites
Code for manuscript: Neuroanatomical correlates of impulsivity in children aged 9 to 10
Lasso method for the estimation of joint genetic effects in GWAS
R library for structural neuroimaging. Provides high-level functions to access (read and write) and visualize surface-based brain morphometry data for individuals and groups.
Browser for the results of a gene-PC based pheWAS in the UK Biobank
Statistical Rethinking Course for Jan-Mar 2023
DeepLoop robustly identifies enhancer-promoter interactions from low-depth and single-cell Hi-C data
Detailed and tailored guide for undergraduate students or anybody want to dig deep into the field of AI with solid foundation.
A tool to build a website to browse hundreds or thousands of GWAS.
A web tool for browsing publicly available RNA-seq datasets and derived co-expression networks.