It is an basic app for PUB/SUB application using EventMachine and Websocket
- Install Dependency
bundle install
- Start creating your database
rake db:create && rake db:migrate
- Start Rails server
rails server
- Start Chat Server
Default port where em_chat run is 8080
if you ever happen to change this please do make the necesary changes in
The app was developed for understanding html5 websocket and event machine.
In the process we came with some hack to fix some known issue like page refresh
Once the User is logged in the a default web-socket connection is establish
This connection only need is to notify users
If the users wish initiate a channel he/she can do this by clicking the list of active users
We started with this application with aim of understand html5 web-socket and we havent tested this on any of our
live project so we are unsure of how much reliable the application would be on heavy load
If you every happen to test this on your live production site . We would love to hear on that