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A UI components library compatible with Ember.js
Examples and documentation on how to use each component can be viewed at which is served from the gh-pages branch of this repository.
- sl-alert
- sl-button
- sl-calendar
- sl-chart (only free for non-commercial use without a Highcharts license)
- sl-checkbox
- sl-date-picker
- sl-date-range-picker
- sl-date-time
- sl-dialog
- sl-drop-button
- sl-grid
- sl-input
- sl-loading-icon
- sl-menu
- sl-pagination-controls
- sl-pagination-info
- sl-pagination-per-page-select
- sl-panel
- sl-progress-bar
- sl-radio
- sl-radio-group
- sl-select
- sl-span
- sl-tab-panel
- sl-textarea
- sl-tooltip
Provides an advanced implemention of the modal component.
The documentation is viewable at addon/mixins/docs/
Provides an advanced implemention of the modal component.
The documentation is viewable at addon/mixins/docs/
Use this mixin on a view when you need to notify its controller of any of the following events:
- didInsertElement
- willClearRender
- willDestroyElement
- willInsertElement
Most usually employed by a controller being used to back an implementation of the sl-grid system, this mixin should be used whenever pagination support for a data set is desired.
Requires either the use of sl-ember-store or the use of a metaData property on your Array Controller's model data for the mixin to work correctly.
arguments: component name, optional bound properties
Render the component referenced by name. Bound properties can be passed to the component in the normal fashion.
Utility Classes
Provides an abstraction between the events the sl-menu component listens for and the ability to associate any keyboard shortcuts in your application to trigger them.
All of this functionality is provided through a combination of leveraging the best-of-breed of other component offerings as well as our own implementations when the existing offerings were deficient. Existing offerings that were leveraged include:
While this library is MIT licensed not all of the third-party component libraries are. Specifically, Highcharts is only free for non-commercial use and requires a license for any other use. See this FAQ page for more information.
Other libraries that are not MIT licensed, though it should not pose a problem, are:
git clone
this repositorynpm install
bower install
ember server
- View the demo at http://localhost:4200
For more information on using ember-cli, visit
ember ember-cli-jsoc
ornpm run docs
(shortcut setup in this repo)- Visit http://localhost:4200/docs
ember install sl-ember-components
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-less
Modify Brocfile.js
file to add:
development : 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js',
production : 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js'
Create app/styles/app.less
file. Then add to it:
@import 'sl-ember-components';
Examples and documentation on how to use each component can be viewed at
Employs Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
sl-ember-components and its source files are Copyright © 2014-2015 SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. The software is MIT Licensed
sl-ember-components leverages several third-party libraries which are not all MIT licensed. Specifically, Highcharts is only free for non-commercial use and requires a license for any other use. See this FAQ page for more information.
Other libraries that are not MIT licensed, though it should not pose a problem, are:
This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.